Thread: Iraq Revisited
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Old 03-22-2006, 11:17 AM   #13
Ben Lahnger
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So, CptSternn, other than this being a big whiney rant about how screwed up it all is, what is your solution? And I mean what should people do today to make it right. Cause I'm thinking that the polls aren't ever going to influence Bush into budging on his policy. But if they did, what could he do?

What could possibly be done now that would make this better than continuing what we are doing now? Withdrawing all our forces from Iraq? What do you think would happen to that country if we just walk away now? How badly damaged would the Middle East become as a result of us leaving the country to that fate?

What would the other countries of the world, countries we rely on greatly for strategic and economic purposes; what would they think of us? How would they treat us and how would it impact us in the future?

I'm asking because I think it just doesn't matter anymore about the why's and how's of the mistakes that got us there. And I think that other than voting for other candidates and other parties in the next elections, that most of this is wasted energy. And I just want to hear what you think we should do.
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