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Old 07-04-2004, 10:39 AM   #1512
ohthefuckwell's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ice
While I was scrounging through my Attic, I came apon a very, very very nice pic of Weaselboy, Secretboy, .BatteryPoison., and I, ice. It was in the 70s at a Village People concert... they let us all on stage, and lent us props! Man, what a night, what a night...
Well, you're prolly all itchin for the PIX...

Picture One

...umm... you didn't see that :oops:

In all our gayious glory!

Man, Secret was soooo stoned that night...

Whatchy'all think?

*looks around*

be vewwy, vewwy qwiet.....i'm huntin' wabbits!!



ya know...if it wasn't for that pretty eyeball of yours......

by the way.....about damned TIME you make elder.
hate is just a special kind of love we give to people who suck.
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