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maromi12d3 12-01-2008 09:35 AM

Here recently there have been alot of robberies. And when it happens to your good friend its pretty fucking scary. Have you or anyone you know been robbed before? :(

jack_the_knife 12-01-2008 09:38 AM

I've had some bloke attempt to mug me. But it was unsuccessful.

Solumina 12-01-2008 09:43 AM

Someone stole the stereo out of my old roommate's car, then again she left the car unlocked overnight at the very front of our apartment complex so it really didn't surprise me

Godslayer Jillian 12-01-2008 07:52 PM


Or freedom givers?

Saya 12-01-2008 08:07 PM

A friend of mine had his brand new thousand dollar guitar stolen and his roommate's guitar stolen, but that was his own fault seeing as he left his bedroom window wide open.

A guy who used to live next door to him had everything taken, he ended up moving home because he couldn't afford to replace everything.


Originally Posted by Godslayer Jillian

Or freedom givers?

One day you're going to realize you're Tyler Durden :D

stolide 12-01-2008 08:10 PM

Someone stole a knife from me once. I had two more and he decided to give the knife he stole back without a fight. I normally don't carry so many knives with me but it was just chance.

KontanKarite 12-01-2008 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Godslayer Jillian

Or freedom givers?

Jillian, that's a slippery statement. Not all theft is by need alone.

Steppenwolf 12-01-2008 10:21 PM

Sorry to hear that , maromi . I live in LA , and last weekend they almost shot my family ... They were INSIDE the church , while bullets were happily flying everywhere (a show between the cops and some gang) .

Cousin_Itt 12-03-2008 02:30 AM

I live in an area with a very high crime rate and I'm sick of it - robberies, burglaries, muggings etc are just an every day part of life. The most fucked up part about it is due to our fucked up legal system if you find a burglar in your house and intervene you risk getting in more trouble than the burglar ( this scenario is basically the same with muggings etc).

Maybe it's my mentality from the old country but cut off their fucking hands I say & if somebody tries to rob you of your possessions make them wish they were never born!!! Yes I feel passionately about this & am sick of seeing repeat offenders getting off with a slap on the wrist time and time again. Give them something to fear!!! (rant rant rant lol)

SKULHEDFACE 12-03-2008 03:00 AM

Halloween of last year a friend of Mine was sort of mugged while waiting at his bus stop to come home from college. I say sort of because nothing was stolen. As he tells it a car pulled up and 3 or so guys came over to him, one punched him in the jaw and he said he just laid there.. they went to his backpack opened it and inside was his Halloween costume which was a cow suit. They didn't take anything and left.

maromi12d3 12-03-2008 09:33 AM

My friend was a cow for halloween. LOL

But yeah I feel the same as you do Cousin ITT

Apathy's_Child 12-03-2008 10:44 AM

My daddy was a bankrobber. But he never hurt nobody.

Solumina 12-03-2008 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Cousin_Itt
I live in an area with a very high crime rate and I'm sick of it - robberies, burglaries, muggings etc are just an every day part of life. The most fucked up part about it is due to our fucked up legal system if you find a burglar in your house and intervene you risk getting in more trouble than the burglar ( this scenario is basically the same with muggings etc).

I live in an area with a large number of people in the military so there are many people in the area who really know how to handle a gun and are able to shoot to either kill or to just take someone down. A fair number of people have been sued by robbers for pain and suffering because the person opted to shoot the robber in the arm/hand/leg to incapacitate them instead of killing them. Generally speaking you wont face criminal charges for injuring or killing someone who has broken into your house, but they can sue you if you allow them to live, so remember if anyone ever breaks into your house go for a kill shot.

Beneath the Shadows 12-03-2008 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by maromi12d3

Never use them.

MegearaErotica 12-03-2008 08:39 PM

When I looked at the title of this thread I thought I saw 'rubbers'.

Cousin_Itt 12-04-2008 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Solumina
.. Generally speaking you wont face criminal charges for injuring or killing someone who has broken into your house, but they can sue you if you allow them to live, so remember if anyone ever breaks into your house go for a kill shot.

In my country you do and I know many people (including family) who have ended up in court for protecting their property (and selves) - having to pay compensation to scum.

chelseagirl 12-04-2008 10:18 AM

Well, just real quick, off the top of my head, I can think of:

6 friends who have been mugged walking down the street, with sustained injuries ranging from a broken jaw, a skrewdriver through a hand, and having every bone in his face shatters and needing almot 20 surgeries to rebuild it.

I know 1 girl who has been abducted off the street in her neighborhood and r@ped TWICE - both rapists were caught.

I can think of 5 different friends who have had their homes broken into and stuff stolen.

I, myself, have been the victim of 2 separate home invasions.

In September, some guy (who I don't know) got shot in the face walking down the street I live on, and crawled up on my steps and died. Police said it was drug related.

If I think hard, I could probably recall many more incidents.

Underwater Ophelia 12-04-2008 10:31 AM

What the fuck, Chelseagirl?
What area do you live in?!

Despanan 12-04-2008 10:34 AM

I got mugged at gunpoint few years back. Came close to losing all the money my roommate had given me for rent that month (he paid in cash), but luckily, the idiots ran off after getting only $20 of the $400 I had on me.

chelseagirl 12-04-2008 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Underwater Ophelia
What the fuck, Chelseagirl?
What area do you live in?!

lol! Currently I live basically in DC. My house is in PG County, Maryland, but my front yard and the street where I park my car is Washington, DC (I'm right on the dividing line).

Most of what I posted happened in DC, with the exception of my friend who was stabbed through the hand with a screwdriver while walking from my house in Memphis to the store on the corner, and 1 of the home invasions happened in that house in Memphis. The other home invasion was at my house in DC. And, I actually live in a pretty decent area.

Oh, I forgot - I was attacked once in Memphis while driving through a neighborhood where apparently "white" people were not welcome. I was a bit lost, and a man jumped off his porch and ran after my car with a baseball bat, hitting my car and breaking a window, while yelling that I was a "white b@tch" and to get out of their neighborhood. Gotta love that.

Oh, and also, in Memphis, someone kept breaking into my backyard and stealing my lawnmowers. After my third lawnmower was stolen, I said F it, I'm just not going to mow my lawn anymore because I refuse to buy another mower.

chelseagirl 12-04-2008 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Solumina
Generally speaking you wont face criminal charges for injuring or killing someone who has broken into your house, but they can sue you if you allow them to live, so remember if anyone ever breaks into your house go for a kill shot.

Most states do have some type of "castle doctrine" which allows a homeowner to use deadly force, but most states limit the lawful use of deadly force to defending against deadly force. For instance, if someone were to break into your house, you can only use deadly force against them if they also have a weapon and you are in fear that they are going to use deadly force against you. If you shoot someone who's broken into your house, and they don't have a weapon on them, you had better go find something (a knife, crowbar, etc.) and wipe your prints off it, and make it look like they had it.

Also, some states have a "duty to retreat" clause within their self defense laws, which means if someone breaks into your house, and it is physically possible for you to run away and exit your house to get away from them, they you are lawfully bound to do so. You are only allowed to use deadly force if you are cornered in your home with no reasonable chance to exit through a door or window.

gothicusmaximus 12-04-2008 01:16 PM

I have a bad habit of attempting to haggle with muggers.

Solumina 12-04-2008 02:09 PM

How exactly does one haggle with a mugger?

Beneath the Shadows 12-04-2008 02:22 PM

I don't know about haggling. I usually just say "no."

Raptor 12-04-2008 04:36 PM

A couple of years ago someone stole three dust caps from my dad's car. Maybe the revolution is coming in a reliant robin.

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