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mortalitas incomitatus 11-06-2005 03:38 AM

The Rolling Story.
OK, New game for the kiddies.

Basically someone (me) starts a story, the next person adds to it, then the next person and the next and so forth and so forth.

Do you need a quick example??
post 1: jack and jill went up the hill to....
post 2: sell some drugs to the local school kids.....
post 3: but they were mugged on the way by....
post 4: a big ugly drug lord named....
understand the concept?

Keep your post between one or two paragraphs.
Make sure you leave the ending open so the next person can follow it on easily.

OK, i think that is it, lets get started shall we.....

note for the mods: wasnt sure if this should be in the lit. section or not so feel free to change it.

mortalitas incomitatus 11-06-2005 03:40 AM

Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick
The clock on the wall keeps ticking, i swear it's getting louder and louder, feels like someone hammering on my head like a drum.
I open my eyes, still dark, the red neon numbers are flashing 12:58. this is the second week now, still no sleep, still feel sick, still shaky I need this to end. I cant take it any longer, i shut my eyes and scream, i hold the scream for what feels like a lifetime. I stop and wait, nothing. No-one notices, no-one comes, no-one would ever come.
I throw back the covers and stand up, the cold air licks at my bare flesh, the hair stands up on the back of my neck. I walk to the door, locked, as always, i grip the handle and shake it, I start to bang and scream. No-one answers, no-one comes. I fall to the ground, tired, sweating and breathless. A noise, a key in the lock, I look up, the door opens slowly.....

Demonista_Ravenesque 11-06-2005 03:44 AM

The door opens slowly...... "That'll be thirteen fucking dollars" said the pizza man....His voice sounded like thunder, everything was amplified to a ridiculous amount...God how I hated withdrawals. After recieving my pizza, I realised how much I've wasted my life. But in a state like this, the most destroyed yet beautiful state, I lay flat on my back and dreamt....

Midnight_Terror 11-06-2005 04:08 AM

I dreamt that I was a child again, listening to all of the other kids tell each other what they got for Christmas. They were talking about puppies and footballs, I hoped they wouldn't ask me, all I got was a paif of socks. One of the kids said my name, and then they said it again. They started to shake me violently at which point I woke up and stared into the face of...

The Minister Saint-Fond 11-06-2005 10:15 AM

That I should say "Fuck it all!" and become a sailor. I'd often dream of the high seas, the beautiful sunsets, the salt spray air, and the long nights in a tiny bunk alone with a copy of "Swank".

So that very afternoon I had myself fitted for a pegleg and made my way down to the Merchant Marine recruitment office when who should I meet but...

mortalitas incomitatus 11-08-2005 04:27 AM

I sit up suddenly in bed, drenched in sweat. another fucking paris and nicole nightmare.
i get up and walk towards the bathroom, wait....something feels wrong. What the hell is that, something is flapping against my thighs as i walk. I look down, oh no, oh god its, gasp, a big, fat, pink.......

Demonista_Ravenesque 11-08-2005 04:34 AM

....labia....How disgusting, I have an overgrown labia..
At times like these, I need a mint flavoured candy, so I walked into the kitchen and KABOOM.....

Surgeon Méchant De Sang 11-11-2005 03:16 AM

I hit the floor with such force as to break both of my knees. The labia became much too large, and my body buckled with the weight of my engorged labia. The pain was so much that I dug my nails into my thighs, making tiny rivers of blood that ran onto the tile. I unhinged my jaw and let out a scream that shattered the jar with the candy inside. The mints fell into the random pools of blood, and thus were stained. I started scooting them across the floor with my finger, tempted to place one on my tongue. It was my blood anyway, so why would it have mattered?
It was me on the floor, all me...
I picked up a piece of candy, and...

Midnight_Terror 11-11-2005 04:37 PM

heard a knock at the door, it was halloween and the only candy I had was covered in my blood...oh well. I opend the door and handed out my blood stained candy. The kids looked a bit put off by my swinging labia but they should learn how to accept differnt people. When one of the kids put some candy in his mouth he started gagging, I quickly...

Juliet Bathory 11-12-2005 06:55 AM

shut the door and turn out the lights. The moonlight painted the blood black on my thigh as I sit with my legs spread wide on the floor, my engorged labia nestled between my thighs. As the pain in my legs subsided to a dull ache, a horrific notion came to me. Where was my clitoris in all of this. Had it too become enlarged, or had my labia engulfed it with its sheer size. A tentative hand moved towards the mound of sensitive, pink flesh. Like an anxious lover my fingers opened the lips to my pussy and moved upward in search of my clit.

Holy Shit!

My clit was bigger, and the slightest touch sent shivers of pleasure up my spine. A moan escaped my lips as I began to stroke it, softly at first, then with more fervour. The impending orgasm was ringing in my ears when a concerned male voice called through the front door.
"Miss Jefferies? Are you alright?"
With what little breath I had I replied...

rubedo 11-12-2005 11:31 PM

"yes im fine thank you alpha"
it was only alpha from the power rangers.i had hired him to test the pilot light in the basemant.he came closer(and so did i!)"
"holy shit miss jeffries! cannot compute! cannot compute!"
with that alpha imploded.
little did he know implosions turned me on and i continued toward my orgasm when suddenly...

flawed-mentality 11-14-2005 10:48 AM

a flying richard simmons crashes into the left shoe of miss jeffries .little does she know her closet is hosting a evil villians convention they all bow to richard simmons true evilness. richard is then destroyed by steve urkle's radioactive butt plug ,urkle then replies "did I do that?".Urkle then proceeds to explodes into a cloud of dust, stefan then walks out of the cloud of dust and says...

rubedo 11-14-2005 11:36 AM

stefan said..."god damnit!...i could sure use some red bull."
then he points at...

flawed-mentality 11-14-2005 01:03 PM

the phanta girls wich have converted to a life of crime.Mr. Magoo is assighned the case .His first therory on why the girls went bad is...

rubedo 11-14-2005 01:06 PM that they were turned away from the circus and now they work scams and prostitute themselves for crack and red bull...while mr.magoo is contemplating this theory he is suddenly hit by a deisel driven by none other than hitler. hitler,while running him down maniacally screams the haunting message....

spartan-117 11-14-2005 01:17 PM

or... at least he thought until godzilla tore off the roof and screams I'M RICK JAMES BITCH!!!!!!! and turns around to see his arch rival....

rubedo 11-14-2005 01:19 PM

...johnny cash! "my name is johnny cash bitch!" he screeches. he jumps on godzillas back and proceed to climb towards his face when who else suddenly some else joins the fight..none other than.....

flawed-mentality 11-14-2005 01:21 PM

"Homey don't play that" they hear as homey smacks him with his sock.what have we learned if nothing else...

rubedo 11-14-2005 01:28 PM

that u cant play that shit on homey...homey single handedly takes out godzilla when he is suddenly shot down by the lead singer of the gorillaz--2-d! king now he screams!..then he proceeds to eat a mcgriddle while....

flawed-mentality 11-14-2005 01:33 PM

the cast of mash runs torward him.They release a acid shiting chicken wich pecks hitler nads. All the wile stoalin cant work his easy bake. the muffins he cooked turned into...

spartan-117 11-14-2005 01:34 PM

into.....pokeball's! out runs ash ketchum and falls into a....

rubedo 11-14-2005 01:36 PM

panther den and is forced into a pokemon batlle...."go gregory hines he screams!",..."use tap attack!"...but before he finished giving the command he and greg were panther then unzips his costume and its none other than christian slater!...who then monologues and says....

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