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My writing is a known cause of lunacy. Don't pass this warning off as such.
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Skip Reading This One - It's Absent and there is no point to it

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Posted 02-03-2010 at 09:52 AM by Good Super Villain

Mukhos – Secret Place Found
..........So there is a beautiful woman. She is a Goddess to some and a Demon to others. Here she is home and neither of these. Here she is just Legna Dekciw. Legna looked out her castle window and across the vast expanse of forest covered hills that seemed to stretch all the way to the horizon. It was so beautiful seeing the day’s last rays of sunshine catch the tree tops making them look like flickering flames. She would sit at this window every evening and wonder what was beyond the horizon. She felt trapped in her castle and stuck in a life less than ordinary. She craved adventure and that spark of excitement in her heart.
……….One night she called out just as darkness blanketed the day. “I am so tired of all of this. I would do anything to escape this. Anything.” A Fairy by the name of Foster heard her cries and was soon standing on the ledge of her window. He was a typical fairy and he stood there silent as he watched her change into her night garments. He sighed as her dress came off of her shoulders and slid down her curvy body to the floor. Then as she bent over to pick up her sleeping robe her beauty caused him to become faint and he fell off the ledge, landing on his head on the stone floor. He quickly shook himself off, flew over to her and hovered at breast level. She tried to swat him away a couple of times but couldn’t. She quickly put on her robe and sat on her bed and hid behind its curtains.
……….He spoke to her in the tiniest of voices, “Did you say, anything?” Legna nodded yes. Then Foster waved his wand around and the room began to spin. Soon it looked like the castle itself was disappearing. Within a moment Legna was standing on the edge of an ocean. She was still in her sleeping robe and her bare feet sank in the warm sand. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. The roaring of waves crashing on the beach was so beautiful to her. She looked around for the fairy but he was nowhere to be found. Suddenly she felt panic. Where the hell was she? How would she get home?
……….Then far off in the distance she saw a man riding a horse. It looked like he was riding towards her. She called out to him and waved her arms frantically. The man rode to her. He was rugged and very tough looking. Not really her type at all but for some reason he looked handsome to her. As he stepped off of the horse he spoke to her in a deep and strong voice, “You look lost. Unless you always go swimming in your night clothes. I have to admit a swim does sound like a good idea. My name is Alyx. Care to join me?” He pulled off his shirt and Legna quickly noticed a few scars on his masculine chest. Then he dropped his pants. His ass was as white as a sheet and she was fixated on it as he ran into the ocean. She was bewildered. Standing there she could not take her eyes off of Alyx. For a second she was embarrassed, but it quickly passed when her eyes caught his. She did not even look away as he returned from the water. She caught herself staring at it and wondering naughty thoughts. He walked right up to her and smiled. She could just not help herself and kept on staring at his body. He smiled again, “Looking is one thing but if you want to touch me you will have to catch me.” Then, while still naked, he ran along the beach. She thought this was stupid but before she noticed, she was chasing him down the beach. Then in a puff of smoke he vanished. She looked everywhere and finally saw him bent over by his horse putting his clothes back on. She walked over to him. He smiled as she asked, “Where the fuck am I?” He climbed on his horse and with great strength pulled her up behind him. “Put your arms around me. We ride to town. There I will tell you everything. Welcome to the secret place. A place where only a very few in existence ever gets to see. Welcome to Mukhos.”
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