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edible_eye 02-08-2005 02:03 PM

i was reading 'the deceivers' - an historical novel concerning tactical deception during world war 2, but i lost it. so, i've gotta find a new book to read.

akhira 02-10-2005 08:51 PM

Yup Tstone's right again. Stay away from Dan Brown.

Just read "The Da Vinci Code". Scholarly guy chasing after the holy grail with a ..hold your breath for cliche.. beautiful brilliant cryptologist. For a guy having done a lot of research on art & secret societies.. he can't even get his professional titles right. I mean symbologist? It's iconographer ya fucktard. ONce gain the author vastly understimates the vaerage readers, intelligence. With a few codes that can be broken so easliy and don't need a roundabout way ofsolving things.

skoteinh 02-11-2005 07:15 AM

Die Geschichten Jaacobs by Thomas Mann - in Greek, not German!

I guess the english title would be something like "Jacob's Stories"

ThwanCondu 02-11-2005 11:45 PM

Luelinus, EC is so great, and Terry Pratchett is the man.

I'm reading The Vampire Lestat. Feel like such a fucking loser for giving into Anne Rice, but it's my black soul, you know? :roll:
I'm also read Life, the Universe and Everything by Douglas Adams. That's the third Hitch Hiker's book. Fucking genius.

akhira 02-14-2005 12:26 AM

I'm reading a Ninja spoof Manuel. :?

a_S 02-26-2005 10:45 AM

I'm reading "Intermediate Algebra: Graphs and functions".... man... I don't understand half of it :?

Jane13 02-26-2005 10:52 AM

Algebra sucks :x I'm currently reading The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Sense and Sensibility. I live in such a hick town. The Lybrarian pronounced it "No- tar Daim", like the name of a town in these here parts. I t just suprised me when the librarian said it 0.o

TeapotScar 02-26-2005 12:38 PM

I'm reading "Le Mariage de Figaro" and "Candide". Come to think of it, I'm not reading anything in English right now. Odd.

ice 02-26-2005 05:01 PM

I just finished The Idiot by Dostoyevski, and now I'm re-reading Spies Beneath Berlin (because I stopped about 1/3 through and lost my place).

drgnlvr 02-26-2005 05:10 PM

I just finished reading "Hottest Blood". It's an anthology of erotic horror.

Interesting genre. :?

Jane13 02-26-2005 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by TeapotScar
I'm reading "Le Mariage de Figaro" and "Candide". Come to think of it, I'm not reading anything in English right now. Odd.

I liked Candide, but I read it in English. I'm such a cheater.

winged_dreams 03-02-2005 10:12 PM

I've read some of those books although it was a long time ago. I enjoy them quite a bit. Wasn't Ruth the dragon that was small and white?

I'm still trying to finish The Witching Hour by Anne Rice. It's long and I enjoy it but I don't find that much time to read.

drgnlvr 03-03-2005 02:45 AM

I'm getting my first taste of William Gibson! I'm reading "Pattern Recognition".

Nike 03-03-2005 12:31 PM

I did my last exams for my literature studies yesterday...I hope I have passed here are some of my recent reads...nice stuff
everything by E.T.H. Hoffmann - I enjoyed it. everything.
some of Dürrenmatt's shorter stories, like "The tunnel" was good, too.
Meyrinck - The Golem - also a nice one.
...reread some Kafka stuff, Grillparzer, Goethe's ballads, Bürger(love it. Exspecially Lenore. wonderful ballad. I never thought I would ever like ballads so much)...Shelley (both of them), Walpole,Redcliff, M. Lewis, Poe...
and some theoretics:
E. Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France
Novalis: Die Christenheit oder Europa
Schubert: Nachtseiten der Naturwissenschaft
E. Young: Nightthoughts - this one was very interesting

There were some more. I'm pretty tired now. reading so many books often enough hat you are remembering the details is somewhat exhausting. But it was fun, too.

Solumina 03-15-2005 06:43 PM

Ovid's Metamorphoses, I really love it but some of it is a bitch to translate

pitseleh 03-16-2005 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by drgnlvr
I'm getting my first taste of William Gibson! I'm reading "Pattern Recognition".

Hey, that's the book I'm reading too! I've read Neuromancer and Count Zero before, and I loooved those. Inbetween I'm also reading Knut Hamsun's tragic love story Victoria.

drgnlvr 03-16-2005 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by pitseleh

Originally Posted by drgnlvr
I'm getting my first taste of William Gibson! I'm reading "Pattern Recognition".

Hey, that's the book I'm reading too! I've read Neuromancer and Count Zero before, and I loooved those. Inbetween I'm also reading Knut Hamsun's tragic love story Victoria.

Have you gotten very far into it? I got sidetracked, and hadn't gotten past chapter one, yet.

I was wondering if it's as good as I hear the other two are.

pitseleh 03-16-2005 01:54 AM

Gotten far into Pattern Recognition, you mean? I've only just started it, about to begin on chapter 3. So far, so good, but it's more Glamorama than Count Zero, to put it like that. Just surface, no real action yet.

edible_eye 03-16-2005 06:23 AM

1984 by george orwell. i think i read it in high school - don't really remember it, though. winston's a whiny, oblivious shit-head. i hope he'll be vaporized.

tstone - i'm both ecstatic and repulsed at the prospect of reading d.t. 7. i both want and don't want it to end. good for you for taking the plunge.

Jane13 03-16-2005 10:57 AM

I finished reading Brian Fraud and Alan Lee's "Fairies". I grew up reading a pop-up book by them, but this was an incredible collaboration of stories and myths with absolutely incredible illustration. If you've never read it, read it.

Now I'm reading "The Inferno" by Dante.

Nike 03-16-2005 12:46 PM

heh, Jane, that book is always on my table. The illustration work in it belongs to my all time favourites. No. Actually it is my all time favourite, I think. It has a wonderful combination of a good sense of humor, tragic myths, and both beautiful and funny illustration.
Check the other books illustrated by Lee, too, such as the Mabinogion, Tolkiens Rings, The Hobbit, his Lord of the Rings illustrations, and so on if you like his work...I love everything done by Alan Lee, but the combination with Froud's work is making "Fairies" so very special in my eyes...

( no worries, I'm done with my praise now :D )

Jane13 03-16-2005 12:54 PM

Awesome! I heard he also helped design fairy and goblin images and such for the movies Lord of The Rings(all three), The Dark Chrystal, Labrynth, and Merlin ^.^

Nike 03-16-2005 12:59 PM

Alan Lee and John Howe are responsible for quite everything that happened in the LotR movies. The two of them were the chiek graphic directors. In my opinion that's why the movie turned out so good. They didn't only make the monsters and other character concepts, but also all the architecture and environment stuff, they really did great work there .... I enjoyed the dokus on the LotR extended version DVDs... If you go through Alan Lee's illustrated Lord of the Rings books, you'll find a lot of parallels in the movies...ah...btw. the LotR conceptart books are great, too.....

hah, I've lied again. My praise hasn't been over so soon :D

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