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DeathChii 06-20-2007 09:43 PM

*~Your Dreams~*
Dreams are a beautiful thing, and I thought it would be interesting if you could share some of yours. =] You can post a dream you had that meant a lot to you, one you thought was really strange, or the one you had last night! If you feel comfortable with sharing it, please do!

Alaizabel Cray 06-20-2007 10:53 PM

Well, I've got a strange dream from a few weeks ago:


My friends Allie, Hilary, Sydney, and I (as well as some random chicks who were near us at the time) got kidnapped by this psycho dude. Allie and I were put in a weird underground cell where we could see through the ceiling into the room above and we watched the other random chicks just get slaughtered up there, and I was thinking so hard trying to figure a way out. The guy took us out of the cell and was presumably going to kill us next. We walked past these two giant tanks of water, and I saw that Sydney and Hilary were in them, all tied up with duct tape over their mouths, and a giant slab of cement was being lowered down on top of the tanks. I freaked out and managed to free myself and Allie. I wanted to stay and save Syd and Hilary, but I knew if I did, I'd be caught again. And they were both just looking at me with such fear in their eyes and it just hurt so bad having to leave them. We ran out and somehow found Allie's car, and we drove off. Eventually we got to some sort of city (there hadn't been so much as a gas station where we were) and we went to the mall, because it's so big we thought we could hide there while we got help. But in every store, there was nowhere to hide. We could get someone to call 911 for us, but there was no way to conceal us should the guy follow us (and why wouldn't he, now that we were the only ones still alive?). So we went back to the car, and ran into Sydney along the way. Apparently she'd escaped, but Hilary had been given up for dead. So we all got back into the car and kept driving. On the freeway, there was this huge multiple car pile-up and only one lane was open, so we were moving slowly, watching more and more cars crashing and bursting into flame. The road began to tilt upward and because a pretty steep hill. We had pretty much nothing to do but look out the window, and alongside the road was a bit of an impromptu hospital. No anesthetics, no privacy, no nothing. And I began to realize that these people looked fine until the doctors started working on them -- some were even trying to get away. And besides, not nearly enough cars had crashed for this many people to need medical attention (and this was severe stuff, amputations, cutting people open to look for internal bleeding, I'm pretty sure I saw a lobotomy). Somehow, the three of us figured out that the road didn't actually go anywhere, but at the top of the hill you were taken from the car and put in one of those hospital "rooms". There was nowhere to go at this point, the road had become the single lane, with hardly enough land to fit the width of the car, let alone people. So we opened the car doors and jumped to our deaths rather than end up like all the people we'd seen.

And then I woke up. It's a little wacky, but that's what happened.

Miss Happy Cat 06-20-2007 11:37 PM

Off to the strange dream department I go…

I keep have a recurring dream in which my car is stolen. Granted it’s not always the car I currently own, but none the less I come out from where ever I am only to find that my car is missing. The last time I had this dream I wandered through a parking lot pressing the panic button on my remote listening for my car's horn.

I also have dreams about my teeth or hair falling out. When I wake up, I check to make sure I still have either my teeth or my hair.

I seem to be in the habit of dreaming about losing things.

Alaizabel Cray 06-20-2007 11:40 PM

Miss Happy Cat, supposedly dreams about your teeth falling out mean that you're worried about money. Sounds totally random, but that's what I've heard. As for losing the car in the parking lot.... heh, reminds me of my great-grandma. She had to stay at the department store until they closed and the parking lot cleared out so they could find her car.

Miss Happy Cat 06-21-2007 12:12 AM

I have heard the same interpretation, along with having a dental problem that I may not be aware of having.

Your poor great grand mother; I’m hoping I never have my dream become my reality, as I usually do my grocery shopping at Wal-Mart and they are open 24 hours.

Aaroneet 06-21-2007 05:08 AM

I have contributed to a thread like this. Perhaps my most disturbing dream is one where the Grim Reaper is playing guitar outside of my window. He calls my name, and I am too afraid to leave my room. Yet when I chase after him, I just shout his name, never again to catch him. I wake up to the sound of an eerie voice that says something to the extent of, "My time has come. Don't be afraid."

XxDeranged InsanityxX 06-21-2007 10:49 AM

I love these dream threads it's so interesting to read what everyone on here dreams about...So anyway there's this one deam that i had maybe 3 or 4 days ago that i still remember.

My dream began with me waking up in my bed in the morning like i always do.Except that morning was different because when i woke up in the dream three of my friends were sleeping in various place on the floor.One of my friends was on my bedroom floor,one was on my living room floor and the other i have no idea where he was sleeping.Which is weird because i never have friends sleep over. So anyway shortly after i wake up in the dream my friend,whose a guy who i have a crush on,crawls into bed with me and we end falling asleep together...and then i wake up for real.To say the least i wasnt ready to wake up yet!

Another dream i had recently was about that same guy that i like.It was the day of either rehearsal for graduation or the actual graduation im not quite sure,which by the way rehearsal is tommorrow and my actual graduation is the day after that,so anyway we were at our school and we were around all of our other friends,were friends with the same people,and we started arguing because in the dream i think i hurt his feelings or something and he was mad at me.So then he got mad and called me a "Cold hearted bitch" and then walked away.This one was weird because he has never called me anything like that for real and i could not ever picture him saying that.But i'm pretty sure the reason why i am dreaming about him is because i really like him and i really need to talk to him about that but i have not done so yet so yeah...i need to do that...wish me luck!

honeythorn 06-21-2007 12:04 PM

Prepare yourselves for a marathon post..This occurred about..4 years ago, and I wrote this dream down the minuite I woke up ( so basically this is as it is written in my old notebook ).

I was with my brother Dean, and he was frantically seraching for his son kyle. We were in what looked like a huge multi storey car park, but with less windows. There hundreds of people all queuing to get in a lift, but they weren't just queuing, they were being forced to go into the lift by men in dark suits and sunglasses. I don't know how I knew, but I knew that if we stepped in the lift, we would die. Something to do with being melted down by acid.
We pulled up a drain cover and dropped into the raging water below us. We came out of a round drain hole which was massive. We were on a hill covered with old decaying pine trees. There were JCB's cutting down the trees and grinding them up.

The dream changed.

My brother was gone, in his place, and at the bottom of the incline, was a dog. I followed the dog, but I was flying, not walking . I glided low over the countryside, there were huge fields of grasses and a lot of poplar trees. Sometimes the dog disappeared and at other times I was a dog too, running as a dog would run. We came to a small misty field, in which stood houses on legs/stilts. I felt we were being followed. We ran to the farthest side of the clearing, and hid under one of the houses. I could hear people walking about, but saw nothing. Then I suddenly knew we were being followed by a man. I didn't see his face, all I saw were the bottoms of his legs go by as he searched for us. We took a chance and ran into the forest behind us.

The dream changed

I was alone now, and I was walking up a narrow winding path on a vast, dry open plain, to a town in the middle. The buildings were victorian in their design, and a lot of the ladies were in proper attire, with bustles and hats. I remember a black and white striped dress on one woman.

I walked down the narrow street, avoiding horses and carriages, until I came to a shop on my left that caught my eye. It was an antique shop, and the owner was a large indian man with a bright yellow turban. He looked like a Sikh but somehow I knew him to be Turkish. He waved me inside .Once I was in the shop the owner ignored me. I looked at the things in the shop, walking canes with the heads of vultures, sculptures and clothes. But all of a sudden I was drawn strongly to a framed piece hanging on the wall. It was a small thing, a stone of sorts. It was almost a complete circle, but didn't quite meet at the bottom. In the middle was a perfectly circular stone, embedded in the backplate. The whole thing glowed with a light that gave no light. There was a faint but very low humming coming from it, and I felt a great sense of unease. I asked the owner if I could buy it, but he said no and served a man in a dark suit at the till.

The dream changed.

I was alone, walking on a neverending expanse. The grass was short, tough and wiry, there were young rowan and willow trees planted everywhere, and a lot of rabbit holes. Sudeenly, I realised that there were people everywhere, all walking the same way as me. Everyone was either walking alone, or with friends, just talking and holding hands. My friend Natalie appeared next to me, and we talked for a while. Then Tom cruise appeared, he took each of us by the hand, and we walked and talked together. He was wearing a white t-shirt. The plain began to undulate, the land would rise and we would all of us rush to the top of the crest thinking we were coming to the end of the grass, but when we got to the top there was just more of the vast plain, and the hills got bigger and steeper. Finally we came to a great rise, and we all climbed up to the top.

When we got to the top, there was a short flat area of grass, and then there was only a vast abyss. An empty black nothingness. Suddenly a huge wall shot upwards in the space. All over the wall were picture frames. Some tiny, some were bigger. But there were 3 that caught our attention. To the left and right on the wall were two HUGE picture frames. In each was painted a black woman. The woman on the left was a bit fat, and was wearing a dark outfit. On her head was a colourful fabric headwrap. The woman on the right was slim, With long curly hair, and she was dressed in brown. She looked a bit like Beyonce. The painting in the middle wasn't really a painting. I sensed it was a door, and a strong feeling of danger and ,malevolance emanated from it. I knew that if that door were opened, I would cease to exist.

The women suddenly came to life and the woman on the left stepped out of her painting. She told us all about her world. Hers was the world of the head. There, an endless high profile party was always in motion, and persons of logic and intellect resided there. She begged us to choose her world.

The woman on the right then stepped out of her painting. She told us that hers was the world of the heart, where all your wildest dreams of love and happiness would be fulfilled, and all your wishes come to pass.

We all stood silently, and people began to choose. They threw themselves off the edge of the abyss, and as they did so, it grew vast and filled with stars and galaxies. As soon as a person jumped off, they would begin to scream and wail, their bodies disintegrated and broke into billions of pieces, forming a cube in which an image of a face would be, gibbering madly. In front of each painting was a vortex shaped like a circle within a square, and into this they fell as they made their choice. I looked at Natalie, and she smiled at me and jumped. She chose the world of the heart. I looked for Tom cruise, but he had already jumped, and I knew he had chosen the world of the head.

Eventually there was only me left standing on the edge, and once more the women stepped out of their paintings, each pleading with me to come with them. The center portal beckoned and called, I could feel the power, and knew that although I might cease to exist, there was a small chance I would survive.

I could not choose. I stood there undecided. I turned to go back across the plain but there were men standing there, and a thick mist was swirling. The men told me that I had either to choose a destination, or wander the plains for eternity utterly raving mad, and devoid of all memories. I was frightened, and I turned and screamed into the abyss.. I WILL NOT CHOOSE. There was a great shuddering in the ground beneath me, and I almost toppled over the edge. A voice boomed CHOOSE. I turned to face the abyss.

This is the point where I woke up.

Vyvian Blackthorne 06-21-2007 12:08 PM

Good goth...I had a dream I made the air fall apart. The sky was black and I set my hair on fire. Then I lusted hungry grapes. Yet just then they grew faces then ran away. After which we all met in an underground basement to discuss the matters of to whom was murdered. And then I realised I had blond hair with the blackest beautiful eyes and looked like Rozz Williams! Good goth, thought I, and the glass shatters because of my beauty. Then I told a Spanish man about Alice Cooper and WE WON'T BELIEVE THIS THERE WAS A HALF-DOG HALF DOLPHIN...
Goth Forever
Goth Forever
Goth Forever

honeythorn 06-21-2007 12:15 PM

You are truly and royally insane :D

Aaroneet 06-21-2007 02:18 PM

That is officially the weirdest, and most awesome dream I've ever heard of:). Usually, I'm pretty good with analysis, but I could make no sense of that, other than it being subconscious imagery gone wild.

honeythorn 06-21-2007 02:20 PM

Mine or Vyv's?

Aaroneet 06-21-2007 02:21 PM

I was referring to Vyv's...

Wonderfully and amazingly warped.

honeythorn 06-21-2007 02:28 PM


Then I lusted hungry grapes
I found that terribly amusing.

Aaroneet 06-21-2007 02:29 PM

What exactly are "hungry grapes"?

Methadrine 06-21-2007 02:31 PM

the aftereffect of the wrath certain grapes has, I'd reckon.

Aaroneet 06-21-2007 02:32 PM

Sounds right...I guess

Minyaliel 06-22-2007 08:18 AM

I hardly ever remember my dreams, but last night I dreamt about the guy I'm in love with. *blushes, embarrassed grin* Uhm... Another dream I have had several times during my entire life is that I'm running up a stony mountain side either trying to shove a huge circular rock up in front of me so that it won't fall on me and flatten me or trying to dodge it (it comes rolling down again and again) while these two neon blue fanged monsters are at my heels trying to get me. I keep running, and suddenly the rock disappears into the depths of a huge drop that opens up in front of me. The monsters are running up from behind, at a short distance, and I have the choice of either being caught by them or jumping off. I am so terrified that I can't move, I can only watch these horrible creatures coming closer and closer and closer... this is usually where I wake up, but once I didn't, and dreamt that I decided to jump off. I jumped and dropped several hundred meters before suddenly starting to float in midair, grow white, feathery wings and fly away into the peach coloured horizon. From there I drifted out of the dream and started waking up.

Oh, and I dreamt that my grandfather died the night before he actually did pass away (this was a few years ago). That was rather freaky.

Vyvian Blackthorne 06-22-2007 08:22 AM

Going to answer someone's question: THese grapes had names. They had names and for some reason I was inside of hotel expierencing all this and the Half-Dog Half-Dolphin was inside a liquid container by the elevator. And Min, I had a similar expierence with my Great-Grandfather. Though he was hung for some reason. However, when they found his body in his home it appear as if someone had chocked. I actually often dream of some of you guys, not sure why. One time I dreamt Jillian lived in a Mexican Gothic Castle. And there's so much more. Woe.

Goth Forever

Tismine 06-22-2007 09:04 AM

I rarely have dreams, and when I do, they're more of nightmares. One of the many reasons why I don't like to sleep)
Last night, in the two hours of sleep that I got, I did have a dream, but I don't exactly remember what happened. There were fishies, boats, oceans, neeldles, blood, rusted metal beds, handcuffs, scalpals, screws, pliers, screams, and pain. Lots and lots of pain. I hate my dreams.

Minyaliel 06-22-2007 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Tismine
I rarely have dreams, and when I do, they're more of nightmares. One of the many reasons why I don't like to sleep)
Last night, in the two hours of sleep that I got, I did have a dream, but I don't exactly remember what happened. There were fishies, boats, oceans, neeldles, blood, rusted metal beds, handcuffs, scalpals, screws, pliers, screams, and pain. Lots and lots of pain. I hate my dreams.

Holy shit - fisherman's bdsm... *lol*

Aaroneet 06-22-2007 09:22 AM

Dream Interpretation
Alright, I've tried to figure out what that dream meant, simply because it seemed so warped on a surface level:

The "hungry grapes" represent an aspect of yourself. You are "hungry" for opportunity; grapes can be used to express this because they are small, meaning that opportunity comes in little steps, and because they are vivid in color, and symbolic of life. They are also symbolic of those you interact with on a daily basis; the fact that the grapes "grew faces and ran away" can be indicative of your feelings of abandonment, and betrayal; the grapes are "two-faced" people. The "running away", taken by itself, is a symbol of your desire being an elusive, or otherwise unattainable thing. Some of my best dream images are of things that only escape me. The "air falling apart" is symbolic of chaos, and the fact that it's your fault shows that you blame yourself for chaos. The "fire" is symbolic of the result of said chaos, as well as a guiding light for you. The fact that something good resulted from it shows a subconscious awareness that something good can always come out of what is bad. The animals are a personnification of traits that you strive to find in others, as well as yourself. The dog symbolizes loyalty, while they both symbolize agility both mental and physical. The dolphin by itself is symbolic of intelligence, or possibly wisdom. The fact that you saw these in "halves" showed that you wish to see a marriage of only these positive traits in others, as well as in yourself, to create a perfect, or otherwise improved person. To put simply, your subconscious is trying to look for the good in the world. The fact that the dream takes place in a hotel represents what is comfortable to you, while the surrounding darkness can either be a transition, as it can be comfort, and it can mean disaster. It shows the two extremes that might result. Rozz Williams is simply a respected figure, and someone you wish to emulate, while Alice Cooper can serve as a contrast/similarity. That part of the dream is symbolic of the emphasis of music in your life. The fact that you are talking to a Spanish man about Alice Cooper could possibly be symbolic of an entrance of what is foreign into your life.

Did I miss anything?

DeathChii 06-24-2007 09:28 AM

Does anyone here know what dreams mean?
My dreams are strange... It's actually another world. I have my own house in my dreams, it's always the same house [basically my house], if I dream about being at school... it's always the same school... if I dream I went to the doctors office... it's the same office... it's so weird =S

Yesterday I had a dream that my hair was falling out, and I freaked out and thought I had cancer. My mom told me to study for my science test, but I was too scared so she took me to the doctors. Then my hair grew back out... so I figured I didn't have cancer and I had something else... then today I had a dream that my dad had cancer and was going to die... ?

DeathChii 06-24-2007 09:29 AM

Just lately... I keep having realistic dreams about bad things happening, instead of like totally random shit... O_o

Aaroneet 06-24-2007 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by DeathChii
Does anyone here know what dreams mean?
My dreams are strange... It's actually another world. I have my own house in my dreams, it's always the same house [basically my house], if I dream about being at school... it's always the same school... if I dream I went to the doctors office... it's the same office... it's so weird =S

Yesterday I had a dream that my hair was falling out, and I freaked out and thought I had cancer. My mom told me to study for my science test, but I was too scared so she took me to the doctors. Then my hair grew back out... so I figured I didn't have cancer and I had something else... then today I had a dream that my dad had cancer and was going to die... ?

These are simple roepresentations of your own fears that have come to light because of a triggering circumstance. Constance of houses might show where you feel comfortable, just as the hotel did in someone else's dream. The other world could be part of an expression; that you feel you are in your own world in real life, despite the comfort of the constant setting. So, in a way, there is a false comfort. You are experiencing tumult underneath the comfort; your subconscious might be trying to alert you of something that might make you "unsafe", or otherwise afraid right now. Try to find out what it is, and calm yourself down. Try to remind yourself that these things are hypothetical; it sounds like this is the simple "worst-case-scenario" dream.

DeathChii 06-24-2007 11:02 AM

Yeah, worst case scenario dreams... I think it's my brain trying to deal with anxiety, cause lately I've been getting better, and not assuming the worst in real life... so now all of a sudden I am dreaming about it... I guess it is one or the other =S

Aaroneet 06-24-2007 11:04 AM

Try to find a way to alleviate the anxiety. Repressing it is what leads to those dreams.

DeathChii 06-24-2007 11:08 AM

Haha! I just had "666" number of posts XD
anyway... Yeah... Repressing it is the only way I know how to deal with it O_o unfortunatley

Aaroneet 06-24-2007 12:05 PM

Find a way to let it out.

Don't Look Behind You 06-24-2007 12:34 PM

yes, the best way to cope with such dreams is comming to terms with your anxiety. Good Luck.

I personaly have a dream-problem that I have given up in solving. I have had nasty surrealistic nightmares for over 3 years. They make NO SENSE. really. And on top of that they influence my sleeping habbits. Either I hardly get out of bed or I cannot sleep at all and toss and turn all night long.
The only solution I have found is depriving myself of sleep for three nights in a row. Doing this makes me happier and gives me more time to finish my drawings or stories. On the other hand I am utterly useless having not slept for three nights. I even get hallucinations...:P
It would be nice to know why I have these stupid nightmares. They are terrifying. Sometimes I am even afraid of going to sleep.
Does anyone know what this is?

Aaroneet 06-24-2007 12:38 PM

I would have to know what the dream is about.

Don't Look Behind You 06-24-2007 12:41 PM

they are all different. one theme that repeats is a huge crack in the ground that everyone can jump over except for me. I panic and then I try jumping over it eventualy. The result is obvious: I fall in. Inside there are either gory body parts, or i end up in some middle ages torture chamber or there are crocodiles or whatnot. It's all just a mess.

Aaroneet 06-24-2007 12:51 PM

Maybe the "crack" is symbolic of fallacy or a lacking that you think exists within yourself. The "panic" represents a simple hesitance in confrontation; it is fear as the general human trait. It can also be considered an impulse that is emblematic of the said "human flaw". The gory body parts are each representative of a different human insight or trait; the fact that they are "gory" is representative of how you feel the flaw "taints" you, or ruins your life, for lack of a better word. The "crocodiles" are expressive of how you feel that you are being "eaten alive", either by what is troubling you, or within yourself. The "middle ages" express what is dark, romantic, and otherwise simplistic. It is a focus on emotion, and what is associated, in your mind, with direct contact with the subconscious. It also represents fear and seclusion in its purest forms.

You are bothered by insecurity. Make peace with yourself.

DeathChii 06-24-2007 01:03 PM

I hate it... when I have dreams that I am fighting with someone, but for some reason, I can't hurt them. Like I punch them, but for some reason it lacks force and speed, and just moves in slow motion. Or like I try to kick someone, but my leg just won't kick, or I run from somone, and I just can't run faster than a snail!! What the hell is up with that!! >_<

Aaroneet 06-24-2007 01:05 PM

It's more "insecurity dreams" that express fallibility compared to someone else. It can also be nerves that result from a conflict with said person, which, again, express doubt.

Don't Look Behind You 06-24-2007 01:05 PM

well, true...insecurity, fear....i've heard it all before and I know my weaknesses. But THREE years. Can insecurity really cause me to be terrorized in my sleep for three years?

Here is another theme (as I said there are many)... A house built of severed heads. Apart from the heads there is nothing obviously scary. The only problem is I seem to be full of the people these heads belong to. I think their thoughts, I have their memories. I feel their emotions. I consists of them. There is no me. I don't even mediate between "them".
I wake up with an impression of great physical pain.

and there are many more. dreams where I am being eaten, r*ped (why does gnet censor this word, by the way?) by ex-boyfrieds, where I fall, where i am terrified of coming late, where I am at the mercy of obviously insane people.....every night something of this sort.

Methadrine 06-24-2007 01:06 PM

Yeah, I hate those moments where you can't run. :/ ..and it usually means that I wake up since I remember (in the dream!) that I can't run fast in the dreamlands and that triggers the wake up call.

DeathChii 06-24-2007 01:09 PM

How do you know all this?? O_O

Aaroneet 06-24-2007 01:18 PM

Who are you referring to?

Cyntrox 06-24-2007 01:34 PM

A friend wanted to have his dream interpreted, so here goes:

"I am going in a group of people in a forest. Suddenly a bunch of bandits appear and start shooting all over. I am in some kind of a hut, one of the armed people approaches me and points his gun towards my head.He pushes the trigger and it shoots to my head, I feel i am dying. I am falling somewhere and that is when the first dream ends.

Few minutes later another dream: Another village, again many armed people appear and shoot everyone from gun machines. One of the bullets hits me, and i die again.
In both of the dreams the feeling of death was very realistic. I wasn't afraid of dying, just felt pity."

Aaroneet 06-24-2007 01:37 PM

Don't Look Behind You: Any "ex-boyfriend dream" is a sign of unresolved conflict within the relationship. The "r*pe" part is a symbol of your unwanted exposure of yourself to him, in a literal and metaphorical sense, as well as a self-admittance to his superseding you. The "severed heads" dream is a sign that there is a "give-and-take" policy in your social interactions that you have breached. The "insane people" dream is yet another sign of vulnerability. Your subconscious is picking itself apart, possibly looking for that wrong thing you did. This could all just be paranoia and guilt stemming from a certain action that you deeply felt was "wrong". Many fictional characters, such as Macbeth, suffered from this, and, as they say, "Art imitates life." The noted violence in your dreams may be further evidence that it is resulting from guilt.

There is something that might be causing you guilt in your past. Try to find out what it is, and further try to make peace with it.

Aaroneet 06-24-2007 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Cyntrox
A friend wanted to have his dream interpreted, so here goes:

"I am going in a group of people in a forest. Suddenly a bunch of bandits appear and start shooting all over. I am in some kind of a hut, one of the armed people approaches me and points his gun towards my head.He pushes the trigger and it shoots to my head, I feel i am dying. I am falling somewhere and that is when the first dream ends.

This is possibly symbolic of an internalized sense of death because of something new and unknown appearing in your friend's life that is causing him unrest. The "falling" is expressing a "downward spiral" that is resulting.

Few minutes later another dream: Another village, again many armed people appear and shoot everyone from gun machines. One of the bullets hits me, and i die again.
In both of the dreams the feeling of death was very realistic. I wasn't afraid of dying, just felt pity."

Once again, this is an expression of something new and foreign that is giving your friend fear, and hence a death of self. The ironic part here is that there is no fear of death. The "pity" can be an attempt to identify whatever is "foreign" in your friend's life, and a hope to understand the change that is occurring. It could also be an expression of regret, that there is something unresolved and sudden about the change. When a chapter of our lives is finished and there is no "goodbye", or conclusion, so to speak, it makes us uneasy, and looking for a conclusion. It is the human condition to fear what is open, for it is unknown. That open-endedness to circumstance may be what's causing these dreams.

Aaroneet 06-24-2007 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by DeathChii
How do you know all this?? O_O

If you do indeed mean me, it's from literary analysis. When someone or something fascinates me, I try to find out all I can about them. Dreams are a way for me to do that.

DeathChii 06-24-2007 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Aaroneet
If you do indeed mean me, it's from literary analysis. When someone or something fascinates me, I try to find out all I can about them. Dreams are a way for me to do that.

Yes, I'm very interested in dreams and what they mean. I really want to learn about it... I was just wondering if you know anywhere I can get information...?

Aaroneet 06-24-2007 01:54 PM

Try researching Dream Interpretation online. And, as I've said before, take novels, and analyze as much as you can.

Methadrine 06-24-2007 01:56 PM

a bit offtopic but when locating resources on any given subject, try wikipedia. At the bottom of the page of the subject they usually list a couple of external sites where you can get even more info etc.

DeathChii 06-24-2007 02:00 PM

Thanks! I'll get to that as soon as I am done studying for science! T__T

Aaroneet 06-24-2007 02:39 PM

Good luck with that, by the way.

DeathChii 06-24-2007 02:47 PM

Thank you =D

Don't Look Behind You 06-25-2007 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Aaroneet
If you do indeed mean me, it's from literary analysis. When someone or something fascinates me, I try to find out all I can about them. Dreams are a way for me to do that.

Your analysis skills are truely worth of admiration. I also try anaylsing people and novels, but I do not believe that dreams say all that much about people. Dreams are just bits and pieces of unprocessed information gathered during the day. I think for the most part they are nonsense.

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