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Old 04-08-2006, 07:21 AM   #6
CptSternn's Avatar
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The xenophobia is really uncalled for. As mentioned, it's not about color or race - it's about money.

In Ireland we have very few colors, yes here they call themselves colored and if you say black it's offensive. Africans call themselves colored people. In the states, that has a different meaning I know because of the history there, but the rest of the world black people prefer to be called colored.

So we have few here. However, we still have bad neighborhoods where cops/fire brigrade/ambulances won't go after dark without a police escort. Everyone in those neighborhoods is white. Poor, white, and just as violent and cause the same problems.

Blaming it on a 'race' or the color of ones skin is a cop out to avoid the real issue - poverty and elitism.

By keeping you at odds with your neighbors, and keeping you ever vigilant fighting against these other races, you never will rise above where you are now. Because your fighting the wrong person and getting involved in the wrong battles (ie. you will hand out petitions for say immigration reform but will abstain from helping with any living wage reforms), you shoot yerself in the foot and the upper class wins.

Tis the doctrine of Stalin. Make the rich more rich, and the poor more poor, then put the middle class in a tight spot and grind them down until there are only two classes - the ruling class and the masses.

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