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MrDiablo 12-23-2007 01:01 AM

Mexico Cometh
Hello Everybody

Me needs some advice, I'm planning on travelling to mexico for a month during my semester break next year, June-July period with some mates, would like to know of any must see places etc. or any good advice.

Any advice or amusing or serious stories would be very much appreciated, see im from Australia so historically and culturally i know very little about Mexico.

But thats the fun now isnt it, not knowing anything, Common culture SHOCK!!

Godslayer Jillian 12-23-2007 12:24 PM

Where in Mexico are you going? South, central, or north Mexico?
Southern Mexico has awesome blue beaches. If you go to central Mexico you could see either the capital city, or other major cultural cities. Northern Mexico is not really that much of a touristic attraction; it's more of a place to live in, though you could visit the Sierra Madre if you like mountains, or some big metropolises if you like the rave scene.

MrDiablo 12-24-2007 02:45 AM

At the moment im not overly sure this trip is still in its early embriotic stages.
Mazatlan is a place that has been recommended to me, which isnt too flustered with tourists, or so im told haha. Do you know much about that place??
My mates and I are over there for about a month but we'll be heading either down towards South America or maybe North "still up for debate that is" but yes, planning about 2 weeks in mexico, i guess i was planning to give everything a search but we'll try and not stay too long in the touristi places, and head into the inland to the mountains.

Valerius 12-24-2007 02:47 AM

Watch out for the corrupt cops if you're going to Tijuana. Some will ask for your passport and demand money in return.

Valerius 12-24-2007 02:55 AM


I recall a story from a friend a year back, about how he and his friends went to Tijuana and got some pimp to get them some girls. They all went to tis little shady shack and sat down in front of a small stage. Then, all of a sudden, girl started coming out from the side of the stage and lining up and they all looked like Britney Spears.

I laughed my ass off when after he narrated it to me.

Delkaetre 12-24-2007 03:08 AM

I would suggest you join, as there are various groups there who can answer your questions very well, recommend local sights, give visitors' experiences, and give you a place to stay for free for the night. Couchsurfing's a useful resource, and I've joined it though haven't yet put my couch up to offer people who need a place to stay on their holiday, as there are plenty of other CS members in my area.
I would suggest you only stay with verified and trusted members on the site, though. Make sure that someone has a few reviews from people who've stayed with them previously so that you don't end up staying with someone a bit dodgy.

Beneath the Shadows 12-24-2007 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Valerius

I recall a story from a friend a year back, about how he and his friends went to Tijuana and got some pimp to get them some girls. They all went to tis little shady shack and sat down in front of a small stage. Then, all of a sudden, girl started coming out from the side of the stage and lining up and they all looked like Britney Spears.

I laughed my ass off when after he narrated it to me.

Oh god, it's a nightmare come true!

Did they at least have choices, like "Schoolgirl" Britney, "Toxic" Britney, and "Shaved-Head-and-Just-Out-of-Rehab" Britney?

Valerius 12-24-2007 07:23 PM

I dunno, they probably weren't wearing anything at all.

MariusCesar 12-26-2007 09:26 AM

Learn your Spanish period!!! Especially the numbers if you plan on buying a souvenir. Learn to negotiate as well, Mexicans tend to try and rip you off and take advantage of non fluential Spanish speakers.

DarkWinter 12-27-2007 05:45 AM

I would recommend Puerto Vallarta. Great beaches, visit the Serra Madre, nice "hole in the walls" to hang out in. But definately understand the exchange rate (usually $1 = 10 peso).

MrDiablo 12-31-2007 07:48 PM

Thanks for the advice, and anecdotes, yeh im making arrangements to start spanish lessons soon considering im trying not too hang at the touristi areas for too long, much rather go inland and get a real cultural feel to the country if that makes sense to anybody. thanks again.

ZyklonB 12-31-2007 08:01 PM

I'm mexican american if that counts. Some of my family goes down there every few years. The cops are usually corrupt. Make sure to carry about 10 bucks in case they stop you.

HumanePain 12-31-2007 10:18 PM

And don't drink the water. It's true. My father and I did (we thought the water was safe if cooked in soup, so dined on soup) and ended up with Montezuma's revenge for a few days. Take bottled water and rehydrate using bottled sodas if you have to, but DON'T DRINK THE WATER!

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