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Niels 04-11-2006 02:49 PM

To shave, or not to shave... your body hair...
Well I looked this forum over at least two times and I couldn't see any thread made about shaving your body hair (although I'm kind of tired and I could have accidentally overlooked it). This could be, because EVERYBODY shaves his/her body hair and that it is not even a subject to discuss, or, because shaving body hair would not fit into the 'fashion' forum. However, I doubt that it is an undiscussable subject, and to put this kind of topic into one of the other forums seem doubtfull to me...


To shave, or not to shave your body hair, that is the question!

And, in addition to this, what to shave, and what not?

Certain styles? Certain shapes? Anything that increases the sexual pleasures? Or any kind of pleasures...?

For me, I trim my armpits and pubic area, not completely bald, but just short (about 3 mm). I do that because I think it looks better than a hairball down there, plus it's more hygenical in my opinion.
I sort of expect my girlfriend to shave, it's not really necessary, as long as she keeps it short! I'd rather floss afterwards...

Anyway, break lose! :P

Icarian Decoding 04-11-2006 03:24 PM

I shaved my chest once.
It really itched, and I didn't wear a T-shirt for a few days. Other than that. I really don't feel a need to shave.

gruel 04-11-2006 04:51 PM

Gee,what happened to the(Dramatic pause).....Mega Hair Thread . Dunnnt dunnt dunnnnnnttt.

gruel 04-11-2006 06:14 PM

Alright,shave whatever whenever...if it makes you feel good.How's that? :D

Sanctus Dei 04-11-2006 07:03 PM

Shave? Who shaves? Wax and epilation is the way to go.. (for me anyway) I like things smooth.. as far as he cooch goes, pornstar landing strip. Enough to have some but not so much it's requires lawn care.

Godslayer Jillian 04-11-2006 07:39 PM

I just don't shave my legs and chest hair

gruel 04-11-2006 07:41 PM

This topic is entering into Too Much Information Land.

gruel 04-11-2006 07:45 PM

I don't want to know what color your razor is evillll.

Phayte 04-11-2006 09:42 PM

I knew a girl that started shaving every part of her body when she was 15 (except the parts she couldnt reach), and now at 25 years old if she stops shaving she resembles a gorilla.

Go ahead and shave whatever you want, but remember that hair grows back darker and thicker the more you shave.

Godslayer Jillian 04-11-2006 09:53 PM

I've been curious about that. Is that really true?

Icarian Decoding 04-11-2006 09:54 PM

These guys say it doesn't happen:
I haven't been shaving along to argue either side.

DarkIce 04-12-2006 01:16 AM

This guy is right. The problem with freshly grown hair (that you did shave before) is the sharp head due to the shaving process (that´s what "hurts" and irritates you for a while, if you´re not familiar with the feeling). The longer you let it grow the more the head of the hairs will be rounding, because it grinds against your underwear etc. And in the end it will look like you never shaved before.

Pathogen. 04-12-2006 02:10 AM

Too much information time: I shave my underarms every 2 weeks. Chest, in the summertime. Pubic area, whenever it sorely needs it.

roserougesang 04-12-2006 05:24 AM

I shave my legs, armpits and to keep my innocence I won't mention anywhere else *shifty eyes*

chelseagirl 04-12-2006 06:37 AM

That's just a myth about shaving making hair grow thicker. There's no logical reason why shaving off hair would make your hair folicles produce more hair, or that it would make folicles that don't produce hair to begin with start producing hair.

Anyway, I shave my arms maybe once a month, because my hair is very thin and blond, and I think my tattoos look better without it. In my years of doing this, my arm hair has never gotten any thicker.

I had permanent laser hair removal done "down there". Right now, I'm having the laser removal done on my underarms. I'd love to get it done on my legs after I'm done the underarms, but I probably won't ever because the legs are so expensive since it's such a large area to be treated. Guess I'll just have to keep shaving them. But let me tell you, never having to worry about shaving your bikini area or underarms is SO awesome! ;)

Cicero 04-12-2006 07:11 AM

Laser hair removal is on my "to do" list for sure.

I shave my legs, underarms and never ever let the "northern coast of Tasmania" get too wild. Too much shaving and it resembles a plucked chicken, too little care and it looks like the inpenetrable forest of doom. Middle ground is what I opt for, or what most folks call "the landing strip".


I apologise to anyone who read that.

Morrigan_Dubh 04-12-2006 07:45 AM

No no no no! What's with all this anti-hair madness?
Hairy men are wicked. The were-wolf look is damn attractive.


When I was a teen-aged feminist I didn't shave under my arms or my legs or anything until much later in life than my peers because I wanted to take a stance against what I saw as an unrealistic beauty standard.

Then I grew up a bit and caved in (for hygiene and vanity). I continue to have a growing urge to shave and wax and pluck. I am finding new places that are "too hairy" all the time. But I still really just wish that natural hairiness was considered beautiful. But now it's because I am lazy and have sensitive skin, rather than political.

I am still a fan of hair, regardless of where it is on the body (as long as that body is not mine).

"I want it long, straight, curly, fuzzy, snaggy, shaggy, ratty, matty
Oily, greasy, fleecy, shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen
knotted, polka-dotted, twisted, beaded, braided, powdered, flowered, and confettied, bangled, tangled, spangled, and spaghettied!"

Phayte 04-12-2006 07:55 AM

It may not happen to everyone, but its no myth. It does happen.

Oubliette 04-12-2006 08:00 AM

I wish I had feathers instead of hair. New feathers would never be sharp or irritating, just soft and downy. (maybe this should go into the corrupted wishes thread)

Oubliette 04-12-2006 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by chelseagirl
That's just a myth about shaving making hair grow thicker. There's no logical reason why shaving off hair would make your hair folicles produce more hair, or that it would make folicles that don't produce hair to begin with start producing hair.

Anyway, I shave my arms maybe once a month, because my hair is very thin and blond, and I think my tattoos look better without it. In my years of doing this, my arm hair has never gotten any thicker.

I had permanent laser hair removal done "down there". Right now, I'm having the laser removal done on my underarms. I'd love to get it done on my legs after I'm done the underarms, but I probably won't ever because the legs are so expensive since it's such a large area to be treated. Guess I'll just have to keep shaving them. But let me tell you, never having to worry about shaving your bikini area or underarms is SO awesome! ;)

when you had the permanent "down there" hair removal, did this include the whole "fault line" or just the front part? yes I'm asking if you got your buttcrack hair removed too.

chelseagirl 04-12-2006 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Oubliette
when you had the permanent "down there" hair removal, did this include the whole "fault line" or just the front part? yes I'm asking if you got your buttcrack hair removed too.

haha, when I make a decision to do something, I go ALL THE WAY baby! The answer is yes, full brazilian. I just left a tiny "landing strip" up top. :)

Oubliette 04-12-2006 08:26 AM

that's damn sexy. You mind if I ask how much that costs?

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