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WolfMoon 11-05-2004 04:18 PM

What's with your brows?
Okay,I've wanted to ask that to quite a few people!

Is it supposed to be a 'goth thing' to shave you brows and draw little sticks in their place?Or that annoying \ / that looks oh-so-tacky on just about everyone,it makes me want to laugh.

Those both scream of 'Look at me!I disdain you other people of the world!Look at my tasteless brows and be in awe!'

I love plucking my brows within an inch of their life.I've have seen girls that can draw loverly brows.

I guess maybe I have a slight brow fetish.I love nicely shaped brows.Thick or thin as long as they're not ridiculous looking.

I'll post a pic of my brows tomorrow after I've re-plucked them and chopped off my bangs.

You can post anything you want about eyebrows here.

Jane13 11-05-2004 04:37 PM

I wax when I've neglected to tweeze.. it becomes painful. Actually, it's sort of my trademark at my school... I'm the girl with purple eye-brows. I just smeer my eyebrows with some lipstick that I never use otherwise because it's cheap and rubs off easily, and shape them with Q-tips.

Suiside_Kitty 11-05-2004 04:48 PM

i can't stand my eyebrows, personally...
they're too thick and not wide enough (length-wise)...
but, i do like the "natural" look, so i pluck as little as possable... usually just the stray hairs, and the bit that grows in the middle (i hate it, but can't help it. it's due to my mexican half).
my dad's family are all pretty hairy... :lol:
my little sister once plucked her eyebrows into these two tiny little.... just lines, really. she hated it, and had to let them grow back out, which, of course, looked funny untill they were fully in...
so, needless to say, i've stayed away from over-plucking!
i've also tryed the little pre-cut wax strip thiniges, but they are pretty much useless, unless you use 3 or 4 of them, which you're NOT supposed to do! it leaves big ugly red spots.... bleh.
but yeah... it seems to be quite popular to just shave/ cut/ pluck/ whatever them all the way off and draw them on... which i think is fine, if you can actually do it well.
i just dont ever see trying that one myself!

WolfMoon 11-05-2004 04:49 PM

That's pretty cool!

I've never tried purple eyebrows.

Steals Jane's idea and claims it as her own.


Jane13 11-05-2004 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by WolfMoon
Steals Jane's idea and claims it as her own.


I've found you out! :P Feel free to use purple eyebrows... I'll be proud that my idea wasn't lame!

TeapotScar 11-06-2004 12:03 AM

Eyebrows... I can make just one of mine move upwards! You're not unique, Gypsy... :wink:

This isn't a good picture of it... but it will suffice pour maintenant.

SuicideJade 11-06-2004 12:37 AM

i am passionate about brows...
ever since i was a wee little jade i have had this insane urge to pluck brooke sheilds' brows >_<
i shave my brows, but only to trim... never to eradicate... i never could draw pretty ones on..
my brows have to be thin or else i feel all gross looking... :roll:

Voodoo_Queen 11-06-2004 06:55 PM

I shave most of my brows, leaving just a little.

gingerbreadwench 11-06-2004 06:55 PM

I wax whenever I can spare twelve dollars (the lady that does them is named Saxon... I think that's so cool), but for the most part I just let 'em grow. It makes me sneeze to pluck them, so I don't.

Monobrow city right here. Oh well.

FenrisQueen 11-09-2004 02:43 PM

I suppose I pay as much attention to my eyebrows as the next person, although they do sometimes have a will of their own. I pluck if I notice a stray hair. When people have unibrows it freaks me out. I just want to rip it out, pluck it, wax it, whatever. The girl who sits near me in my first period class has these monstrous eyebrows. ::left eye starts to twitch::

Does this count as my good deed of the day? I guess not, since I didn't actually help the eyebrow impaired, just wanted to. :?

Jane13 11-09-2004 06:11 PM

X!! Seperated at birth, I swear (even though you're older than me)! I do the same knuckle thing.... don't shave your arms. When I first started shaving my legs I thought you were supposed to... The second time I did it I nearly cut a rather large vein... BAD idea.

Agwani 11-09-2004 06:50 PM

I only pluck mine to clean them up. If I'm feeling rather courageous, and I have some free time on my hands, I get them very fine and arched.

I'm lucky, they have a nice shape naturally, I just have to keep'em clean.

Mind you, I am somewhat envious of those who can just take them off completely and then paint them in. I touch my face far too many times in a day to ever pull that off. I can barely keep my lipstick in place!

TeapotScar 11-09-2004 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Xnguela
I pluck rather compulsively... can't help it. In 6th grade, my mother informed me I had a unibrow and people might talk, so I've been paranoid ever since. Actually, that became a really fucked up compulsion of mine, as then for a while I'd pluck parts of my eyelashes, and then I accidently plucked them off, and I plucked the hair on my knuckles, and anywhere else I thought was too small to shave but needed less hair...

I know. Weird, right? Oh well! I hear Dr. Phil's going to be doing a show about teens who compulsively get rid of their own hair... so maybe it's not that unheard of, after all!

This is an actual thing. I did a fair amount of research on it when I was in high school- it's called trichotillomania.

Rhapsody 11-11-2004 06:02 AM

I go to the wax-lady every couple of months to keep them shaped, and do my own maintenance with the tweezers at home. Whatever is left gets colored black by my hairstylist. It's much easier than trying to pencil them in before you've had your coffee.
I'm paranoid of becoming that old lady that tried to pencil in her brows, and missed.

esotericesores 11-11-2004 06:46 AM

Well, I love my grmma dearly, but she pencils in her eyebrows with blue. she HAS eyebrows.. nicely waxed, but she has white hair, very very white hair. And even her eyebrows are totally white, so she wants to darken them so they're a little more noticable. She uses this blue eyeliner pencil, and she really looks like an alien. She finds it to be so flattering on herself, too. I don't have the heart to tell her...

But myself, I pluck insanely. if ONE hair is out of place I NEED to pluck it. Just the other day I lost my tweezers and every day after that I felt disgusting and like my eyebrows were huge and shaggy. When I was a kid I had really big ugly monster eyebrows that went like-- up my fucking forehead in this extreme arche. As soon as I wasn't afraid I'd cry from the pain of ripping out my hair I bolding picked up those tweezers for the first time!!--- And did the worst pluck job ever. Now I've mastered my own eyebrows. I dont feel an ounce of pain doing it anymore.

And I know what you mean by wanting to pluck the hell out of some people eyebrows. my old friend Lacye had these huge eyebrows. We hung out every day- and finally I said "..Can I.. Pluck your eyebrows?" She says no like she's disgusted and told me she'll never pluck. We didnt speak for a while because she's a douche bag(Miss straight edge had a problem with me going to a party and smoking.. though I know smoking = bad.. I'm on the verge of quiting anyway.No reason to HATE someone.. right?), but I recently saw her and now she shaves them- in the most horrible way. Now when I see her I dont wanna pluck them, I just think "I could have made her look pretty.... but noooo..."

I've always wanted to get mine waxed.. but I have this fear that they'll make them look.. weird. or so thin that they're almost nonexistant.

Holy shite, how the hell did I type that much about EYEBROWS... Now if you'll excuse me... I'm going to go tweez.

gingerbreadwench 11-11-2004 11:42 AM

esotericesores, you made me think of my Grammi. I haven't seen her in a few years, but I remember once at Thanksgiving she had shaved her eyebrows, and then drawn them in like this:
___ ___

in some sort of disgusting teal color. It was really funny... totally not like her at all. Last time I saw her, she had real eyebrows. Thank God.

tiffany_the_writer 11-11-2004 11:59 AM

When I used to pluck them, I would feel like I was going to sneeze and my eyes would get all watery so I couldn't see what I was doing. I could only do like three hairs and then I would have to wait until I could see clearly and then do three more hairs. But now just let mine go natural, it’s less stressful this way.

skoteinh 11-12-2004 02:59 AM

I also have one brow. Sometimes it sucks being mediterranean. At least I have a matching 'tache :twisted:

It's a constant battle with me and hair. I only pluck the middle brow though, as I find plucking my brows extremely painful and moreover, I have not a clue how to shape them. I know I should have it professionally done, but I trust no-one. I do not want to end up with two thin lines for eyebrows. It wouldn't look good.

Esoteric: would you come and pluck my brows, please?

Jane13 11-12-2004 03:30 PM

purple eyebrow.

Voodoo_Queen 11-13-2004 03:53 PM

I like those purple brows,, I have never tried a color other than black or brown.

Jane13 11-14-2004 05:39 PM

It's fun! I don't always do purple... usually I color them to match my clothes. I've also done blue and green.

TeapotScar 11-14-2004 11:20 PM

So let me see if I get this Jane- You wax/pluck all of the hair, and just draw in the brows? Do they wear off during the day?

I think they look *awesome* and I hope you do it forever.

Jane13 11-15-2004 03:05 PM

Not all of the hair... I have to shape my eyebrows with tweezing. I couldn't draw them on without something to draw over. And thankies!

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