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Opteron_Man 06-22-2008 07:41 PM

Legal Self-defence Weapons in Canada
I was shocked from the news that four muggers attacked a person and mugged then beat him near my neighborhood!

Coupled with the news of Goths getting attacked around the world, the fact that I am a small man (5' 4" at 111 LBS) makes me an easy target.

I thought of carrying a weapon with me to defend myself if something did happen. I thought of a folding knife. Nope can't use that. Illegal.

I thought of pepper spray. Nope can't use that. Illegal.

I thought of carrying around a 4 "D" cell aluminum Maglight flashlight. It is too goddamn heavy.

I thought of carrying around brass knuckles. It is way too illegal.

Any suggestions on what I could carry that is NOT illegal to carry.

These fucking Canadian laws man! You can’t beat up a robber if he busts into your home. You will go to jail with him! Perverted Canadian law! You can't defend yourself properly in this half-baked "country"!

What are supposted to do when some big fucker points a knife at you and demands your wallet or purse? Blow that candyass orange whistle you have around your neck or screem like a panzy for Superman to come save you?

Splintered 06-22-2008 08:56 PM

You can have bear spray.

And if you *happen* to use it on people, it's sometimes legal.


Barfing_Rat 06-22-2008 09:00 PM

Take up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, or Sambo. That way you don't have any weapons on you and you can snap people bones into two with relative ease.

Splintered 06-22-2008 11:59 PM

Take Ju Jitsu, and if you can Krav Maga.

I highly suggest it because it's one of the few martial arts that incorporates guns in to the practice.

Sir Canvas Corpsey 06-23-2008 12:20 AM

Go Chun Li on their ass

KontanKarite 06-23-2008 12:41 AM

Simple. Learn how to street fight.

Say a guy has a knife. Go to the nearest car with its antenna sticking out, rip it off, and commence to beating him to DEATH.

Carry a glass bottle of water around with you. Someone threatens your livelyhood, break the bottle on something and jab them right in the throat.

Pick up random rocks, bricks, trash cans, anything, and de-fucking-stroy them.

If they get in close, poke their eyes out of their skull. Punch them in the throat. Punch them as hard as you can in the throat then drop kick them right in the solar plexus.

If they're not down after all of that, RUN. Cause you've just decided to fight terminator.

Barfing_Rat 06-23-2008 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by KontanKarite
Simple. Learn how to street fight.

Say a guy has a knife. Go to the nearest car with its antenna sticking out, rip it off, and commence to beating him to DEATH.

How will a guy be able to stab you if his arm is broken in two piece or elbows is dislocated or possible both?

Sir Canvas Corpsey 06-23-2008 12:45 AM

I'd rather kick it out of his hand, do some funky punches, grab his head and lift up, so your hand standing on him, then turn, snapping his neck and drop gracefully. Alternatively grab his shoulders, kick him in the stomach and then hold using his stomach as a rest with pushing off the hands so your crotch is in his face, as soon as that happens keep holding on to the shoulders and turn your waist clutching tightly onto the head with your thighs. crunchy...


KontanKarite 06-23-2008 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Barfing_Rat
How will a guy be able to stab you if his arm is broken in two piece or elbows is dislocated or possible both?

I'd take my chances with brutal street fighting survival tactics before I'd decide to grapple a 300 pound man with my tiny 100 pound body.

Yes, that's possible, but martial arts for the most part, DOES NOT TEACH YOU how to have the intent to kill someone. You'd rather try to break someone's arm with your shabby, scared, martial arts instead of busting their head with a brick?

Sir Canvas Corpsey 06-23-2008 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by KontanKarite
I'd take my chances with brutal street fighting survival tactics before I'd decide to grapple a 300 pound man with my tiny 100 pound body.

Yes, that's possible, but martial arts for the most part, DOES NOT TEACH YOU how to have the intent to kill someone. You'd rather try to break someone's arm with your shabby, scared, martial arts instead of busting their head with a brick?

A lot of kids who do martial arts can't fight at all unless it's in the controlled ring of a martial arts event. No conviction behind their attacks, and they hold off some attacks because it's not honorable or just to do them.

On the off chance you're a raging psychopath or can kill without fear, some nicely done martial arts can help

KontanKarite 06-23-2008 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Sir Canvas Corpsey
A lot of kids who do martial arts can't fight at all unless it's in the controlled ring of a martial arts event. No conviction behind their attacks, and they hold off some attacks because it's not honorable or just to do them.

On the off chance you're a raging psychopath or can kill without fear, some nicely done martial arts can help

It can. But if we're talking life or death here, you're piss poor 2 months of training at the McDojo isn't going to do shit against someone who's going to eviscerate your guts into a steaming pile on the pavement.

Sir Canvas Corpsey 06-23-2008 12:56 AM

Absoloutely, that's why I said help, if someone is running at you with a knife and your martial arts has taught you how to throw a stationary person, then I suggest throwing your bag at them and running at them straight away, hopefully the bag knocked them over or dizzied them up a little then take em to the ground and start wailing on them (hopefully they dropped their weapon, if not make sure they do and then use it against them)

Bricks are too easy to dodge you see...

KontanKarite 06-23-2008 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Sir Canvas Corpsey
Absoloutely, that's why I said help, if someone is running at you with a knife and your martial arts has taught you how to throw a stationary person, then I suggest throwing your bag at them and running at them straight away, hopefully the bag knocked them over or dizzied them up a little then take em to the ground and start wailing on them (hopefully they dropped their weapon, if not make sure they do and then use it against them)

Bricks are too easy to dodge you see...

Use it like a fist. No one said you had to throw it, just knock some skulls in with it.

Sir Canvas Corpsey 06-23-2008 01:13 AM

Depends on how far your range is with the brick and how close they can get to hurting you if you're going in close. Part of survival is quick thinking and reacting to the other person.

Barfing_Rat 06-23-2008 06:31 AM

What good will intention to kill do if you can't fight well? I may not be trained to fight against someone with weapon but... How do you train for a such thing? Go pick fight with random people armed with weapon? I'd rather to not take that chance. But I can tell you this... If someone want to use weapon on me, they better hope they use it right first time because if they don't... They'll most likely end up on ground where they will be at lost and I'll be in domination position to beat the hell out of them with their own weapon. I don't care if you're 100 or 300 lbs, if you don't know how to fight on ground and you're going against even someone with nothing more than a high school wrestling experience, you're in for some long night. Let lone someone who grapple pretty much everyday with chokes and locks, have seen all kind of trick by every walk of life from tiny to huge, beginner to experienced, etc...

If you think most people can hit hard with a crowbar or bats, then you clearly never felt a good kicks before. It hit way harder than a bat. So imagine finding your weapon useless against someone, that would not be a pleasant situation to be in especially if your weapon can easily be turned around and use against you!

There's thin line between mcdojo and actually martial arts. If you stand in row and punch air and make noise all day, yes you'll get your ass kicked hard. If you train with live spar, full contact, bust your ass hard, and learn how to really mess someone up, then I doubt very many people can take on you.

Other thing to keep in mind is, if you're much smaller, the chance that you'll have success with weapon against someone bigger isn't very good if you don't make right move the first time. They can outpower you and take it away from you and use it against you. Yes they may get some damage but they certainly will not be the one who will get a free ride in ambulance.

Overall if you really want the best self defend... Take up triathlon or marathon and buy a shotgun to hide in your bedroom. But I doubt that would work in Canada. So I guess triathlon and marathon is only choose beside martial arts.

KontanKarite 06-23-2008 07:36 AM

Oh really? And do you know any kinds of places like this in Saulte St. Mairie for our friend?

I'm not saying that martial arts isn't useful, trained in it for over 9 years. But if buddy boy isn't training like he fights, he's fucked and if he is, then time isn't affording him much opportunity to save his ass. What if did start training and the very next day, a guy just decided to cut his head clean off?

Shit, if I had to choose between fighting a black belt and some hardened gangster who isn't afraid to kill someone, I think I'd go with the black belt. At least I'd know his fight is institutionalized.

Splintered 06-23-2008 08:38 AM

You guys, as much as you're suggestions for using weapons in self-defense might work in the United States, they probably won't work in Canada and will end up landing OP's ass in jail.

Why? Because Canada's Self-Defense laws (Criminal Code Sections 34-37) state:

(1) Every one who is unlawfully assaulted without having provoked the assault is justified in repelling force by force [i]if the force he uses is not intended to cause death or grievous bodily harm and is no more than is necessary to enable him to defend himself[i].


[Every one is justified in using force to defend himself or any one under his protection from assault, if he uses no more force than is necessary to prevent the assault or the repetition of it.

( )

Basically, in Canada you have an implied obligation to retreat, you have an obligation to with hold as much force as possible, and using a weapon is basically considered a giant no-no.

(I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice, consider everything I say a lie).

KontanKarite 06-23-2008 09:44 AM

Yeah, but we're talking about armed robbery here. Now if he has a means of running away, then go for it. I'm talking about a situation where he's cornered, no where to go, and a knife gleaming in the light.

I see a weapon, I'd assume one would consider trying to kill me with it.

Maldarion_Haliax 06-23-2008 10:38 AM

I don't live in Canada but I don't care where I am always carry a knife,anyone tries to attack me and it's goin' to the hilt in their throat.
I'd rather deal with the legal system than end up dead in an alley.
What the others were sayin' also,throat and solar plexis,that's what ya go for.

Toy Killer 06-23-2008 11:30 AM

I'd say carry around a can of Axe bodyspray, it's just as good as mace for all intents and purposes, but more permanent (mace was designed to leave no lasting effects) and flamable, in case you smoke and have a reason to carry a lighter on your person.

Opteron_Man 06-23-2008 02:01 PM

That is why I don't like Canada. Every thing about this so call country leaves me with a cheap feeling. The lame laws to the lame everything.
I think Canada is a wannabe. Trying to imitate America. Where's Canada's space program. Wheres Canada's Pentagon? Canada is nothing but a limp noddle. All of the very best inventions came from either Europe of the U.S! When something marvolous is invented, Canada is right there to follow up with an equivolent invention to kind of share the limelight. Th first word I can think of when I hear the name Canada is "bland". The second one is "weak".

Sir Canvas Corpsey 06-23-2008 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Maldarion_Haliax
I don't live in Canada but I don't care where I am always carry a knife,anyone tries to attack me and it's goin' to the hilt in their throat.
I'd rather deal with the legal system than end up dead in an alley.
What the others were sayin' also,throat and solar plexis,that's what ya go for.

On the part of going into the legal system rather than being dead, we are in agreement

I Am Great. 06-23-2008 03:15 PM

Wow, you ARE small!

emeraldlonewoulf 06-23-2008 03:27 PM

no one can arrest you for carrying a walking stick, can they? Get a good one, or make one from a branch. I had a kick ass walking stick made from a 1 inch dowel rod... That thing was literally worn smooth and shiny in the middle and the ends from practicing with it.

A tire knocker makes a damn good weapon.

A roll of quarters or dimes makes a good weight for a fist.

A fountain pen, or a pencil makes an excellent stabbing weapon.

Then, of course there is the trusty ol' plastic spoon....

Toy Killer 06-23-2008 03:43 PM

I wouldn't trust a plastic spoon any further then George W. Bushes pronunciation skills, A rusty spoon, maybe... Plastic would shatter far too soon.

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