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MissCheyenne 05-02-2012 04:13 AM

Quitting smoking
So, I want to quit smoking but I have fuck all willpower. Anyone got any tips on the best way to go about it? I've tried nicotine patches already but I'm allergic to them (wasn't surprised, I'm highly allergic to the glue on plasters so I suspected I'd have the same reaction to nicotine patches) and the nicotine gum gave me horrible blisters on my gums so I'm not trying them again. Is it all willpower or is there something I'm missing? Any tips greatly appreciated.

Jackson Cutler 05-02-2012 04:22 AM

I quit for a year a while back. Just thinking about other shit seemed to do it for me.

CuckooTuli 05-02-2012 05:18 AM

PM me your email, I've got a PDF for you. Helped me quit when I was smoking so heavily I literally couldn't breathe when the weather was cold.

Elystan 05-02-2012 05:36 AM

Introduce exercise into your life if you haven't already. Struggling for breath will serve as a daily reminder of why you hate smoking. Also eat more. Be prepared to flip out at people over minor shit for a few days.

april13 05-02-2012 10:13 AM

I quit cold turkey without a problem after countless half-arsed tries when I finally had a valid reason and was thus determined to just quit. Unfortunately for no reason at all I started smoking again 5 years later and am still waiting for another bout of determination to kick in.

Deadmanwalking_05 05-02-2012 10:15 AM

Just means more cigarettes for me!

Fruitbat 05-08-2012 11:28 PM

In australia we have a quit line - they might have some info for you (just search for quit smoking .au).

A friend of mine did it simply by cutting back. He'd smoke first thing in the morning, then at 10, 12, 2, 5, 7 and before bed. So he'd cut back one of these cigs, whichever was easiest for him to give up, then when he'd conquered that one, he went for the next easiest (so he probably gave up the 7pm one, then the 10 am one). And kinda viewed the cigs as a treat, something to look forward to.

Hey I hvae no idea what he thought - he was my ex, but managed to stop smoking on his own because I didn't smoke, and he didn't want to smoke anymore.

I've never smoked because I've got asthma and can still remember being rushed to hospital beccause I couldn't breathe when I was a kid, and decided right then and there at the grand old age of 6 that I never wanted to go through that again, so I've never smoked.

Nicotine is hard drug to give up. Good luck MissC - just get your determination on and get over it.

My brainstorming thoughts are:
Find something else to fill the need - like knitting - yep keeps your fingers busy, gives you something to do.
Only smoke outside the house, and no cheating like sitting near an open window to smoke.

Ask yourself next time you have a cig, why you are doing it? Are you stressed? Bored? Stop and be aware of what the cig feels like, the smoke in your lungs. Do you cough? Does it hurt/sooth? Write it all down. Being mindful when you are doing something that you want to give up, can help you identify why you are doing it in the first place.

For example: If you light up because you are stressed, then why are you stressed? Can you simply do a quick and easy meditation?

Okay, the meditation I used to do was to breath in, say one (in your mind), breath out (say one in your mind) < repeat this until you get to four then start again.

Now the trick is whenever you have another thought, you have to go back to one and your objective is to get to 4. It sounds easy but it's hard. I used to get to 3 and think "Wow I've finally made it to 3" and then I'd have to start again. lol.

Good luck honey.

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