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voodoowitchdr 03-31-2009 06:02 PM

The Witch Doctor
Hello, I'm not incredibly goth, I just enjoy both the light and dark things in life. I hope that this community will allow me to express my darker side that I hide form most people. The state that I live isn't very diverse or tolerant to other cultures and subcultures so i don't fit in as well as I wish I did. Thankfully I have a group of friends that don't seem to care. I'm a musician, that is what I do for enjoyment and I can tell you, for me nothing is more blood pumping than unleashing a lound and heavy guitar riff that can be heard half a mile down the road. I do like Japanese anime, the accept tragedy better than the west seems to.

Well that's me for now. I might add more later.

Mir 03-31-2009 06:19 PM

You seem like a lovely addition to this board!

Pineapple_Juice 03-31-2009 11:42 PM

Ur doin it rong.

Here are the original questions to get you started:
Actually, we're changing a few, now that we mention it.

1. What do you do? (Hobbies, job)

2. Where are you from?

3. Who is your favorite author?

4. What are your favorite films?

5. What music do you want played at your wedding?

6. At your funeral?

7. This IS a gothic website, so... how do you want to die?

8. What kind of casket would you want?

9. What's your FAVORITE outfit?

10. What's one thing you miss about being a little kid?

11. What's your favorite band?

12. What kind of education do you have? What is/was/will be your major?

13. Why did you join?

14. If the first 13 questions didn't give it away. What is your gender?

voodoowitchdr 04-01-2009 08:19 PM

I'm sorry, if I knew that was the proper way to post my introduction I would have done that firsts, so lets see.

1. I am a musician, I play mostly thrash but I also include things ranging from Chuck Berry (Not Buck Cherry) to Manson.

2. I am from Maine, the fishing area where the largest concentration of our rednecks are.

3. My favorite author is currently Bram Stoker.

4. My favorite films are Princess Mononoke (not what you'd think) and anything by Mel Brooks.

5. I really don't know what I would want played at my wedding, I think I would prefer it played acoutic whatever it is.

6. At my funeral I would want Fade to Black played acoustic, not a setting for a face melter.

7. I would want to die in a way that some how is beneficial to others or the world, something to give my life meaning.

8. I have a thing for the old style caskets with the wide shoulders, but I'd rather have a guitar case like that that a casket. I don't actually want a casket, I would want to be cremated and have a tree planted in my ashes.

9. I'm not much on fashion, I like to wear a black t-shirt and camo pants.

10. When I was little I wasn't afraid of people, now crowds scare me half to death.

11. I don't have a favorite band, I like different things about each one. I can say that Metallica and Megadeth are among those at the top of my list.

12. I'm still in high school and if I go for a degree I would want to major in botany, I like plants and I don't know why.

13. I joined this site to give myself a chance to express some of the darker parts of me that I usually keep from my friends except when I get really angry. My anger issues are better, but I need a release every once in a while.

14. I'm a dude, dude. Did I mention I have a little Hippie in me, his name is Steve.

Pyre 04-01-2009 08:29 PM

Well, you're not really goth at all. And please don't tell me Manson is goth. Even my professor understands Manson isn't goth. Just sayin'. . . don't do it.

Stormtrooper of Death 04-02-2009 07:45 AM

We need to get some real thrash in you. Megadeth and Metallica blow in my opinion.

voodoowitchdr 04-02-2009 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Stormtrooper of Death (Post 525974)
We need to get some real thrash in you. Megadeth and Metallica blow in my opinion.

Metallica, Megadeth, and Pantera are my favorite bands from the thrash metal group, but I also listen to Mastadon, Gojira, and others. I don't know if you'd count them as trash or something post thrash, the lines start to blur once you reach the 90's. Also Metallica's style changes depending on what time period your listening to. Their early stuff from "Kill 'em All" to "...And Justice For All" is the hardest. Then the black album came and started turning thrash a little mainstream. Then they got really soft. Finally now with Death Magnetic they are getting back to their original "groove."

Sinjob 04-02-2009 09:30 AM

You seem nice, welcome! (:

(Keep writing, by the way)

voodoowitchdr 04-02-2009 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Pyre (Post 525875)
Well, you're not really goth at all. And please don't tell me Manson is goth. Even my professor understands Manson isn't goth. Just sayin'. . . don't do it.

I find it ironic that you have a quote from the bible that reffers to not judging people, but since we are, I hate your left nostril! What are you going to do about it? Hate me back? Don't forget to be specific, tell me exactly what you hate, my big toe, my pinky finger, maybe even the right side of the membrane that covers my brain. Well that's our lesson for today, this message will self destruct when a clock strickes 2:43 P.M. in a Home Depot in Pheonix Arizona.

voodoowitchdr 04-02-2009 05:30 PM

Be glad Mr. Pyre, usually only my closest friends get to hear the I hate your nostril speach.

voodoowitchdr 04-02-2009 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sinjob (Post 525991)
You seem nice, welcome! (:

(Keep writing, by the way)

I think I'm going to leave most of the song writing to my band's lead singer (once we kidnap one, I hope he's an albino), I'll just bounce ideas off him and wait for one to bounce then be pulled back in by creative gravity. Sir Isaac Newton, what can't you do?

maggot 04-02-2009 05:49 PM

Pyre's a chick. She has sexy eyes.

Mr E Nigma 04-03-2009 02:05 AM

Yes, yes she does.

Mr E Nigma 04-03-2009 02:06 AM

And those bands aren't thrash metal (Metallica, megadeath and pantera)

Though I am a fan of Metallica (Seriously... Lars... one of the best drummers alive) and Pantera.

CrimsonPythonidae 04-03-2009 07:16 AM

Voodoo, I like your nostril speech, welcome.

Apathy's_Child 04-03-2009 10:21 AM

I like you. Welcome and don't mind the "goth is......." brigade and their black-hearted non-welcomes, they're like that with almost everyone who doesn't list the same 6 or 7 bands in their intro. :]

Beowulf 04-03-2009 02:40 PM

Hello and welcome, I hope you enjoy your time here !!!. :]

voodoowitchdr 04-03-2009 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Mr E Nigma (Post 526205)
And those bands aren't thrash metal (Metallica, megadeath and pantera)

Though I am a fan of Metallica (Seriously... Lars... one of the best drummers alive) and Pantera.

Ok, for the sake of creating a common classification between us, shall we reffer to Metallica, Megadeh, etc... as "Classic Thrash Metal," they invented the genre, but now harder thash bands have pushed thrash away from them. Do you agree?

Mr E Nigma 04-03-2009 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by voodoowitchdr (Post 526316)
Ok, for the sake of creating a common classification between us, shall we reffer to Metallica, Megadeh, etc... as "Classic Thrash Metal," they invented the genre, but now harder thash bands have pushed thrash away from them. Do you agree?

I just always considered 'em metal... I never really cared much for subjugating bands into subgenres all that much.

Though yeah I guess you can call 'em thrash metal, speed metal, heavy metal, whatever you connotatively think those words mean for you.

In other words, while I disagree, I guess it shouldn't really matter to you.

voodoowitchdr 04-04-2009 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Mr E Nigma (Post 526488)
I just always considered 'em metal... I never really cared much for subjugating bands into subgenres all that much.

Though yeah I guess you can call 'em thrash metal, speed metal, heavy metal, whatever you connotatively think those words mean for you.

In other words, while I disagree, I guess it shouldn't really matter to you.

The classifications don't really matter much, other than showing how music evolves over time, just like animal classification. As long as people know what came before what, things will be ok.

Pyre 04-06-2009 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by voodoowitchdr (Post 526101)
I find it ironic that you have a quote from the bible that reffers to not judging people, but since we are, I hate your left nostril! What are you going to do about it? Hate me back? Don't forget to be specific, tell me exactly what you hate, my big toe, my pinky finger, maybe even the right side of the membrane that covers my brain. Well that's our lesson for today, this message will self destruct when a clock strickes 2:43 P.M. in a Home Depot in Pheonix Arizona.

For the record, the quote does not mean "do not judge others" in the sense that I am not allowed to judge a rapist, a serial killer, or someone who calls themselves "goth" but isn't. The quote refers to the passing of judgment upon another for something while the judger is, himself, hypocritical to judge. It's the idea that you do not judge a person for sins that are less than your own. Also, though this passage does not refer to it, there is another section of the Bible that states that only God has the right to pass divine judgment (particularly condemnation), and that is specifically what I focus on. It aggravates me to hear people claim "so-and-so is going to Hell" for a "sin" they committed.

And for the record, I am unreligious, but battling Christians with their own Bible is a great experience.

voodoowitchdr 04-06-2009 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Pyre (Post 527135)
For the record, the quote does not mean "do not judge others" in the sense that I am not allowed to judge a rapist, a serial killer, or someone who calls themselves "goth" but isn't. The quote refers to the passing of judgment upon another for something while the judger is, himself, hypocritical to judge. It's the idea that you do not judge a person for sins that are less than your own. Also, though this passage does not refer to it, there is another section of the Bible that states that only God has the right to pass divine judgment (particularly condemnation), and that is specifically what I focus on. It aggravates me to hear people claim "so-and-so is going to Hell" for a "sin" they committed.

And for the record, I am unreligious, but battling Christians with their own Bible is a great experience.

I understand throwing the bible back at people, I know it's a little late, but the crusades definatley broke "Thou shalt not kill."

voodoowitchdr 04-24-2009 07:39 PM

Ok, I have changed my mind on some of the questions, so I will supplement:

5. At my wedding I want "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" played really loud, hopefully by The Darkness.

6. At my funeral, if my corpse is incapable of playing the music I want nothing played.

7. The ways I would like to die: A. Saving the world from the ManBearPig. B. Being sufficated after getting caught inside the worlds laregest orgy. C. Getting aids from the pink panther. D. Spontanious combustion. E. The "Guitarmageddon" (I will speak of this later).

8. No casket, if christian burial continues the world will be one big graveyard.

That's it.

RozzVanian 04-24-2009 07:41 PM

When you die, will your voodoo magic turn you into a zombie? Because you could really skip the funeral and all that and just live your life as the living dead.

voodoowitchdr 04-24-2009 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by RozzVanian (Post 533360)
When you die, will your voodoo magic turn you into a zombie? Because you could really skip the funeral and all that and just live your life as the living dead.

If it worked that way I would stay alive only long enough to play the music at my funeral, then I would just die again.

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