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carakitty 11-24-2010 12:15 PM

I might be adopting this guy from a friend

Anyone have tips for me on how to convince my man via email from thousands of miles away?

vindicatedxjin 11-24-2010 12:21 PM

I love cats. And I'm trying very hard to find something charming about this one. I just can't.

honeythorn 11-24-2010 01:07 PM

Tell him he can nick-name it Ballsack. If I ever own anything hairless , be it cat or rat, it will be called ballsack, or scrote.

Why do you have to convince him? What's it got to do with him? It's hardly going to have a massive impact on his extistance, if this cat comes to live with you. And it's ideal for anyone with a pet hair allergy.

I really like hairless cats. Admittedly this one isn't the most handsome chap , I think the dark blue-ish skinned ones suit hairlessness better, but all the same I like him . He has a definite Dr Evil look about him with that spaggy eye :)

carakitty 11-24-2010 02:33 PM

I have to convince the man because he's the one who makes all the money here! :p True, while he's gone serving the cat won't really effect him, but in the long run things could get sticky. We already have 3 cats, an Umbrella Cockatoo, and two tanks of fish. When one or more of them is sick at the same time it really drains us.

I love this guy's skin. He feels like suede. The eye bothers me, I'm going to see if my friend will take him to the eye doc soon, and tell me what they have to say. I think it's really cool how Sphynx come in every 'coat' pattern the hairy cats do. I think most of the aqua-eyed ones I've seen are stunning!

Apathy's_Child 11-24-2010 03:14 PM

You guys have kids, right? Shave one of them. Ask your boyfriend if he loves them anyway. When he replies in the affirmative, wheel out this guy. Accuse him of hating on his own flesh & blood if he says a single solitary word against the cat.

carakitty 11-24-2010 03:19 PM

The kid's hair will grow back, but kitty's wont!

Versus 11-24-2010 03:37 PM

I know what you mean about when they get sick. Before I deployed, I got my wife a second cat. I didn't find out until later how expensive retarded kittens can be.

carakitty 11-24-2010 05:12 PM

Uh-oh V, what happened to kitty?

Versus 11-24-2010 05:42 PM

I paid a few hundred so someone could pull a bird's bone out of her butt. -_-;

carakitty 11-24-2010 06:08 PM

Me-owch! Poor kitty =(

Pineapple_Juice 11-24-2010 08:00 PM

I say just get the kitty. If he complains, tell him you're just so lonely without him and it's either a cat or a new boyfriend. He will choose the cat.

carakitty 11-25-2010 08:50 AM

I'm not sure that will fly, PJ. I do have 3 cats and an Umbrella Cockatoo here already, and the fish.

I do miss having a naked man in bed with me and kitty would solve that ;)

honeythorn 11-25-2010 11:09 AM

Why is your friend wanting to be rid of the cat anyway? I hope it's not because of that eye? I mean, if whatever is wrong with it ( and there is clearly something going on there aside from pure evil genius ) is going to cost a fortune, it may be why they want to offload it onto someone else ? If they think perhaps you can afford to get it treated easier than they can?

I'm just speculating of course, but I can't really think of a reason why anyone would want to get rid of a cat, unless of course they're moving to somewhere the cat cannot be accomodated? It's either that, the eye, or the thing is batshit crazy and keeps trying to kill them.

Also unless you have some sort of complicated marine setup, your fish shouldn't be costing you much at all. Heaters only use electricity when they're heating, and filters also don't use much . Switching your lights and appliances on and off will use more than your tanks .

carakitty 11-25-2010 01:40 PM

My friend is asking me to take the cat because she is working + going to school full time and doesn't have the time to take care of the cat properly, so it's been falling on her husband to do most of the work and he's tired of it. He didn't really want them to get this cat in the first place it seems, but had merely tolerated the little being because he brought his wife so much joy.

The evil genius eye probably had the cornea scratched when kitty was a baby. Or it could be more sinister. My friend may be taking the kitty to the eye doc specialist to have an official diagnosis and treatment plan made. We're both in a waiting game to see which of our husbands will change their mind first about where kitty will go.

What sort of name do you (plural you, not just HT) think would be most suited to this guy? He does have a name from my friend already but my husband doesn't like it so I'm tossing ideas at him (in an attempt to bring him to my side)

honeythorn 11-25-2010 02:09 PM

Ahh I see. Pity.

I still say he should be called Scrote. You cannot deny that cat looks like a giant scrotum with a mad evil genius face.

Still, Scrote isn't the sort of name you could use to call him when visitors are around... hmmm...If he were mine I'd call him Dorian, or Archie or something old fashioned . They have the oriental sophisticated look about them ( I suspect there is indeed some oriental breed blood in hairless cats, sphynx I shouldn't wonder with those ears ) so a sophisticated old fashioned name suits that sort of cat I think.

Saya 11-25-2010 03:52 PM

He's a Yoda.

And OMG, take him!!!! I'd love a hairless cat, my best friend is tragically allergic to cats so it limits on how long she can stay here. And I could knit sweaters for him!!!

carakitty 11-26-2010 07:58 AM

I was thinking about Gollum for his new name. =) But Gollum has blue eyes and this kitty's eyes are a goldish green. I don't know if that would make a difference. I know it's probably just from his wrinkles but I think he often looks grumpy. And I haven't heard him purr yet.

If I get him, Saya, and send you his measurements would you want to knit him something for me? =)

The thing that effects allergies isn't always the fur, it's usually the dander, which is produced from the saliva of self-grooming. So sometimes a Sphynx will work well for an allergic person but sometimes not. I've read that the Siberian breed is good for people with allergies too and they are a long haired breed. These aren't guarantees and the best thing for them to do is keep spending time with cats until they find one they can tolerate.

With one of my brothers it was just a case of building up resistance. His girlfriend had a mixed breed short hair and when my brother moved in with her his allergies were horrid but then settled down after a couple months.

Saya 11-26-2010 08:25 AM

It would have to wait until after Christmas and you'd probably have to keep nagging me to remind me to actually send it because I'm really bad for forgetting to mail shit, but yes, I totally would!

I think Gollum is a good name too. Or Smeagol!

ape descendant 11-26-2010 08:30 AM

Name him "Robert J. Pomfrey", he'll like that.

As far as convincing your husband goes... you may just want to ask him... send a pic so he knows what he's getting in to.

If hubby says yes... cross your fingers and hope the other cats like him.

honeythorn 11-26-2010 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by carakitty (Post 644057)
I was thinking about Gollum for his new name. =) But Gollum has blue eyes and this kitty's eyes are a goldish green. I don't know if that would make a difference.

There are places in the book where a greenish light is said to come into Gollum's eyes when his evil self takes over as it were. So Gollum would work. Or Smeagol if you prefer his hobbit name?

carakitty 11-26-2010 02:54 PM

LOL Saya, I'd probably forget too!

I like the idea of changing his name to Gollum more and more. Don't think I'd go with Smeagol though because one of the regulars on the Sphynx forum I go to already has a cat with that name but the cats aren't related and we don't live near each other so it probably doesn't make a difference but it's my perception of the concept behind it, you know?

I probably could bring the cat home (after our vacation) and he'd get all settled in by the time DH got home and DH probably would get used to this cat (like I'm being forced to do with his Umbrella screaming Cockatoo) but I don't want to have the pets put a sore spot between us. And I think the bird possibly already has.

My friend and I are both hoping our husbands change their mind and we both want what's best for this cat and it feels like a bit of an emotional battle. This cat is from a sketchy breeding background and it is highly possible we could be facing large Vet bills in the future because of it. Part of me is saying that I should just wait longer and go through a respectable, registered, researched breeder for my dream breed of cat. Bleh.

Thanks for listening to me hash things out.

Saya 11-26-2010 03:54 PM

I reeaaaally wouldn't suggest a breeder, poor things are inbred enough. Thats how the Sphynx cat was invented! A mutant hairless kitty was bred with its mother :( And I found three Sphynx kitties on petfinder in Colorado right away that need homes, I doubt it would be that hard to find one that needs adoption should you choose not to get this one. And its way cheaper!

You're training to be a vet assistant, aren't you? You'll probably have a lot of kitties dumped on you before you know it, an acquaintance of mine got a pure bred Persian, after its owner brought it in and asked for euthanasia. Because it had fleas. For the second time, and she didn't want to deal with it anymore.

Versus 11-26-2010 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Saya (Post 644078) acquaintance of mine got a pure bred Persian, after its owner brought it in and asked for euthanasia. Because it had fleas. For the second time, and she didn't want to deal with it anymore.

Wow. Yay, filler text.

carakitty 11-27-2010 07:06 AM

*sigh* some people. I'm glad that cat isn't with them any more. I hope kitty is doing well with your friend, Saya.

I'm actually training to be a Technician which is a bit more than an Assistant here in the USA. Eventually I will be certified, which an Assistant can not do. The only things we can't do in a clinical setting are prognose, diagnose, prescribe medicine, and operate. Everything else is fair game. Mainly we do client education, gathering samples, running tests and monitoring patients.

From what I've been reading, the good breeders don't breed relatives with relatives. They usually run scans on their breeding cats to check for heart disease and do not breed them if the scan comes up positive. There are a couple breeders in my area, I'm hoping to set up an appointment to check them out and get more details about Sphynx life.

PortraitOfSanity 11-27-2010 09:38 AM

Why do people like those cats?

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