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-   - Upgrades You Would Like? ( 04-26-2006 10:41 PM Upgrades You Would Like?
There have been a lot of new features added to in the past year, but more is always nice. What additional features would you like to see added to the site? Feel free to ask for anything you can think of, no matter how over-the-top your wish is. is going to try to make as many of those crazy wishes come true as possible. Chat was one thing folks mentioned and ways are being explored to have it without it being a spammer and troll haven. But what else would everybody like? Your opinions are needed to make it the best it can be. Thanks much!

tenet_2012 04-27-2006 01:46 AM

My only problem with Gnet are the trolls. But you have no control over that, short from preventing new members to join. Who wants that? Some of the new people are tits (had to fit my word of the day in).

I think you guys run an awesome forum and delete the trolls as soon as you can.

By the way, I love the "New Posts" button.

Niels 04-27-2006 04:53 AM

Well maybe you could consider a seperated religion/philosophy forum, because now those topics are somewhat sprayed all over the place...

Circle V 04-27-2006 06:30 PM

I concur with Niels.

Godslayer Jillian 04-27-2006 07:02 PM

Maybe change the description of the Whining Thread.
The "Please post all suicide threats, complaints about significant others, and statements about how unfair school is to this board." sounds too much as Teen Angst for me.

Solumina 04-27-2006 07:25 PM

and there ends up being a lot of teen angst threads

Draconysius 04-27-2006 07:53 PM

I think there should be a short-stories thread stickied in the literature section. Maybe also there could be a "currently listening" field in the reply box? It would be unecessary, but it would enable everyone to post their musical tastes much more often without having to visit a different thread. Yes, we're that lazy. ;)

Deviant Kitten 04-27-2006 09:59 PM

I have to agree with Tenet (and by the way your avi is unbelievably cute!) that is perfect apart from the trolls. But they're just something we have to put up with and ignore as best we can, I suppose. Unless you could screen the applications for membership somehow? I don't want to get all nazi on the newbies, but if they had to fill out a (very short) form which had to be approved by a mod before they could join it might stop "black ops" type invasions!

Other than the trolls, this place is beautiful! :)

Blushing Heliophobe 04-27-2006 11:04 PM

Maybe we could have a waiting period between when you register and you are mailed your password. That way the new users can be reviewed and if they have a name like "XXXfaghaterXXXX" then it would be a lot simpler to keep them from joining/posting.

But that may be too time intensive, I dunno. It'd be nice though.

Deviant Kitten 04-28-2006 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Xnguela
I think when I first registered I was auto-directed to something like "For The Newbies"... I could be wrong, because it was a while ago, but it would probably be helpful if that feature was in place for new members.

It was still there when I joined. I've a feeling that some people skip straight past it though...

I still think it would be good if new members had to be accepted by a mod before they could post, so as to stop the banned ones from bouncing straight back under a new name! I don't know much about IP addresses; could they be used to check whether a troll was returning ('reject' for example)?

Edit: I know it sounds time-consuming to check new members, but it would save our poor mods from having to continually delete offensive posts and ban the same trolls over and over!

Sobeh 04-28-2006 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Santarea
yeah, everytime the sequence of words "I cut myself", "No one understands me", or "I like Marilyn Manson" are generated, the member typing it gets its IP address banned.

^^ Banned4Life.

I'd really love a philosophy area as well, so that my intellectual urine gets sprayed in a more confined space. Less slosh-factor, more astringent and concentrated for those pesky rusty bumpers...

WolfMoon 04-29-2006 07:59 AM

I miss the olde feature we had of the last 5 topics that were replied to scrolling by. Chat would be a nice feature. Maybe something like IRC?

I also like the idea oif being able to check for banned ip's before letting new members join. It would save a lot of hassle in the long run.

edible_eye 04-29-2006 05:25 PM

- sigh -

deviant's and blushing's avatars are the reason men relish their eyes. wolfmoon as well, of course - but she already knows that.

just stopping in to say "hi".

i don't have an upgrade suggestion - but does anyone know how to submit short stories - yes, i'm still a mod but for the life of me, i don't know the rules / details. i have a few i'd like to take a shot on.

Corpus_Draconis 04-29-2006 05:36 PM

I have a short story that I'd be interested in rewriting and trying to submit...

I do like the idea of a philosophy/religion thread. I think I would spend quite some time in there...

maggot 04-29-2006 09:21 PM

A "smartness bar." This will go down when people say stupid things like "O RLY?!" and is replenished over time.

Demonista_Ravenesque 04-29-2006 10:49 PM

I love the idea of a smartness bar!

Well, please please please please put in a roleplay forum!

Those things are so great they make my bladder weak!

Binkie 04-30-2006 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by WolfMoon
I miss the olde feature we had of the last 5 topics that were replied to scrolling by.

Oooooh, yeah. I almost forgot about that. That actually was a VERY convenient feature. I'll second that!

As for mine, I'm probably beatting a dead horse here, but what about doing away with the time limits on editing posts? I mean, I've gotten used to proof reading my posts 3 times over before I post anymore, but still I come across a word that's misspelled or in the wrong place and I have that compulsory need to go back and fix it.

maggot 04-30-2006 09:12 AM

Roleplay forums are fun, although you need to obsessively check back on them.

Godslayer Jillian 04-30-2006 11:32 AM

What's a roleplay forum?

Magpie_Tendencies 04-30-2006 11:14 PM

Roleplay forums are where people take on the persona of a fictional character and start a story. They post say, a paragraph and then someone else comes along and adds their character/s to the story.

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