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Ben Lahnger 03-30-2011 08:16 PM

Jesus loves me?

Well, he's gotta buy me dinner first before we can go any further.

pothead 03-30-2011 08:36 PM

Jesus has a big dinner waiting for you if you believe in him

Nightwalker39 03-30-2011 08:42 PM

At least some one was realistic enough to talk about this. Even though you will no undoubtedly get completely trashed. But that is the price you pay when you accept Jesus into your heart and follow him. And i will smoke the peace pipe with you.

Judas 03-30-2011 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Nightwalker39 (Post 661918)
Even though you will no undoubtedly get completely trashed. But that is the price you pay when you accept Jesus into your heart and follow him

Tell me about it. He always made the best wine.

Nightwalker39 03-30-2011 08:44 PM

Haha. I bet. But it is from the blood of the savior. So it has to be AWESOME!

ape descendant 03-30-2011 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by vindicatedxjin (Post 661855)
Jesus please forgive me of my sins...with your big huge DICK.

Too hot for words... reminds me of those sexy pictures of Jesus they had on the walls at church when I was growing up. Mmmm... they sure did make him good lookin'.

Nightwalker39 03-30-2011 08:52 PM

Thats so NASTY!!!!

Judas 03-30-2011 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Nightwalker39 (Post 661920)
Haha. I bet. But it is from the blood of the savior. So it has to be AWESOME!

No, that came later. Water into wine, my friend.

Nightwalker39 03-30-2011 08:53 PM

Ah! Of course, Of course. So how would you describe it? Was he nicer in person than in the bible?

Judas 03-30-2011 09:03 PM

Well, the constant flow of alcohol certainly made it seem so. Also, he made me the bank, hung out with whores, and spent his free time trolling the authorities. So, yeah, he was a good guy.

Nightwalker39 03-30-2011 09:05 PM

Sweet! Sounds like a good partier. But what do you mean he made you the bank?

pothead 03-30-2011 09:26 PM

judas was in control of the money that is how he was made the bank........

Nightwalker39 03-30-2011 09:36 PM

Of course! I was thinking actual bank. How stupid of me.

pothead 03-30-2011 09:42 PM

may God bless you nightwalker, has you, or anyone ever been to darkstarlings before? that is a site I'm found at a gothic site

pothead 03-31-2011 11:06 AM

Jesus loves you

Alan 03-31-2011 11:08 AM

Nightwalker is a nazi, though. I don't know what Jesus thinks about nazis.

pothead 03-31-2011 01:16 PM

Jesus is the way the truth and the life

Alan 03-31-2011 01:25 PM

What truth?blacktext

pothead 03-31-2011 06:14 PM

The truth is that who soever will believe in him shall not perish but shall have ever lasting life. Jesus is the truth, he never lied

Alan 03-31-2011 06:55 PM

But the truth to what?

pothead 03-31-2011 07:42 PM

the truth is that Jesus is the only way to heaven, and the truth is not a lie , the truth is that god so loved the world that he ssent his only begotten son on earth to die for our sins so that whosoever believes in him, which is Jesus, the christ shall not perish, or see hell ut shall see ever lasting life, the truth if life, love, and light, God is love you see

Alan 03-31-2011 07:54 PM

I'm not asking you to tell me what the truth consists of, I'm asking you of what is that truth. A truth has to be the truth of something. So Jesus is the truth of what?

pothead 04-01-2011 07:16 AM

Jesus is the truth that is in God, that is God, in fact Jesus is God, the truth is love is God. Jesus is the truth of salvation in him, so that we that believe shall be saved, the truth is also that way, that is Jesus, or yeshua christ, Jeus is the truth in the light. The truth of many things is in christ jesus.

pothead 04-01-2011 07:17 AM

Jesus is the way the truth, and the life, and the light.

Nightwalker39 04-01-2011 07:26 AM

Amen brother AMEN!

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