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WeaselBoy 10-11-2003 10:18 PM

Where is everyone from? Gothic.Net is based in San Francisco, currently the glorious Outer Mission neighborhood. The most useful phrase to learn in this neighborhood is "No me jodas."

Where is everyone from?

December 10-11-2003 10:23 PM

I am From a small town located in the Houston Texas arae.

Hunter 10-11-2003 10:36 PM

As it says beside my name I'm from Modesto..... hahahaha home of Laci Peterson and the other dead woman whose name I can't remember at present.

WeaselBoy 10-11-2003 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by December
I am From a small town located in the Houston Texas arae.

Do you know Shu?

December 10-11-2003 11:09 PM

No i am sorry i do not know who you speak of. :)

Deovytae 10-12-2003 02:14 AM

"A Deuce, beeatch" :lol: (translation: Ann Arbor, MI)

Oh sorry, I grew up in one of the only bad neighborhoods in Ann Arbor, home of the University of Michigan and all the 'screaming-drinking-young- humans-in-need-of-a-good-beating' that implies.

Some of them are okay, but the rest of the student body, especially the freshmen, should walk across the street like they own the place like they always do and get nailed by, say, a blind guy driving a big bright yellow hummer.... but maybe I've lived here too long... yeah, that's it.... just lived here too long. :twisted:

MrMaelstrom 10-12-2003 05:11 AM

Born in Mozambique, grew up im Portugal, then Melbourne Australia, Then Macau in south east China, Lisbon Portugal again, lost my job there and I´m in Macau again (now under Chinese Rule). So where am I from? I´m neither greek not athenian, but a citizen of the world.

bexxle 10-12-2003 10:22 AM

I'm in Texas now. Not Houston.

secretboy 10-12-2003 10:36 AM

Good to see Diogenese is alive and well after all these years...

KoniginDerSpork 10-12-2003 04:50 PM

Near Los Angeles.

Carnwennan 10-12-2003 09:35 PM

I'm living in Indiana, but I was born and raised in Illinois. I didn't get very far, did I?

bloody_tears 10-13-2003 09:35 AM

:( i live in michigan in some little hick town called kalkaska. :cry:

Gemma 10-15-2003 07:22 PM

Pasadena, California, just outside of Los Angeles, and home of The Rose Parade.

valerius_tortuga 10-15-2003 07:27 PM

Well, then, citizens of the american culture,

I am from the northernmost part of Norway, some hundred miles north of the polar circle, a place called Tromsdalen. The home of black metal, if I might add.

guardian 10-16-2003 05:45 AM

holly Michigan i also go to romeo Deovytea were in ann arbor??

Nox_Noctis 10-16-2003 10:38 PM

Nox Is from... Canada :p

I'm from a small town in southern Britih Columbia, canada...
It's actually an area that is a lot like Northern Cali in climate :p
Kamloops, check it out

Yeah. not much to say past that... very boring town.

MaDgOtH 10-19-2003 01:39 AM

um well i live in new zealand in a little town not worth mentioning the name of but i will to make u pplz happy
yea i know u aint heard of it

Acerbus 10-20-2003 04:03 PM

I live in the capital of Florida, Tallahassee. Been here for about two months now.

Erazmus 10-22-2003 10:38 AM

I was born in the greater LA metro area, as are hundreds and thousands of people every year, none of whom would be if they were given any choice in the matter. I grew up in San Diego, Ca, mostly, with a little time in Montetrey, Ca and Newport RI. Once firmly on my own, I (wisely, at the time) got the hell out of California, lived in Japan for five years, Korea for one long ass winter, in the aluetian islands for a while, a couple of depressing and nondescript states and wound up here in Colorado Springs. there are worse places I supose, though I envy Weaselboy, who lives in my most favorite of all cities-SF.

tekajo 10-22-2003 09:48 PM

born and raised and probably will die in a small town on the louisiana-texas on the louisiana side.
Zwolle to be exact.


bloody_tears 10-24-2003 05:54 AM

My aunt lives in ann arbor... I live 4 hrs away. I thought that i would share that with u all. Has anyone heard of kalkaska?

DJGrayFox 10-26-2003 10:05 AM

Born and raised in southern New Jersey; currently living in Richardson, Texas (a suburb of Dallas).

khabtih 10-26-2003 10:18 AM

South central PA.

flemco 10-27-2003 12:24 PM

In 1975, Grant was born on Altus AFB in Oklahoma. His arrival coincided with the touchdown of a F3 tornado that blasted the area, and the locals descended upon his blasphemous parents with pitchforks and torches.

Hounded by the natives, they fled to California two weeks later.

Due to a horrible accident involving a rice picker and three tons of carnuba wax, Grant was orphaned at the tender age of 4. He was raised by a family of squirrels in the San Bernardino National Forest, and still answers to his Squirrelese name of Tuk Nattuktuk Ch'tuk Tuk.

Rescued at the tender age of 18 by a pair of hiking Boy Scouts, he moved to Long Beach and used his mighty knowledge of the forest as a worker at the Texaco oil refinery. He wrote many stories involving trees, acorns, and pine needles, but publishers found his work to be too avant-garde for their tastes. Stephen King once wrote of Grant:

Squirrels? What the fuck, I ask you? Squirrels? Why not a book about a town called Desperation? Say that gives me an idea....
Grant eventually signed on with the Texas Foreign Legion at the tender age of 20, and was stationed in Dallas. In his neverending search for delicious, candy-like souls of the unborn, he has lived in Boulder, CO, Fallbrook, CA, and various places in Ry'leh. He currently resides in a North Dallas cave at the tender age of 28 and makes farting noises with his armpits at anyone who comes to close to the pile of bones in front of his lair.

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