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winged_dreams 01-23-2005 12:45 PM

Since I posted twice I'll say something more about what I did today. Umm...I enjoyed my wonderous new DSL. I can't wait til I get a wireless card for the notebook in my room. Then I don't have to worry about my grandmother yelling at me for going on sites that she doesn't like.

TeapotScar 02-01-2005 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by winged_dreams
Since I posted twice I'll say something more about what I did today. Umm...I enjoyed my wonderous new DSL. I can't wait til I get a wireless card for the notebook in my room. Then I don't have to worry about my grandmother yelling at me for going on sites that she doesn't like.

What sites doesn't she like?

spoonjigglesatan 02-01-2005 07:34 PM

On my way to Wal-Mart, I was listening on the radio a bit about the Mark of the Beast from Revelations in the Christian Bible. I was seeking stations, and I heard this old-sounding lady calling in to this Christian station (I suppose) asking these two guys (I don't know who they are, not a habitual Christian radio station tuner-inner) about the Mark of the Beast. She wanted to know if it would be subtle or explicit. The men told her that the end times were here, and that the Mark of the Beast was just an agreement someone makes with themselves to not follow the Christian God. The two men also said that they believed that the UN was an organization that represents the Beast mentioned in the Bible. Then, I had to get my money order and my pay rent.

AlKilyu 02-01-2005 08:20 PM

They were right, You should kill yourself and save the world from Satan's evil.

Granny-like_the_apple 02-01-2005 08:22 PM

Tea and I started a blog! Whoooooooo we're losers shut up we know.

DCreep 02-02-2005 10:57 AM

You guys are pretty fucking funny.

edible_eye 02-02-2005 12:04 PM

i delivered my daughter, Grace Kathleen - 7 lbs. 3 oz, 20 inches long -into the world at 1:02 am. we were en route to the hospital, driving rather fast - heh heh - when suddenly my wife said, "oh, god - the head just came out."

naturally, i freaked and yanked the car to the side of the road, ran around to the passenger side and yanked my wife's pants off - an endeavor i obviously enjoy under any other circumstance.

not this time.

sure enough, grace's head was sticking out and within moments, the rest of her body followed. my mother-in-law dialed 911 and had ems meet us on the road after grace was wrapped and laid in my wife's arms - cute, little thing.

mom and baby are fine

Granny-like_the_apple 02-02-2005 12:15 PM



AlKilyu 02-02-2005 12:21 PM

Yeah Congrats edible!

I was gonna start a thread on just that, but didn't know if you wanted to be the announcer.

Delivered your own kid. That's just amazing. Easy shoe-in for Father Of The Year '05, easy!

Seriously that's a man's man ladies.

edible_eye 02-02-2005 12:36 PM

thanx, guys. and thanx for that thought, alkilyu.

it's kinda neat. i like being a dad. i could do without the giving birth stuff, though. no guy should have to be that involved - shudder - .

my new, little puppy is gorgeous.

FenrisQueen 02-02-2005 02:20 PM

Aw, edible, you made me cry! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations on your (adorable, I'm sure) baby girl!

Solumina 02-02-2005 07:37 PM

Wow you delivered your own baby that’s so awesome! Congratulations!

winged_dreams 02-02-2005 10:56 PM

That's quite impressive. *hugs e_e* Congratulations!!! That certainly must have been an interesting day for you. My day seems really boring in comparasion. I feel asleep in my history class and I should be reading chapters for sociology but I've been slacking.

twisted_illusions 02-04-2005 09:20 AM

Congrats edible

Gypsy2222 02-04-2005 01:08 PM

Congratulations e_e...

If it's your first welcome to the club... Scary shit aint it? ~Chuckle~

If it's not then I'm an ass for not paying attention...

Either way I wish you the best of luck with her, Much happiness to your whole family actually...


ghostposts 02-04-2005 01:15 PM

Wow! That's some scary shit, delivering your own kid. Congrats, and glad to know you are all doing o.k.

Drink a bottle or two on us, Daddy.

edible_eye 02-04-2005 01:18 PM

thanx again, guys. you all help to bring a smile to this old man's lips.

it's the first one i've delivered, gypsy but my third kid overall. being a dad fits like an old hat at this point.

stay safe, brother - and thank you for all you're doing to keep her safe and secure. we're in your debt - you and all your brothers-in-arms.

Thank You.

gingerbreadwench 02-04-2005 02:04 PM

Wow-- way to go, e^2! Many felicitations.

WolfMoon 02-04-2005 03:39 PM

Wow, when I read the first line I thought you were one of those asshats that thinks they did as much work as their wife, holding her hand and whatnot.

But not you!

You're a real man!


edible_eye 02-04-2005 03:52 PM

- asshat - love that.

thanx again and again and again. you guys rock my core.

winged_dreams 02-04-2005 08:02 PM

On a random note, whenever I decide to get pregnant (about nine or so years into the future) my fiance, Rick, doesn't want to be with me whenever I deliver the baby. I think he's scared I get angry or something because of the pain. I can be agressive but I think he's just being silly.

And as for what I did today, nothing of interest. I'm reading chapters for my accounting and surfing the web. I'm so multifunctional.

Zeade 02-04-2005 08:51 PM

today was a pretty damn good day for me... ^_^ i got to hold my newborn nephew today for a good little while, too... i can't wait to have a baybeh of my very own!!! and, then, tonight my boyfriend spilled the beans about him buying me an engagement ring... even though we can't be together, he wanted to propose to me on valentine's day... (how über romantic...) he doesn't know if he should mail the ring to me, or wait until we can be together to give it to me... : / i want it now so i can show it off before i move!!! lol

yeah... my day isn't that exciting, but i had to gush about it somewhere... :D

oh, and congrats e_e... i'm happy for you, your wife, your first two kids, and your new baby girl! ^_^

winged_dreams 02-04-2005 09:00 PM

I say having a new baby nephew and talking about engagements is pretty exciting. It's the little things in life that make it all the better.

tiffany_the_writer 02-04-2005 09:12 PM

I like babies, they are so cute, but I could never have one. I am too afraid.

I walked to 7-11 today at lunch and I just about froze my fingers off. And I had gloves too! Other than that nothing much happened, but I had a fun day. I love science class. We are doing a chemistry unit and we started learning about the atom today. Yay! And I have some studying to do over the weekend. I don't think I have ever studied before. I don't know how! OMG! :o

Empty_Purple_Stars 02-04-2005 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by edible_eye
i delivered my daughter, Grace Kathleen - 7 lbs. 3 oz, 20 inches long -into the world at 1:02 am. we were en route to the hospital, driving rather fast - heh heh - when suddenly my wife said, "oh, god - the head just came out."

naturally, i freaked and yanked the car to the side of the road, ran around to the passenger side and yanked my wife's pants off - an endeavor i obviously enjoy under any other circumstance.

not this time.

sure enough, grace's head was sticking out and within moments, the rest of her body followed. my mother-in-law dialed 911 and had ems meet us on the road after grace was wrapped and laid in my wife's arms - cute, little thing.

mom and baby are fine

Al just gave me the good news E_E!!


I am so glad mom and baby are doing well..

I envy your wife her speedy delivery, Jared was 38 hours plus..OMFG.

Grace Kathleen is a beautiful name, and I am sure she will be worth all of the new shells for your shotgun that you will have to buy in a few years..


Kiss the baby for me..

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