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gothic_vampire 10-26-2005 08:30 AM

Goths in school...
has your school done anything to stop the whole gothic scene?

NightwishCobain 10-26-2005 08:51 AM

yeah 2 things.
1. no eyeliner, nail polish, jewlery, not like i will go to school with no eyeliner on, that is just stupid, no i do what i want, they pay the price.
2. they teach us alot about religion if that counts, i brought up an argument in one RS (Religious Studies) class because a girl said there was no such thing as magic, i said all this stuff about Wiccans and the teacher glared at me the whole way through. i was like oh crap! after cos she was like that is not true.... and i was like but i nkow someone who is Wiccan and she knows it is true. i shut up after that because another teacher came into the room and after the teacher forgot what we had been talking about...

gothic_vampire 10-26-2005 08:54 AM

would i happen to know the person who is wiccan??

NightwishCobain 10-26-2005 09:02 AM

Do you know Steph? I don't think you do, she goes out with Rus? Julie worships her? Ring any bells? I may have talked about her

gothic_vampire 10-26-2005 09:03 AM

i think you've mentioned her one or twice... why the hell does julie worship her?

NightwishCobain 10-26-2005 09:09 AM

Cos Julie has no one else to worship! Steph is a hot guy magnet, Julie thinks if she hangs out with Steph guys will like her more because Steph accepts her. Steph goes through boy friends really fast. At the start of term it was Martin, next week it was Steven and now it's Rus, he's the longest so far with a grand total of 3 weeks

gothic_vampire 10-26-2005 09:16 AM

okay strange... well anyway back to the original topic!!

my school is pretty cool about gothic stuff, loads of people have dyed hair.... mainly black but a few have red hair and there's a girl with green hair tips i think...
we're not allowed nail polish but stuff that!! eye liner is okay...and jewellery is okay as well. though i wish i was at an americasn school so i could wear my own clothes...

NightwishCobain 10-26-2005 09:18 AM

join the club

rockandrose 10-26-2005 05:49 PM

My high school has one of the most ridiculous set of rules ever invented in educational history. I went to a Catholic high school, where makeup + jewellery was not allowed. The exception being that you can only wear one religious necklace. It was ridiculous! Detentions for wearing eyeliner. Guys and girls couldn't have their hair shaven and absolutely no facial hair. No extreme colored hair such as fluro pink. We also wore uniform and even that was strict tight, tighter than any pair of tights u can find. Ties always must be done up properly, shirts tucked in, BLAZERS must be worn to and from school etc...I'm sure the list of rules continues in an encyclopedia somewhere. These stupid school rules have remained engraved at the back of my mind till now. Fortunately, my high school years has been filled with many wonderful memories. I miss those teen years...!

winged_dreams 10-26-2005 07:34 PM

Yeah. Check that thread out. It's about the same thing.

rockandrose 10-26-2005 07:59 PM


Black Gestalt 10-26-2005 08:16 PM

My school is very good about it. Most of the dress code applies to the prep croud and their short shorts and sagging pants.

I think one of my friend once had a problem with a fishnet shirt because it doesn't cover nothin. Um, but he just put a shirt on top of it and it was all good. So many people wear creative clothing of one kind or another that it's fine with everyone.

rockandrose 10-26-2005 09:00 PM

Teachers checking girls if they were wearing eyeliner or masara.
If so, WASH IT OFF!!!

I still wore makeup in high school on many occassions even though it will get me a bundle of detention slips.

razor_playground 10-26-2005 09:57 PM

my old hich school had no dress code whatsoever..being that all girls dressed like little porn stars and the alternative dressers could wear whatever they wanted..i went to a couple of schools for high school and it wasnt always the same..mpst opposition comes from teh student body and not teachers or authority..the only time i was reprimended was for having a patch on my bag that was a hand giving the finger..and they said they "suggested" i remove it..

cyberJade 10-26-2005 10:20 PM

In my highschool, the retardeded security officers don't want people wearing chains or spikes. They think it's some kind of weapon. Hah! But the kids still wear them. As for make up, they don't care.

rockandrose 10-27-2005 12:02 AM

Fortunately, now I'm in Uni and I can dress as I please.....yeah baby!!! Now, where's my lipstick???

GothicMel_666 10-27-2005 03:34 AM

am still at skool n i love breaking the rules on 'no make-up allowed' its great to see the teachers getting frusrated because the goths wont listen to them!!!

Bride_Of_Satan 10-27-2005 06:05 AM

No eyeliner and black nail varnish but we don't listen...
We've got loads of goths in sixth form, the teachers aren't too happy (For some reason they think we should wear blouses and black trousers) about it but they don't take any s*** from nobody - especially not teachers. My form tutor is a goth and he's meant to tell us not to wear eyeliner or black nail varnish but he says it looks cool so we can do it anyway.

NightwishCobain 10-27-2005 10:30 AM

kewl it would be wonderful to have a teacher like that

Bride_Of_Satan 10-27-2005 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by NightwishCobain
kewl it would be wonderful to have a teacher like that

lol. He's got those holes in his ears where some of the flesh is missing - they look so rockin' honestly, but my parents think he's a bad influence lol.

angleangel_doom 10-27-2005 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by gothic_vampire
okay strange... well anyway back to the original topic!!

my school is pretty cool about gothic stuff, loads of people have dyed hair.... mainly black but a few have red hair and there's a girl with green hair tips i think...
we're not allowed nail polish but stuff that!! eye liner is okay...and jewellery is okay as well. though i wish i was at an americasn school so i could wear my own clothes...

Well then, if you did we could teach you how to spell and use grammar correctly.

Shadow-God 10-27-2005 12:49 PM

OMG. At my school you have to wear uniform. No Eyeliner allowed. No Hairdye allowed. No jewlrey allowed.

And Some of our teachers are prejudice to goths. On the last day of the year (when you can actuely wear your own clothes) last year a teacher turns round to me and said I look awfull how I was dressed. Loads of kids give you abuse because of it. I mean our drama teacher said goths are sad and boring and she doesnt like them!

Thankgod i change school next year!!!

ChildOftheNight 10-27-2005 02:06 PM

Our school's pretty cool about all that, although we have to wear a uniform like all other schools in Ireland. We're not allowed to have facial piercings but a few people in my year do but dont get told off to cuz we're seniors. The only thing is we're not really allowed to have "weird" colours in our hair but one girl has green hair and she told them she wasnt gonna dye it back so they couldnt do anything!!!

polished_wolf_claws 10-27-2005 04:03 PM

My high schools never did much against it... and I'm going into hair school in a few weeks.... one of my teachers is a lesbian goth who wants in my sister's pants...... so I assume that it's fine there too ^^

Midnight_Terror 10-28-2005 01:27 AM

Ah my school doesn't let you dye your hair to extreme colours and the only jewellery your allowed is one set of earings if you have your ears peirced...everything else is confiscated. Nobody really knows whos a goth becuase of the uniform but a teacher heard me talking to someone about music and hasn't made eye contact with me since, I think she's a bit scared of me.

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