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Crysania 07-21-2012 07:26 PM

hello from canada
Hi all ! ''old '' goth here, well, i dont dress as goth as i used to but its always gonna be a part of me and who i am ...

1. What do you do? (Hobbies, job)
i work for a company that print photos ( numeric and film ) ive been there since 1999. I like to try new wine every weekend, picnic at the park, ride my bike movies, make a fire, listen to my pets :P

2. Where are you from?
montreal, quebec, canada

3. Who is your favorite author?
dont have one

4. What are your favorite films?
terminator 1-2, beetlejuice, the hole, the craft, natural born killers, fifth element, brainscan, predator, exorcist, dune, nightmare on elm street and so many more..

5. What music do you want played at your wedding?
i have never wanted to get married

6. At your funeral?
ramones-pet sematary

7. This IS a gothic website, so... how do you want to die?
id like to die in my sleep, life as been painful enough already, ive had many astral voyages when i was younger so i already have a good idea what its like to leave your body

8. What kind of casket would you want?
id like to have one thats black with a gothic style in the outside, inside i want it milky white, and id like people to bring black roses, pink roses flowers (yes you can dye them!)

9. What's your FAVORITE outfit?
i like black corset and a fluffy skirt, all black

10. What's one thing you miss about being a little kid?
living closer to my family, we are all in different cities now

11. What's your favorite band?
in the goth say nosferatu, but i love so many this sound incomplete, so i'll add lycia

12. What kind of education do you have? What is/was/will be your major?
i have high school diploma, ive tried a beautician course before, and went to college twice, but always dropped for different reasons

13. Why did you join?
because i like forums, i dont have a big circle of friends ( and i like it that way!) i have not met other goths in a long time as i dont go to clubs anymore(im 33 years old btw)

14. If the first 13 questions didn't give it away. What is your gender?femme

PorlNecklace 07-21-2012 08:02 PM

Welcome! I love Montreal and go up there every summer, coincidentally, my closest friend who lives there is also a 33 year old Goth. So then, back in the day did you ever go to a club called Cafe Chaos? Will try to visit in a couple weeks myself.

Crysania 07-21-2012 08:05 PM

hi there :)
cafe chaos i know this place, it is more a place for punks, theres metal and punk shows there
theres the ''saphir'' bar for gothic nights and also ''the passport'', but like i said,
i dont go to clubs anymore so there might be others i dont know!;)

PorlNecklace 07-24-2012 01:17 PM

Sorry for the belated response.:confused: Anywho, Saphir is the only one I haven't been to of those three, and I mentioned CC explicitly as my friend said that was the best one back in the day, when they played everything and not just headbanger stuff.(?) Reading the intro. though, may I ask if the reason you don't have a favorite book, is because you read too many, like me, or rather, not any?:3

Crysania 07-24-2012 10:28 PM

ive read many many spiritual books, but novels, not really, and i really dont have a favorite author at all

the latest book ive read is about angels, its made in quebec by a medium lady

she explains the 9 choirs of angels, and the 72 angels inside the choirs, i believe its taken from the kabbale, my angel is part of the trones choir, my incarnation being of trones is one of the most difficult apparently:p
im motivated in becoming a better person and i work at it the best i can, i know there is much better dimensions out there and i sure hope this is one of my last incarnation on this negative and miserable ( but also beautiful at times) planet

thank you for taking the time to reply to my intro !:)

PorlNecklace 07-25-2012 12:26 PM

Perfect, I'm interested in Metaphysics as well, although aside from a casual collection of Grimoire's this mostly concerns personal concepts, Mortality the prime concern of my pseudophilosophical treatises/rantings. So what is the name of this book then? I know very little on the matter of angels, in case you would like to share more information with me. In just what manner is the choir of thrones difficult?(reminds me, I still need to finish reading Revolt Of The Angels, by Anatole France) But from my experience with Quebec, Montreal does seem like a center of New Age thought, and with a primarily bisexual population to boot?:p No need to thank me either, am happy to hear from someone also striving towards a more ideal form. Oh, and what pets do you possess? I have a cute little cockatiel who smells like fritos, when rubbing my nose down her feathery back.:) Might check out some of the movies you listed also, my cinema specialty, usually spooky stuff from the 70's to mid 90's, Victorian memorabilia and Gothic music two other components of my collection obsession. (hope I didn't blabber on too long! ;o)

Midnite 07-27-2012 01:15 PM

Welcome! I just joined recently also, I'm from Toronto. How are things in Montreal? I was just there a couple months ago for the Kinetik Festival (and last year's also) and there was so much to see and do there. I find you guys have a fairly healthy scene there too, and I especially liked that goth store Cruella, there was so much to look at in there.

Your answers to your intro seem to indicate that you enjoy solitude. If so, good for you, since it seems that so many people look upon that as being a bad thing. While it's always nice to have people to do things with, oftentimes I find the need to retreat and just partake in my hobbies and such.

So you like Terminator 1 & 2, both great films! What did you think of 3 and 4? I thought 3 was weak, but had such an awesome ending! And 4, surprisingly, was quite good!
Lycia... such a beautiful band! They are a pefect example of what real goth music is all about (their older material specifically). When I first listened to Ionia and A Day In The Stark Corner, I was floored by how dark yet mesmerizing they were. That type of music just speaks to me. Projekt put out a good bunch of gems back in the day. Black Tape For A Blue Girl and Love Spirals Downwards are 2 other Projekt faves.

Anyhow... take care, and see you around the forum!

Crysania 07-30-2012 06:06 AM

porlnecklace: the book's name is ''La bible des Anges'' it is written by Joane Flansberry

The choir of thrones concentrates the nine stages of the sephirotic tree all in one. Just one life in the choir of thrones is equivalent to all the stages of the tree. The wisdom the soul acquires in this life is extraordinary, and the rewards, incalculables !

All the souls that are part of the thrones (born between june 11 and july 22) are beings that have not accomplished their human deeds in a past life. The choir of thrones is sort of like a prison. it is a price to pay and a sentence to redeem oneself. It is not a punitive sentence but rather a serie of ordeals more difficult to live.

Beings in the choir of thrones are very dual within themselves, they flee love, they flee the reality with drugs, alcool, they need to learn to love themselves and others more.

Many circumstances can bring those beings in the choir of thrones, they are rarely positive. Many human beings will go in this choir because it is a step that the soul must overcome. For one part they either go back as a human with the goal to purge their sentence (life plan failure, suicide, pact with the shadow) or to evolve. For the other part they return to it as a terrestrial angel who have terminated the cycle.

For a soul that has not acheive their life path, 3-4-5 times in a row, they are proposed to go in the choir of thrones. It is not gonna be easy, but they will make progress faster. In most cases the soul accept this tremendous chance because overcoming this is overcoming many choirs all at once.

The life plan of the thrones:
love in all its forms. Learn to love themselves and others, learn to love their body without transforming it too much, they want to ressembles anyone but themselves.
The lack of love and the fragility of the mental. You love but you dont love the right people, or you love others that dont love you in return.

There are 8 angels in the choirs of thrones , they can be prayed to to receive energy and the force to go through the life plan

The energy of the angels of this choirs ( their vibration ) is similar to that:
imagine when you receive good news, for exemple when you desire a child and you find out you are pregnant, when you look at your lottery ticket and find out you won, this feeling of intense celebration, this is what their energy is like.

K so this is about it, you get the idea, so each choir has its particularities ...;)

My pets ? I got two cats, Azazel, a black cat, he is 13 years old, and Severina,longer hair, grey, white and orange, she is 10 years old, love them so much!!!

midnite: i have been to the kinetik festival a few times, but not this year! Ive seen hocico there, covenant, terrorfakt, they have pretty good bands coming usually.
i dont really like terminator 3 and 4 ....the one with claire danes.., and the terminator lady, lol, not for me ...the last one with sam worthington was okay though, saw it at the cinema
i love cruella store, it is so beautiful in there, with the casket and all that, love the deco, theres also ''diabolik'' store close by. montreal used to have many medieval stores before but for some reason they all disappeared we have only one left i believe:eek:
the first bands ive heard when i was younger, it used to be in, ''wave'' format at the time...nosferatu-graveyerd shift... and switchblade symphony-drool

after that i was officialy hooked on this type of music!

ive been to toronto a long time ago to go shopping i remember one of the store name was northbound leather, there was another one too it was more gothic and less fetish but i cant remember the name!
nice meeting you too, and thanks for you reply

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