Thread: Christian Goths
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Old 04-19-2006, 05:10 PM   #90
Engulfed_in_darkness's Avatar
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Posts: 380
I am a christian goth. My idea of hell is a place where on your way there you fall down a hole full of demons until Satan thinks its time for you to FULLY Arrive. Once there it is pitch black and you cant see anything. You say "where am I? I cant see? Anyone there?" and the minute those words leave your mouth a candle cuts on and you can see a little, and what you see is a demon headed towards you and it rips your face off and the candle cuts of and then you hear a voice saying "Welcome to hell" and then you hear Marilyn Manson say "REACH OUT AND TOUCH FAITH!" and thats the words you hear. Then You hear alot of people screaming. Alot of screaming. Fear strikes you and then fire burst from the ground. The fire lights up the place and you can now see the area around you. People screaming in shackles,burning, dragons and demons flying around keeping watch over hell. The place looks like a valley like the Grand Canyon only with the sun being a black hole and the moon being the color of blood. The canyon full of lava and fire burning. Scary looking castles with pointy satanic shaped rocks near it. Hell's hiearchy comes to greet you. Before you is Satan, Baphomet, The Antichrist, Ashtaroth and more. A place where you actually see Cthulhu and The Old ones. A place of darkness and fire. A place of chaos and screaming. A place of unquenchable fire. A place where your owrst fears roam freely. A place where you see things humans where not meant to know about. A place where the true Neceronomicon reveals it self. A place where you see angels falling from the sky and turning from beautiful beings to horrid ugly and scary creatures with demonic voices. Where you see the angels bird wings turn to bat wings and there innocent voice turns deep and demonic and there pearly white teeth becoming red or yellow and sharp and they are given THERE WEAPON OF TORTURE! AND PLACE WHERE YOU HEAR THUNDER AND LIGHTNING AND SEE YOUR LIFE FLASHING BEFORE YOUR EYES BUT YOU STAY WHERE YOU ARE! A place where The Apocalypse repeats itself OVER AND OVER! A place where Satan himself molests you and corrupts your vision and sadistically rapes you! AND PLACE WHERE PEOPLE USELESSLY PRAY FOR NOTHING! A PLACE WHERE PEOPLE CURSE GOD! AND A PLACE WHERE FRUSTRATION,CHAOS, AND YELLING ROAMS! A place of never-ending destruction! A PLACE WHERE YOU ARE FORCED TO VIEW YOUR PREVIOUS LIFES DEED AND WHY YOU ARE THERE! A PLACE WHERE YOUR BED IS A HEATED GRAVE! AND PLACE...Where The Battle of Gog Abd Magog and Armaggedon wages for never ending ages... A place where the things you once saw in the horror movies greet you! A place... A anger... A place...of sin...
Hell...Is a terrible place...And that...Is My Vision of Hell.
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