Thread: Iraq Revisited
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Old 03-23-2006, 08:16 AM   #20
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[quote=ExistentialAs for Sadam being behind 9/11, i'm sure he had something to do with it. maybe not in the planning but at least in the funding. somewhere in the mess of things, somehow, he and/or his sons were involved.[/QUOTE]

As mentioned in that article I posted, the us government has now conceded this is 100% false. Just for reference, these groups fight. They hate each other. In fact, Bin Laden supports the Iran faction to take over Iraq. Those groups that rose up that the bush admin were counting on were comprised of men like Bin Laden. To say Bin Laden would have worked with a government he was trying to internally overthrow is insane. Sadaam had his own go-to men for that kind of thing. Tis why Bin Laden stayed in Afghanistan. Sunnis and Shites do not get along.

It would be like saying the IRA was working with the loyalists to help the british government occupation.

Or saying that back in the 1700's, the Minutemen in America worked with the tories to help further the british occupation there.

Things that just would never happen, no matter what.
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