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BourbonBoy 03-22-2014 02:17 PM

Am I The Only One Creeped Out By This?
I've heard about these "Purity Balls" before, but this is just some creepy shit.

Here's the original article that brought it to my attention:


Purity Balls: ‘You’re Married To God And Your Father Is Your Boyfriend’

Wait, what? If you’re married, you’re not supposed to have a boyfriend. And from what we know about God, he’s a pretty jealous fellow. Confusing…
Purity balls have become a phenomenon among evangelical Christians in the U.S. and abroad. These extravaganzas are gala events resembling elaborate wedding ceremonies. The girls – usually around the age of 12 – wear white gowns and take vows to “marry” God. The daughters commit to live pure lives by the symbolic gesture of laying down a white rose at the foot of a cross before participating in a wedding-style dance with her father.

During the ceremony, the fathers present their daughters with a purity ring – a symbol of their commitment to virginity, with the idea of the girls giving their virginity to their fathers to protect until marriage. As one father explains to his daughter “You keep this ring on your finger and at this point, you are married to the Lord and your father is your boyfriend”. Within the movement, purity means no sexual contact of any kind – that includes kissing – until after marriage.
Fathers sign a purity covenant which states that as “High Priest of the home and family” that they will pledge “before God to cover my daughter as her authority and protection in the area of purity”

Saya 03-22-2014 05:54 PM

Jessica Valenti (who admittedly is the quintessential White Feminist in that she only talks about white problems as if they are universal*) has a book called The Purity Myth that talks a lot about this. Its pretty creepy and they always had the incestuous overtones.

*Actually wouldn't mind talking about this, I'm sure its not just a white thing but she goes on about how the idea of virginity and purity puts girls on unfair pedestals, but the thing is in our society its only white women who are viewed as pure and chaste if they follow these sets of rules; women of colour are hypersexualized from a very young age and do not reap the supposed benefits of "virgin privilege".

BourbonBoy 03-22-2014 08:41 PM

It's funny you mention that, because I've always gotten that sense about white female purity even from reading the edited "Grimm's Fairy Tales." However, in the Tex-Mex Community, based on my own experience, it's the opposite. Any woman who sleeps with a Hispanic male is automatically a whore, regardless if they're dating or if they guy talked her into it or it's the unpleasant word that starts with an R. Should the girl squeeze out a child, and if it's a masculine child, then by Jesus, Mary and Joseph they should marry. If not, he should care for the daughter but never claim the woman as the mother of his child.
It's a very sickening way of thinking I admit. Yet strangely, mothers are seen as the head of the household and final word in the child's upbringing. If this isn't the case of doublethink, than I don't know what is.

Xombie 03-23-2014 08:48 AM

Pretttty creepy. The movie Ken Park (written by Harmony Korine and directed by Larry Clark, sooo of course it's pretty fucked) follows a girl whose father forces her into a thing like this after finding her getting kind of freaky with another guy. It's a pretty dramatic portrayal of the concept and makes it all the more unsettling.

Saya 03-23-2014 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by BourbonBoy (Post 810273)
It's funny you mention that, because I've always gotten that sense about white female purity even from reading the edited "Grimm's Fairy Tales." However, in the Tex-Mex Community, based on my own experience, it's the opposite. Any woman who sleeps with a Hispanic male is automatically a whore, regardless if they're dating or if they guy talked her into it or it's the unpleasant word that starts with an R. Should the girl squeeze out a child, and if it's a masculine child, then by Jesus, Mary and Joseph they should marry. If not, he should care for the daughter but never claim the woman as the mother of his child.
It's a very sickening way of thinking I admit. Yet strangely, mothers are seen as the head of the household and final word in the child's upbringing. If this isn't the case of doublethink, than I don't know what is.

Oh, I'm not saying women of colour aren't stigmatized when it comes to concepts of virginity, but in the culture at large, they are hypersexualized. Like Selena Gomez, pretty wholesome girl, right? But when she and Justin Bieber broke up, Redtube kept tweeting him to check out their Latina porn to get over it. Or how on Tumblr the Latina tag was dominated by porn. Meanwhile women like Taylor Swift keep the "wholesome, pure" image well into their twenties while others like Miley Cyrus appropriate from people of colour to prove they aren't "wholesome".

I hate that I can only think of pop culture references off the top of my head, sorry! Obviously you know way more about views of women's sexuality within your community, but as a whole the concept of virginity, especially in the states, was assumed for white women and denied to women of colour.

AshleyO 03-25-2014 06:54 PM

I remember them talking about that in my Abolition of Whiteness class. That virginity was another badge of whiteness and purity. Ones that REALLY get me are conservative women taking some of the intellectual real estate of feminism, dragging it more to the center. A lot of this of course, is the work of white women. I dunno. It was a pretty strange mind fuck. Kinda like how it'd be certainly fair and a victory for women if more women were CEOs and heads of state, but then it's a different thing entirely when it might turn out that most of those women may not be much different than their men counterparts.

BourbonBoy 03-26-2014 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Saya (Post 810278)
I hate that I can only think of pop culture references off the top of my head, sorry! Obviously you know way more about views of women's sexuality within your community, but as a whole the concept of virginity, especially in the states, was assumed for white women and denied to women of colour.

Nah, it's cool and understandable. There's not many known female Hispanics that aren't hypersexualized in one form or another in pop culture. The only one that I can think of is Michelle Rodriguez, but she's more tomboyish. There's virtually none in office at the state and federal office with the exception of Sonia Sotomayer of the U.S. Supreme Court, and even when she went to the Senate to be confirmed she caught a lot of flack.

I actually find it kind of frustrating looking at the women in my community sometimes. Because I see so much wasted potential when so many want to come off as "ghetto" rather than be community leaders and actually strive to improve the situation at a higher level. The ones who aren't trying to come off as "ghetto" and earning an education or go into the military are often seen as uptight or as wannabe white. Like "how dare they try to improve their situation in life?"

That is a strange mind fuck AshleyO. Part of me wants to find the root of that, the other part thinks I've already found the base watching that video.

ape descendant 03-27-2014 12:46 PM

You are not the only one. Mind you, any time I see a father obsessed with their daughter's sex life I get super creeped out.

TheLonelyGhost 03-27-2014 02:57 PM

This is the first time I've ever heard of this and I find it very creepy. And I agree with you Ape descendant anytime a father is obsessed with their daughter's sex life is wrong and I find it completely creepy as well.

WHITECLOUD 11-10-2014 05:34 PM

Definitely creepy shit

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