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Weird Paranormal stuff going on

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Posted 06-25-2011 at 02:18 PM by AlexMcDermott

I copied this from a website about one of my favorite books. Really strange shit.

You can add your stories here:

AS Promotions is a small PR company out of Eugene Oregon. We recently picked up a novel titled Verland: The Transformation. We’ve
been running the normal, routine promotional campaign… until recently.

It started with one fan and a story about a hawk. In her email, she told us about how her life’s been bad in general lately. Reading was a break from the stress and she was midway through Verland: The Transformation. While at the gym, a massive hawk perched on a branch
right outside the window in front of her. It stared at her… considered her as she put it. She said her first thoughts were of Elle out in Malibu Days later, she had a job interview and felt much more peaceful about the future. A strange and mystic experience to say the least, and we posted it on our fan page. Several days later, we received another story
about a magical connection between the book and a fan. Two more have arrived in our inbox since then and over steaming mugs of tea, we
began to ponder. What if there is something in this book? How many stories does it take to start believing? How many more are out there?
All of the stories have a connection between something in the book and a magical, paranormal moment in the reader’s life. Very odd to say the least…

So… we decided to put these stories up on our site and let you decide. Is there something about this book that defies scientific boundaries? If you have had an experience with the book, please let us know and we
will add your story to the growing list. We have no experience in paranormal phenomena whatsoever.
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