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Pineapple_Juice 02-18-2010 04:32 PM

Goths suck and don't care about food.
You know what I want? I want a whole section of the forum dedicated to food. And then I want subforums separating these into specific cuisines. And then inside these I want threads that have recipes. And pictures.
Lots of pictures.

We could have a "pictures of good food you've eaten" thread. I tried the "What are you eating" thread before, and it never caught on because goffs are stupid and only drink absinthe/blood and smoke cloves.

I hate you all.

the-nihilist 02-18-2010 04:35 PM

What, are you hungry or something?

Pineapple_Juice 02-18-2010 04:37 PM

Starving. I've had literally 86 cents since last week. Getting paid tomorrow, YAY!

Edit: Hey, that's neither here nor there. Why doesn't the thought of food ever catch on in this place? That's what I'm whining about!

Alan 02-18-2010 05:20 PM

Goth girls are fatasses and don't want to talk about food lest they lose their darnk mystique and we as a community realize the do weight 200 pounds.
Goth guys are anorexic and only eat because their mother forces them to or they take away their bullet belts and bitch boots. Or fatasses that won't talk about food lest we discover they're not nihilist technovikings of the type Gorgoroth would like to sing about.

the-nihilist 02-18-2010 05:28 PM

You could just drink coffee until you get something to eat.

Pineapple_Juice 02-18-2010 05:46 PM

Nah I don't have any coffee. I have rotten soymilk, the last dregs of some juice, and all the tap water I could drink. I could make a lot of tea...

Beneath the Shadows 02-18-2010 06:33 PM

I care about food. I have to. I work in a kitchen.

HumanePain 02-18-2010 07:15 PM

PJ, don't you live in LA somewhere? Honestly, I would be happy to buy you lunch or give you money for food. PM me if you want to meet somewhere or even just tell me where to drop off some cash for you to pick it up later. The closer to Riverside County the better.

FlowerGirl 02-18-2010 07:36 PM

spaghetti carbonara with bacon on top :)

Beneath the Shadows 02-18-2010 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by HumanePain (Post 603218)
PJ, don't you live in LA somewhere? Honestly, I would be happy to buy you lunch or give you money for food. PM me if you want to meet somewhere or even just tell me where to drop off some cash for you to pick it up later. The closer to Riverside County the better.

I live in LA, can I have money? I promise I'll claim it's for food.

Despanan 02-18-2010 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by the-nihilist (Post 603081)
What, are you hungry or something?

Aren't you, ROBOT?

violetrevolution 02-18-2010 08:27 PM

anyone into organic food? i know its not very punk rock to be healthy, but some of us HAVE to eat good wholesome food.

Alan 02-18-2010 08:59 PM

I hate the concept of organic food.

PortraitOfSanity 02-18-2010 09:23 PM

I just hate the presumptuous assholes who assume organic is inherently better.

Yea, have fun digging chicken shit out of your organic wheat numb nuts.

I buy from a brand that has a 50 ton machine to do that for me, thanks.

violetrevolution 02-19-2010 01:12 AM

i'm pretty sure organic doesn't mean they can't use machines to pick out chicken shit. speaking of chicken shit...

Still Jack 02-19-2010 01:34 AM

I love Indian food, especially that kind that is so spicy it makes me sweat.
Oh and everyone should look up Nepalese recipes, it's like crossing Indian with Chinese food.

MissCheyenne 02-19-2010 07:32 AM

Nepalese recipes are the shit.There's a Nepalese restaurant near my house which I like to go to. I can't remember the name of any of the dishes though. Indian food that make you feel like your eyes are gonna melt because they are so hot are the absolute best. I fucking love hot food. I'd eat it non stop if I could. Even for breakfast.

Delkaetre 02-19-2010 10:09 AM

Lots of us like food. Really like it.

It's just that food is expensive and I'm... skint. Like, living-on-a-meal-and-some-juice-a-day skint. If I talk about food, I will be so damn hungry. Granted, at weekends that meal will be a nice meal, but it's still *a* meal. If I start talking about butternut squash and bok choi light thai style curries with fresh fruit juice and a delicious pandan agar jelly in coconut afterwards, I will befeeling very damn hungry. Especially if I think about the exotic fruits served with the pandan jelly, the gula mekala layered cake, the keuh dadar I hope to try making some day as a delicious afternoon snack, the light and tasty brioche that just makes the best breakfast bread, the rich, dark, sinfully heavy chocolate cake with oozingly luscious chocolate-orange sauce and full fat, creamy vanilla ice cream that they used to serve in CCK....

See what you've done, now I have to go scavenge and make lots of tea.

Ben Lahnger 02-19-2010 11:10 AM

This is funny. I don't go to a goth website for info on food in the same way I don't go to WebMD to get info about how to play a piano or I don't turn on the Food Network on my TV to watch Sisters of Mercy videos.

Although reading those rants in the user forum at WebMD from frustrated piano aficionados has helped me waste an idle hour or two here and there.

Delkaetre 02-19-2010 12:20 PM

Yeah, but generally a goth website wouldn't be expected to cover politics and current events, but we have a forum for each of those as well as the traditional goth stuff like music, clothing/eyeliner, and whining about how awful the world is.

Ben Lahnger 02-19-2010 12:35 PM

Well, actually ... some of them do have a politics or current events section, and those make sense from a cultural perspective. But I've never seen a food section.

Solumina 02-19-2010 01:17 PM

I'd love a food section, though I suppose I could just as easily go to a food forum.

Personally I like looking at pretty food almost as much as I like eating it, most people don't seem to put much thought or care into presentation these days and that makes me very sad.

Ben Lahnger 02-19-2010 02:12 PM

Well, that is true ... especially considering it is one of the few basic things that we all have in common. But your observation is correct, which is why there isn't much interest in such a thing here. But I have seen 3 or 4 people keep a spirited thread going on a subject completely unrelated to what the rest of the site is about ... the key is finding 3 or 4 really passionate people.

Pineapple_Juice 02-20-2010 12:06 AM

Indian food tastes like shit. It's just a big pile of oddly scented mush-I assume from the taste that part of it is human waste and part of it is pureed roadkill, with a sprig of mint in to make it a bit more pleasing to the nostrils than your average septic tank overflow.

violetrevolution 02-20-2010 01:35 AM

I feel that Thai food is just the spiced up garbage from the dumpster of a Chinese restaurant.

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