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Ben Lahnger 02-17-2010 09:14 AM

Take a full body shot. You're all ass to me.

FlowerGirl 02-17-2010 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by vindicatedxjin (Post 602640)
I should take a picture of it and amaze ya'll with it's perfection.

nice one connie

vindicatedxjin 02-17-2010 11:00 AM

Not too fat, but juicy enough to take a bit outta ^_^

Now shut up mothafuckas.

Alan 02-17-2010 03:38 PM

Hearing you talk about your body is like watching Two Girls One Cup:
An obscenely wrong idea of 'sexy' from someone who does not know better, coupled with the observer being reminded of fecal matter and throwing up.

vindicatedxjin 02-17-2010 04:38 PM

That is disgusting....the end.

Alan 02-17-2010 08:09 PM

That's my point, you fat, fugly wannabe asian.

RedDollShoes 02-17-2010 11:26 PM

I thought Aaliyah made a gorgeous vampire, albeit the movie Queen of the Damned sucked royally.

MollyMac 02-19-2010 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by vindicatedxjin (Post 602640)
I should take a picture of it and amaze ya'll with it's perfection.

I'll set the scope to panoramic and "sag". You should ink lot lizards on those mud flaps.

Shuukyou 05-23-2010 09:30 AM

I somewhat understand your disappointment. You are a realist. And maybe a little bit uncomfortable with black people. Look, I don't know. I could be wrong. But you must try to take in this concideration. Black people have been trying to be accepted in this world since, I don't know, since forever. Some black people, not all, but some, greatly admire caucasian people.(and other non-blacks) They admire their history, their land, etc. Within that admiration, there is wishful thinking of, "I wish I could be like"-----"I wish I look like"-----"I wish I could talk like"----etc.

So to futher explain, when that wishful thinking turns into an accomplishment that wants to be achieved and one is prohibited by certain people who belong to that race of people that you admire, your emotions go from minor sadness, depression, fustration, attitude and then anger. Then that is when one retaliates. Protests. Exposes. Just out right push their way through society. With of course, support, representives, laws, blah, blah, blah, blah. Now, taking this explanation in mind, there will be black people who may want to be a Vampire. They will try their hardest. Even if they don't fit in or from your point of view, look stupid or whatever. It can't be helped. And it can't be stopped.

Then on the other hand-------------you may or may not know this but their are REAL VAMPIRES in this world who just so happen to be non-white. And they secretly appreciate you and others like you, that have this type of mentallity. Your way of thinking diverts attention. It protects vampires from "salem-witch-hunting-tactics. (Trust me-there are psychos in this world that will kill a vamp in one bloody minute) Plus, it keeps their food source intact or energy source intact---what have yah.

So I hope what you've read can take the edge off your fustrations somewhat.

gothicusmaximus 05-23-2010 10:03 AM

Troll gnet once, shame on you. Troll gnet twice-- uh-- can't get trolled again.

d0p3y 05-23-2010 10:35 PM

Vampires don't exist... Neither do black people.

Shuukyou 06-15-2010 07:29 AM

Vampires are real
@#$%!!!!!!!! This is what I get for not keeping up on this website.

I sometimes wish I could live in your world. The world of ignorant bliss.


They have been on this earth for years and years!!!!

Vampires are even mentioned in the bible for g-d's sake! Proverbs 30:15

Hey! You know what? Your know what? You know what? Forget it.

Vampires don't exitst. Continue in life with that mentality.

The more people, who think like you, the more they can blend in society and the more protected they become.

Ben Lahnger 06-15-2010 08:10 AM

I just asked my dog about what you said and he responded, "Arf!" That's more intelligent than anything you have posted here. Resurrecting this useless thread and responding once again with this foolishness got you added to my ignore list. I just don't want to read your particular brand of trollish craziness again.

So, fuukyou Shuukyou.

Catch 06-15-2010 05:46 PM

Vampires do Exist!!! Augh! If they don't then there is not purpose or light in life and hungry children will continue to starve.


Beneath the Shadows 06-15-2010 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Shuukyou (Post 621999)
@#$%!!!!!!!! This is what I get for not keeping up on this website.

I sometimes wish I could live in your world. The world of ignorant bliss.


They have been on this earth for years and years!!!!

I lol'd.


Vampires are even mentioned in the bible for g-d's sake! Proverbs 30:15
"The horseleach hath two daughters, crying, Give, give. There are three things that are never satisfied, yea, four things say not, It is enough:"

Well, that's a big 10-Fail.


Hey! You know what? Your know what? You know what? Forget it.

Vampires don't exitst. Continue in life with that mentality.
You mean, like, 99.975% of the rest of society?


The more people, who think like you, the more they can blend in society and the more protected they become.
Did you also accidentally an entire Coca-Cola bottle?

Fail troll is fail.

Angelic Dissonance 06-15-2010 07:22 PM

This is the best thing, EVER.

Shuukyou 06-16-2010 07:59 AM

?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???
What the @#$%^&*???!!!

UH? ok?


Shuukyou 06-16-2010 08:25 AM

Reply to Angelic Dissonance
The "Twilight in the final chapter blade pictures by Wes Woodell" is very realistic. I like it! Once you move all the annoying advertisments out of the way.:)

Catch 06-16-2010 09:43 AM

If blacks people make such awful vampires explain Blackula!!!

TheFeatheredÆtheling 06-18-2010 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Catch (Post 622081)
Vampires do Exist!!! Augh! If they don't then there is not purpose or light in life and hungry children will continue to starve.


You tell 'em Catch!

Ben Lahnger 06-18-2010 06:17 PM

Every vampire Blackula made was awful.

Mr E Nigma 06-18-2010 11:43 PM

Blackula will fuck some bitches up though.

Magila 07-06-2010 04:31 PM

But they do make great werewolves.

the blight sun 07-21-2010 09:17 AM

black vampires and wite zombies
i read this thread because i never thought black people were good vampires....there were some interesting comments posted here on that subject....yes a black dude with a romanian accent is a joke...and vlad the impaler is infamous for reasons that predate that silly movie "bram stokers dracula"(you should watch leslie nielsons rendition of that called dracula dead and lovin it.) back to the subject..the world loves vampires for what they are...usually some snow pale super skinny emo with seeingly unmatched beauty and all that shit that comes with vampires....blade was the first black vampire i ever saw and it had some racial issues.....hes a day walker cause he has skin pigment!...and no other reason....ever seen a black dude catch a sun burn?...hell a tan?...nope!...i fee that blacks make aweful vampires cause they are always casted into film as the type of vampire one would typicaly see as white...the comment on fulci's movies had an interesting point...his films are great cause the world of zombies was shattered and put back together his way....this too should be done for vampires..then again look at the way the white races decieved the world and stole everything.....thats vampirism.....thats look at the famous zombie....who plays the better zombie?...white guy or black dude?....if you are on whities side youre full of shit...ever took a good look at a crack head in cleveland ohio? you still think a white dude can pass for a better zombie?...all in all the vampire is little more than witie making his wicked and deceptive mind manifest into something artificial and the zombie.....nothing more than crackheads gone wild...thanks for the luccio fulci piece...i love his films...twilight sucks the camel's dick....oh for tose who would jump on my post with all that racist and nazi shit and all the insults,...i am a black man and i am a racist against every race known so keep your sissy comments to your mother....and thats every race including hate one race and not the other is not racism...its stupid.....if youre gonna be a racist you should hate humans in also likely older and more educated that the would be nazi emo vampires still suck the donkey's clit and crackheads rule the zombie scene.

the blight sun 07-21-2010 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by vindicatedxjin (Post 602156)
...*cough* except for aunt jemimas *cough*

people like you give racism a bad a true racist i hate all people..not just one group and yes my own ethnic group is on my hate list...if black people make bad everything why do white girls crave black cock?...why do most white people act black?...why do so many whities sag their pants and speak in ebonics?..not to mention they suck at it....its thanx to bitches like you the world is the way it is.....if blacks are soooo bad why the hell did whitie bring them here?...why does whitie try so hard to be like them?...hmmm?....ill bet youre just pissed cause you cant get a black man to fuck insignificant cunt....if blacks are bad at everything post your name and address and find out if this black man will be good or bad at finding you and ****** you before i slit your throat...holla back bitch when you discover what true racism is.

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