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Onyx_Rose 03-21-2011 09:30 AM

Okay, the thing is my dad forbides me from having piercings (besides one in each ear) because he says it looks untidy and if I wanna do that shit, I have to wait 'til I'm out of his house.

My problem is that I want a lip ring so bad as well as a tattoo but I can't get them. And when I tell people this, they tell me it's just a phase and I'll get over it and that maybe once I've done my research, I won't want it anymore. So I did my research, and...NOW I WANT IT MORE THAN EVER

So...should I get it or not???
P.S. My dad said he'll kick me out the house if I ever pierced and/or I got a tattoo...
:( that can't happen, I'm just a kid...

Expecto Sherlock 03-21-2011 10:18 AM

Believe it or not, some things are worth waiting for.

And, believe it or not, there are ways to kick minors out of the house.

You want it more than ever because he said you couldn't have it? Re-evaluate the motive.

Onyx_Rose 03-21-2011 10:34 AM

Frig!!! I hate it when people post reasonable replys to my threads...

And if I wait for's not gonna be the same, it's going to be going against the whole teenage-rebellious-tantrum thing...and somethings I think I'd rather prefer looking back at this time of my life and saying "I'm happy my parents let me make that stupid mistake, now I trust in their judgement a lot *thumbs up*". This way the lesson sticks and I know not to screw with the 'rentals :D

Expecto Sherlock 03-21-2011 11:26 AM

So, you want them to let you get it so you can make the mistake and hate it and look back on it with disgust? can't do that as an "adult"?

Onyx_Rose 03-21-2011 12:35 PM

Not in disgust, more like in appreciation. And I can't do that as an adult 'cause...I'll be an adult. And when you're an adult your accountable for your own actions and when you're my age you have the excuse of having a brain that's still kinda messed up because of the "wires" that haven't been connected yet.

Expecto Sherlock 03-21-2011 01:05 PM

So, you want to do it to make mistakes when you're a kid, instead of when you're an adult?

Because then you'll "actually" have to deal with the consequences of it?

Onyx_Rose 03-21-2011 01:07 PM

Yeah...pretty much...

Expecto Sherlock 03-21-2011 02:59 PM


What would happen if you "made a mistake while you're a kid" and your parents inflicted consequences of it?

CarrionCorpse 03-21-2011 04:25 PM

Just wait until you are old enough, Expecto is right.
You might decide that you don't want it anymore or that you want something else anyways.

MissCheyenne 03-22-2011 09:16 AM

Teenage rebellion don't mean shit young one. Seriously, it might seem like the best idea in the world right now but you have plenty of time yet to make mistakes, look like a twat and generally make a fool of yourself. Find other, perhaps more creative ways to express yourself. DIY your clothes, decorate your shoes, bags, make jewelery, whatever. If you still desperately want that piercing and/or tattoo when you're old enough to make the choice to get them yourself, it'll make you much happier than doing it because it seems like a cool way to rebel right now.

Onyx_Rose 03-22-2011 09:21 AM

Thanks guys for your advice and opinions *huggles*

Mr.Doobie 03-22-2011 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Expecto Sherlock (Post 660001)
So, you want them to let you get it so you can make the mistake and hate it and look back on it with disgust? can't do that as an "adult"?

You know what? Fuck this guy, don't listen to him. Y'know why? Because even when you get older, you'll have people telling you that you're just going to make a mistake and that you're not thinking clearly and shit. Don't listen to those people. If you genuinely want to get a piercing, than you have to ignore all the hataz, tell yourself fuck it, and go get it.

I've had my lip pierced for about two years now, I'm a young adult out on my own, and people are still asking me if I regret my piercing, or if it was some teenage mistake, or "Oh you're so handsome why would you do that to yourself?"

What it really comes down to is - "is this something I really want?"

At this point, with daddy saying "no", you're probably going to have to hold off until you're out on your own. You could try having an open and frank discussion with your dad, but that's not guaranteed to work. You live in his house, you're going to have to live by his rules. Sadly for you, that's just how childhood works. I'm not going to tell you "YEAH! FUCK THE SYSTEM! GET THE PIERCING! ANARKY IN TEH UK! YEAAAAAAAH!" because getting thrown out of the house over a hole in your lip is retarded and it's not worth it.

Once you've gotten to the point that you're able to get a piercing, you've done your research, become informed, you have the money, and you have a piercer you trust enough to let him/her stick a needle in you, go ahead and get it. Don't let anyone stop you.

Mistake? If you ever come to a point where you regret the piercing just take it out.

CarrionCorpse 03-22-2011 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Mr.Doobie (Post 660188)
You know what? Fuck this guy, don't listen to him. Y'know why? Because even when you get older, you'll have people telling you that you're just going to make a mistake and that you're not thinking clearly and shit. Don't listen to those people. If you genuinely want to get a piercing, than you have to ignore all the hataz, tell yourself fuck it, and go get it.

I've had my lip pierced for about two years now, I'm a young adult out on my own, and people are still asking me if I regret my piercing, or if it was some teenage mistake, or "Oh you're so handsome why would you do that to yourself?"

What it really comes down to is - "is this something I really want?"

At this point, with daddy saying "no", you're probably going to have to hold off until you're out on your own. You could try having an open and frank discussion with your dad, but that's not guaranteed to work. You live in his house, you're going to have to live by his rules. Sadly for you, that's just how childhood works. I'm not going to tell you "YEAH! FUCK THE SYSTEM! GET THE PIERCING! ANARKY IN TEH UK! YEAAAAAAAH!" because getting thrown out of the house over a hole in your lip is retarded and it's not worth it.

Once you've gotten to the point that you're able to get a piercing, you've done your research, become informed, you have the money, and you have a piercer you trust enough to let him/her stick a needle in you, go ahead and get it. Don't let anyone stop you.

Mistake? If you ever come to a point where you regret the piercing just take it out.

Actually, I agree. With the amount of piercings I have/had people always ask why I got them, and what purpose they serve, if I regret them...
I just think you should wait until there isn't a chance you'll get kicked out over something so stupid.
Maybe try talking to him about another piercing, like another ear one or something, and work your way to a lip piercing.

Expecto Sherlock 03-22-2011 11:25 AM


I didn't mean "don't get it because you'll regret it," just "you don't have to get it now just because it's cool to get it when you're a minor." Kids freak out a bit too much over "but I want it NOOOOOOOW" when it's actually much less hassle to wait.

I like lip rings, personally. Get one. /shrug

Just choose your battles.

CarrionCorpse 03-22-2011 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Expecto Sherlock (Post 660191)


I didn't mean "don't get it because you'll regret it," just "you don't have to get it now just because it's cool to get it when you're a minor." Kids freak out a bit too much over "but I want it NOOOOOOOW" when it's actually much less hassle to wait.

I like lip rings, personally. Get one. /shrug

Just choose your battles.

I wasn't disagreeing with you, just also agreeing with some of what he said. Just to make things clear:3

Expecto Sherlock 03-22-2011 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by CarrionCorpse (Post 660192)
I wasn't disagreeing with you, just also agreeing with some of what he said. Just to make things clear:3

Ah. Clarified.

The previous post just started out with an "eff this guy," and my first thought was

"aaaaaalrighty then..."

just thought I would clarify, myself.

CarrionCorpse 03-22-2011 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Expecto Sherlock (Post 660193)
Ah. Clarified.

The previous post just started out with an "eff this guy," and my first thought was

"aaaaaalrighty then..."

just thought I would clarify, myself.

I know, I realised I had quoted that as well after I already posted it.
Nope! Not fuck you.

Pineapple_Juice 03-22-2011 06:41 PM

Piercings are for gays.

Onyx_Rose 03-23-2011 06:52 AM

*gasp* I'm offended...

Nightwalker39 03-23-2011 07:25 AM

Look, it is best that you wait till you are old enough to see if you really want it or not. But if you are so set in getting the piercing that you HAVE to have it, you can get a small enough piercing in your lip that your father will not be able to see the hole.

ape descendant 03-23-2011 07:29 AM

Wait, save up lots and lots of money so that you can get a totally awesome kick ass tattoo... really good ones are expensive, and you might as well check out different places for things like cleanliness, find out how they sterilize their equipment, get to know the artists. Same goes for piercing, I mean really, it can't be all that much of a wait.

You could treat it as more of a rite of passage than merely something to acquire.

And please for the sake of mankind, don't get a tweety-bird tattoo... *shudders*

Expecto Sherlock 03-23-2011 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Nightwalker39 (Post 660357)
Look, it is best that you wait till you are old enough to see if you really want it or not. But if you are so set in getting the piercing that you HAVE to have it, you can get a small enough piercing in your lip that your father will not be able to see the hole.

But the piercing schedule demands he keep a stud or ring in for a few days, at the least. And, though retainers are less noticeable, they definitely show in close proximity.

Onyx_Rose 03-23-2011 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Expecto Sherlock (Post 660361)
But the piercing schedule demands he keep a stud or ring in for a few days, at the least. And, though retainers are less noticeable, they definitely show in close proximity.

I'm a she! Unless you were using the pronoun 'he' as a general term....then that's fine XD

Nightwalker39 03-23-2011 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Expecto Sherlock (Post 660361)
But the piercing schedule demands he keep a stud or ring in for a few days, at the least. And, though retainers are less noticeable, they definitely show in close proximity.

Keep your distance, and as for the few days...stay the weekend with a friend and get it pierced then.

Expecto Sherlock 03-23-2011 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Onyx_Rose (Post 660362)
I'm a she! Unless you were using the pronoun 'he' as a general term....then that's fine XD

Sorry about that.

General term...yeeees >_>

I don't like to assume someone a girl (especially when I don't pay attention to realize they ARE) so I tend to use "he" more.

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