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Paradoxial_oblivion 08-20-2009 11:56 AM

What us wrong with us?...
I live in the bible belt of deep east texas where i live i am hounded and dogged constantly for the way i am i couldnt find a place to hire me until i was 18 now i work as a telemrarketer making minimum wage. Most jobs wont even look at me twice before i get tossed. i know the common persuasion would suggest to stop dressing teh way i do but why should we i mean. look at all these movies that have come out about young african americans and their struggle for equal treatment. they were hated and pushed down to the bottm of the social ladder the same as we are if we continue on into adulthood, but they fixed it, they united and started working hard and being productive and huge parts of massive movements and thy united even with differences. im sick of seeing goths fight each other wether you are goth, or emo, or vampiric, or any label of alternative culture, or juts someone who is different and is ridiculed, we should badn together and help each other promote ourselves as good productive people adn try to make it up job ladders then help people like us get jobs and places to live and stuff. we are so disortganized i mean if we had half the unity that the african american culture did so long ago or the mexican culture does now. i mean i live in texs i see mexicans helping each other build houses mow their yards babysit do whatever just as a courtosey adn to help a fellow out. if we had one half of their dedication adn loyalty to people like us imagine where we would be.

just post your comments on gothic unity and its ability to change the way we are being forced to live.

vindicatedxjin 08-20-2009 12:01 PM

HI...dang seriously all these people from Texas have been joining like in one day!!! Its freaking making me giddy. I feel ya on what your trying to say makes sense...but the fact is that everyone is so hateful. I mean I can even speak for myself..I'm not as kind as I should be I can be racist, rude and that truly does hinder productivity as far as anything goes. And hell you can even look at most of what's said on here and see that people are SO hateful. I think we need to get out of that. And I'll be the first to admit that I do.

Geoluhread 08-20-2009 12:03 PM

Mexicans and African Americans were being discriminated against based on something that isn`t their choice. which is race.

The way you dress being a goth, emo, "vampiric" is your choice.

Paradoxial_oblivion 08-20-2009 12:03 PM

heh well i was just going around and found this..
and if you read the responses youll see what were up against and some of the people that posted were still bashing other goths by calling tehm posers or whatever. i beleive we need some form of unity or things are going to start going bad. i mean all i want is the ability to work a decent job adn have enough money to survive but with all this ahte its kinda hard.

Geoluhread 08-20-2009 12:05 PM

What do you care about more? Getting good cash or looking goth?

Paradoxial_oblivion 08-20-2009 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Geoluhread (Post 554877)
Mexicans and African Americans were being discriminated against based on something that isn`t their choice. which is race.

Yes but for some of us this is more than jsut a choice of how we look its just something deep and meaningful like religion is to people. its the same principal and i wasn't trying to equate the stuff we go through everyday with slavery or anything but think about it...all teh moves about african americans in school being prejeduced against the kids who couldnt drink from teh waterfountains...we are those people now...and we arent even fighting it

Paradoxial_oblivion 08-20-2009 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Geoluhread (Post 554882)
What do you care about more? Getting good cash or looking goth?

i dont care about teh money as long as i can survive on it other than that i dont care as long as i have my necesities. i value the way i am more than making the big bucks.

Alan 08-20-2009 12:06 PM

I cannot believe your struggle for a decent living stems from your identification as a goth.
Read some fucking Marx or something.

vindicatedxjin 08-20-2009 12:06 PM

^^^Obviously race is somewhat different from a subculture...but its the same kind of hate. It's the discrimination against someone who doesn't fit what you consider to be "the norm". Back then whites were the wanted your kids to have white friends, you wanted to marry I white companion, you wanted to go to the store and see white aquaintences. Difference you don't want to see a whole bunch of people around with piercings and mohawks...races are more accepted...extreme appearence is not, especially in the workplace. I know because I work with Koreans who are strict to the T about appearance I'm amazed that I've made it this long with a lip piercing and a tattoo...if they saw the tattoo I would probably be fired. Its all about appearance...thats why it doesn't differ much from race.

Geoluhread 08-20-2009 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Paradoxial_oblivion (Post 554883)
Yes but for some of us this is more than jsut a choice of how we look its just something deep and meaningful like religion is to people. its the same principal and i wasn't trying to equate the stuff we go through everyday with slavery or anything but think about it...all teh moves about african americans in school being prejeduced against the kids who couldnt drink from teh waterfountains...we are those people now...and we arent even fighting it

Those people were discriminated against from birth. I cannot believe how stupid it is of you to compare slavery with a subculture that is clearly by choice of the person itself!

the-nihilist 08-20-2009 12:08 PM

I feel the same way; being a nudist, it's hard for me to find a job with people discriminating my choice of lifestyle. It's not fair!

Paradoxial_oblivion 08-20-2009 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Geoluhread (Post 554888)
Those people were discriminated against from birth. I cannot believe how stupid it is of you to compare slavery with a subculture that is clearly by choice of the person itself!

if you'll read what i said i said "I AM NOT TRYING TO EQUATE" meaning im not comparing. but im saying now that race has been removed in alot of cases as cause for discrimination we are the frontline now. and this just prooves my point more we lost the topic which was that we need to unite and start working together if we are to get anywhere in life.

Geoluhread 08-20-2009 12:12 PM

Speak for yourself. I know my priorities.

vindicatedxjin 08-20-2009 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Paradoxial_oblivion (Post 554890)
if you'll read what i said i said "I AM NOT TRYING TO EQUATE" meaning im not comparing. but im saying now that race has been removed in alot of cases as cause for discrimination we are the frontline now. and this just prooves my point more we lost the topic which was that we need to unite and start working together if we are to get anywhere in life.

Lol most of these people could care less about doing of which you speak...because 1. They're probably not even close to goth in the first place. 2. They love to be against most of what anyone ever has to say...especially those that have been on this forum for a while. 3. They probably want to bash you just because I agreed on what you had to say & they hate me. 4. They don't want to HAVE to do anything that involves WORK.

Paradoxial_oblivion 08-20-2009 12:15 PM

and see thats a problem, we as a sub culture have become kinda lazy and only a few really take this to heart and live like this most people leave when they turn around 20. i just dont know why there is such a movement against goth culture in the first place, i mean as a whole alot of goth culture isnt at all a problem in almost any sense of the word its just kinda fucked up that we cant work together or help each other at all

Paradoxial_oblivion 08-20-2009 12:20 PM

still anyone who reads this needs to check out

jsut to see the kind of hate and ignorance were up against, i know most of you dont care because this is a hobby or just a couple of pieces of clothes to you. but for anyone who really knows what it means to have the feeling in your should know that we need to band together in order to make it.

vindicatedxjin 08-20-2009 12:21 PM

It's because for one thing...I feel as if it's kind of "dying" so to speak. People grow up and feel like in order to make it in this world they have to "get out" of the whole dress up and be gloomy stage...put on a suit and make that cash dolla$$$...and this is all very true. Then they just slowely stray from it all together...I personally do not label myself as anything because I'm such a mixture of everything that I find it being not truthful. I dress goth sometimes..but most of the time I look like a scene girl...I listen to metal, indie, and pop here and there. I have a corporate job in an office...where its pretty strict but I haven't let myself let go of who I am in the least I think theres a middle ground where you can be respectful in the workplace yet show your true colors for me its wearing office clothing...but in black...wearing my makeup subtle but dark, and wearing my usual jewerly. When I'm not at work I do whatever the fuck I want. Were discriminated as an alternative culture and your right to compare to race in a certain extent...but we do it to be seen as different in the first place right?

the-nihilist 08-20-2009 12:22 PM

they can take our souls, but they'll never take our lives!

Paradoxial_oblivion 08-20-2009 12:25 PM

i guess to an extent its to seperate ourselves from everyone else because i personnaly believe theres something different in us. and im not saying fuck the man or down with the system or anything i eman when i go to work i dont wear alot of metal but i definatly spike my hair as high as it goes and do ym eyes up because those are important aspects to me. i dont identify myself as anything but different. adn i think us different people need to hang together.

and nihilist your right they can never steal the fire that burns in the real hearts of of the core of our culture.

the-nihilist 08-20-2009 12:32 PM

Actually, that's the opposite of what I said.

vindicatedxjin 08-20-2009 12:33 PM

Oh nihilist.........

Geoluhread 08-20-2009 12:39 PM

Shut up, you.

Paradoxial_oblivion 08-20-2009 12:39 PM

hm i guess i read it too fast. what makes you believe they can take our souls? i mean if i knew that i was going to die because of the way i was...i would fuck some shit up. because a world without variety and choice, because freewill is by definition almost limitless choice, isnt worth living in.

Paradoxial_oblivion 08-20-2009 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Geoluhread (Post 554909)
Shut up, you.

directed at whom? (im not offended or anything just curious)

vindicatedxjin 08-20-2009 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Geoluhread (Post 554909)
Shut up, you.

I assume you were directing that at me...and if so. I can't believe that you would actually stoop down to that level...I actually liked you up to this point.

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