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Lilith_Immaculate 02-06-2012 06:46 AM

Hello I'm from Slovenia
Hello guys!

I'm 18 years old goth girl and I'm from Slovenia. I totally love black colour and goth stuff amd today, while I was looking for something on the internet I found this site and forum. It looks awesome! :)

Ok, something about me:

As I sad, I'm 18 years old and I'm in last year of high school. My favourite colours are black, purple and blood red.
I live in Slovenia (if you don't know where this is, google it ).
In my free time I'm dancing (I shuffle...yeah I know it isn't very goth) and sometimes swimming.
I love animals. I don't know what would I do without my american stafford Fly :) She is such a cupcake.
I don't have my favourite muvie XD or my favourite author. I don't know why...but that's it. Right now I love to read Millennium trilogy from Stieg Larsson.
I like metal and goth music. My favourite band is Cradle of Filth. I'm allso very open for new things so pleas tell me about some good bands.

My favourite every day outfit are black trousers, black shirt, rangers (I don't know how you call the tipe of boots with metal at toes...), my black coat and black make-up.
I don't have a lot of piercings, just regular earrings and a septum

If you want to know something more about me, please just ask :)

(oh and I'm sorry about my English...)

WinterRain 02-06-2012 11:48 AM

I simply don't believe it :)
i'm from Slovenia too! I thought there aren't many Goths in our contry. I am the only one in my town (well, there is a girl, who dresses in black, sometimes, but she's more punk that goth). It can be lonely sometimes, especially when my classmates go all smart about my clothes (RIIIIIGHT). Sounds familiar? Anyway, will you add me on facebook as a friend? I want to meet more goths :)
By the way, Evanescence, HIM and Noctura are good bands. Sirenia is not bad, as well, but I think it's more simphonic metal than goth. By the way, you dress exactly the way I do, except the rangers (or whatever they call them), I have the good old Allstars:)

Lilith_Immaculate 02-06-2012 02:39 PM

are you really from Slovenia? :D How awesome is that? Yes, I would like to add you on my facebook, just send me a PM :D

Oh, that sounds familiar, they look at me like I'm the weirdest person on planet. Especially when I put on my black lipstick.
And I just adore allstars, but right now they are really cold...

AshleyO 02-06-2012 04:23 PM

How did the NSK's influence wan so much?

Lilith_Immaculate 02-07-2012 05:15 AM

what's NSK? :O

WinterRain 02-08-2012 02:29 AM

Hi! Yes, I am, from Ilirska Bistrica. You're from Ljubljana, right? :D Okay, that is going to sound stupid, but what is PM? (misliš link od profila?)
I know what you mean. But It's funny when younger kids look at me with fear in their eyes. I usually start to laugh, I'm not contagious, haha :D
Yeah, it is rather cold, but I'm not outside very much, when I wear them - just going to school and back home. :)

WinterRain 02-08-2012 07:02 AM

Oh, I just got itXD. PM - private message, I guess? I'm so stupid :) I've gone all around my profile, options and other things and, sorry, I can't find that. How do I send a private message? Or you can send it, I really didn't find it, sorry, I'm new too :)

Lilith_Immaculate 02-08-2012 08:13 AM

Jap private message xD i was looking for it too, but i can't finde it...

look here is my profile:

And I'm from Ljubljana :D

Renatus 02-08-2012 08:32 AM

None of the bands mentioned in this thread have anything to do with goth. Please check out the sisters or mercy, bauhaus, or siouxsie and the banshees for some actual gothic rock bands to get you started. If you don't listen to/enjoy gothic rock, you're technically speaking not a goth. Doesn't make you any less of a person, and you're perfectly welcome to stay here, just don't go around calling yourself a goth. Unlike the definition of what makes one a goth, the requirements to be here are not black and white.

Lilith_Immaculate 02-08-2012 09:43 AM

Renatus I just mentioned Cradle of Filth. I listen to them since I was 13 years old and I don't give a shit if they are goth or not...

Renatus 02-08-2012 10:39 AM

You must remember there have been multiple posters in this thread

Originally Posted by WinterRain (Post 689893)
By the way, Evanescence, HIM and Noctura are good bands. Sirenia is not bad, as well, but I think it's more simphonic metal than goth.

The latter sentence implies that the first sentence contains goth bands, which they are not.

Lilith_Immaculate 02-08-2012 10:50 AM

I can say only this:

They are also gothic persons that can express their goth life without the gothic look and ''gothic'' music. The mainstream doesnt label them as a gothic person, even though they can be more goth than me and you. Dressing as a goth is optional, having real goth identity is another dark story.

Solumina 02-08-2012 11:38 AM

"Having real goth identity" has nothing to do with anything dark and is only about the music. The subculture is the music and the music is the subculture. I'm sorry but it is true.

Also Gothic =/= Goth, they are two separate things, I know it can get confusing here as this is but that name is due to the origins of the site and its "Bone chilling literary culture", the literary aspect of the site kind of died off and the boards are all that is going. While you will find a number of goths here I don't think it comes close to half of the active members, but there are enough of us that pretty much everyone here has gained a bit of understanding and appreciation of what goth really is.

Lilith_Immaculate 02-08-2012 01:57 PM

look i wont argue with you about it. i just don't think that music makes a person nor their clothes :)

MissCheyenne 02-08-2012 01:59 PM

Music may not make a person but music is what makes up the goth subculture. Try some of the bands Ren suggested, it won't do any harm if you don't like them but they are goth music.

Alan 02-08-2012 02:02 PM

Jesus, Lilith, relax.
Renatus is just telling you a fact. The bands you listen to are not goth bands.
He's not telling you they're bad because they're not goth. He's just telling you they're not goth.

You say you 'don't give a shit' if they're goth or not, but as soon as he pointed it out you go into a hissy fit, which shows that you got offended just because someone corrected you. You say that you don't think music or clothes makes a person and yet you insulted a member just because he's not a cliché while you fit exactly all the clichés attributed to 'gothic'. You have to grow up.

Probably, the only reason Renatus pointed that out was because you came into this forum with some expectations, and you're going to see that we don't fit those expectations. We don't listen to metal, we don't like things just because they're 'dark', and there's no such thing as a 'gothic identity' and we goths understand that.

So how about instead of complaining when a goth tells you we're not what you want us to be, you accept us as people with many dimensions instead of bitching at anything you don't like?

AshleyO 02-08-2012 05:14 PM

Pearls before swine, Alan.... :(

Renatus 02-08-2012 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by AshleyO (Post 690072)
Pearls before swine, Alan.... :(

Dunk rye for me arch and tina!

Lilith_Immaculate 02-08-2012 09:51 PM

look i don't listen to Him and Evanescence because I don't find their music good enough.
Really, only band that I mentioned is Cradle of Filth. And why I don't give a fuck if they are goth or not? because I listen to them from my 13 year and they are part of my childhood.

I'm just defending WinterRain. Maybe she listens to them because she likes them. Bus you don't know to what else bands she listens. Maybe those bands aren't goth but since you don't know her you can't tell if she is a goth or not.

And I apologise if I was mean or something...

Murder.Of.Crows 02-08-2012 10:04 PM

No one was making that accusation. No one here is trying to be the cool kids that judge all for not being "goth" enough to enter the cool club. It's just those bands aren't "goth". I like H.I.M and Evanescence, they are both pretty good. But, I wouldn't claim them to be "goth". Seriously, chill.

Lilith_Immaculate 02-09-2012 01:20 AM

I don't claim that they are goth. :)

Alan 02-09-2012 07:48 AM

Then what is this 'goth stuff' you claim to totally love?

Lilith_Immaculate 02-09-2012 08:01 AM

for what I claim that I totally love?

WinterRain 02-09-2012 09:22 AM

Hej, hej, guys, calm down. Jesus, being a goth is about being yourself, right? And yes, the subculture does come from the music, but it's not the whole part of it. Thanks Lilith_Immaculate for defending me, I wasn't on the computer all day ...
I didn't actually say, that Evanescence, HIM and Noctura are gothic bands, I said that I like them, and then I mentioned Sirenia as not-gothic band. I'm sorry for the missunderstanding, but you must understand that I am not from English-speaking country. I am not THAT good at English, for heaven's sake. I see now that it really is logical at some point, that the other bands are goth. Again sorry, but I really think it's your beliefs that makes you a Goth, as Lilith_Immaculate has said before. And I think there's a special section to argue about music? Could we please just stop? It's so damn childish.

Solumina 02-09-2012 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by WinterRain (Post 690127)
Jesus, being a goth is about being yourself, right?

Not really, being yourself is great but if you don't like goth music then being yourself has nothing to do with being a goth.

Originally Posted by WinterRain (Post 690127)
but it's not the whole part of it.

Yeah it really is

Originally Posted by WinterRain (Post 690127)
I really think it's your beliefs that makes you a Goth

And exactly what beliefs do you think make someone a goth?

Originally Posted by WinterRain (Post 690127)
Could we please just stop? It's so damn childish.

No what is childish, and far too frequent on here, is when someone comes from somewhere without a goth scene, without any real interaction with the goth subculture, and insists that they know what it is all about and gets mad when people who are actively involved in the subculture tell them the truth.

No one is hating on you for not knowing what it's really about, there is a lot of misinformation out on the internet, mostly from people who use goth and gothic interchangeably despite the fact that they are not related and that only a small portion of goths are into gothic stuff. They try to make goth into this romanticized ideal but that isn't it.

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