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To Ashes - Prologue

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Posted 09-08-2009 at 09:33 AM by Grimspective

Prologue part I


The road snaked along the rural fields and cut through the dense forests of Maine. Like a jet black serpent winding its way along a pure white canvas. It wound itself around hills and the silent landscape as the snow fell in large white puffs. Along the spine of this great serpent sped a sleek black car. Its smooth body recalled images of water flowing over a stone in a stream bed. The shine of this automobile gave it the appearance of being crafted of the finest marble. the quiet hum of its powerful engine barely disturbed the silent air. The air was impossibly silent, reverent and even a little foreboding, as if the life of the planet itself was intent on watching the journey of this vehicle and the charges it carried inside. Inside Alexander Rowanson, his daughter Anita, and his young son Owen. A chubby little child who had never spoken a word. Yet in his deep green eyes was the spark of wonder and wisdom. His short curly blond hair came down in ringlets. The family was gazing merrily at the landscape set before them. Then the automobile slowed to a stop. Alexander with a reverent sigh got out of the car. Alexander, a tall man standing at about six feet tall, his long black hair tumbled about his shoulders in lively curls. He stared at an ancient tree with his deep almost inhuman green eyes. His cheeks, shallow and inwardly curved, crinkled as his thin lips broke into a smile. He was a strong man, exuding a gentle strength that could never be broken down. He strode over to the ancient oak tree standing benevolently by the side of the road, it seemed to guard and watch over the field that lay behind its beautiful sweeping branches. Anita, watching curiously from the car, was a small girl. Her pale skin helped to enhance her deep red hair, and sharp blue eyes. She took after her father with thin lips and shallow cheeks, she had a small nose that came to a slight point. Her mind was an open book, as curious as a child could be, she wished to learn everything, and it showed in her every action. She stared at the tree and felt a benevolent warmth wash over her, yet an all consuming abyss that threatened to swallow her whole. It was as though the tree wished to consume her, to protect her and tell her the ancient secrets of old. Anita shook it off feeling silly. Anita did however find it very strange that the leaves had not dropped, nor had they even changed colors. As she stared at the tree in wonder her father reached up and patted the tree warmly. Then he turned and walked slowly back to the car. He slid into it’s warm interior after shaking off the large fluffy flakes.
“What were you doing dad?” Anita asked simply.
“That tree is very old and blessed deeply with ancient wisdoms and magicks,” Alexander said softly.
“Magic?” Anita repeated with awe.
“Not exactly, Magic and Magicks are not the same thing, although close. Hmm,” He pondered for a moment poking the scruff that would soon become a beard on his strong chin. “How do I explain this to an eight year old? Magic is, well it is the exaggeration of magicks. People like to tell stories, and in stories people like to make things more dramatic than they really are. Well magic is just someone telling a story about Magicks and making it more dramatic,” Alexander explained falteringly, “Understand?” he asked uncertainly.
“Not at all,” Anita replied flatly.
“Someday you will,” Alexander sighed.
“Yes Anita?”
“Who’s that?” Anita pointed her little index finger out across the road to a dark figure standing in the field.
“I, don’t know,” Alexander replied hesitantly. Alexander stared out the window again but the figure was gone. Instinctively he looked up into the rear view mirror and standing behind them in the distance was the same figure. Alexander’s eyes fell as did his heart. Alexander’s eyes rose slowly, and rested on the figure standing in front of them an equal distance away. Alexander’s heart pounded. His adrenaline began to pump through him thickly. It made his every sense skittish, almost hyper-aware. It had been a long time. He thought darkly.
“Anita stay here, and whatever happens, protect your brother.” Alexander glanced back at the child who gurgled happily hugging a stuffed teddy bear.
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