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Conversation Between Komakino and Lin
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Komakino
    05-30-2009 11:10 AM
    Ah, thanks for the message! Good day. =]
  2. Lin
    05-29-2009 04:28 PM
    Excuse my intrusion; I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts with mine on such an abysmal topic as love. I don’t find it awkward to type back…in fact it is quite the opposite of strange. I guess in the end the only thing to stop us from falling, is what throws us down in the first place. Then again who’s really to say what love truly is? I’m sure for me it means something slightly different then for you. Everyone has different morals, ideas. Everyone experiences different things in life that curve and build their character and thus their thoughts or perceptions on what “love” is. I know for a fact it cannot be defined or achieved by anyone with thoughts like mine. I just move forward with blind eyes hoping to reach something, anything close to it. I shall leave you with that. Goodbye for now.
  3. Komakino
    05-29-2009 12:52 PM
    Pardon me, I have read your blog I see you have disabled the comments thing? But anyhow, I admire your writing skills and I've been through similar situations before. It is normal to be afraid of falling in love. I am too, afraid to fall...but what is it that could stop us from falling? We all don't even know when we will fall again. Lin, love is a really complicated subject and no human being so far knows 100% about what it is. Well, call it a day, live on your life. Besides, who knows? Maybe you might meet the ONE that's right for you. Good day.

    I know it might seem awkward for a stranger to post this eh? Anyways haha!

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