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Old 04-29-2006, 08:57 AM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 204
Originally Posted by CptSternn
Ever thought of say, meeting your neighbors? I mean, they are yer neighbors, and your part of the community. I used to live in an all black community in Richmond. I was the only white guy fer blocks. First thing I did - went to the surrounding houses and invited the neighbors over for beer and bbq.

After that, many invited me over for cook-outs, sporting events on big screen telly, and other social events.

Sure beats buying steel braces fer yer door.

In fact, if ye ask yer neighbors who is going to the protests, throw on a mexican flag shirt, and catch a lift there with 'em, I'm betting you would no only be 100% safe with the group, but also you might have fun.
Sure I know many of them some I like and some I dont and same goes for them. I'm not concerned with my neighbors. Last time it was hundreds of people marching up my street so if you think that I can get to know hundreds then ..... I dunno. I mean maybe you dont understand how big it was last time. As to the steel doors and windows I didnt buy anything thats the way the building came when I first moved in. As to weopons I've had those for years and have never had to use them and hope I never do but like the time when our place was broken into while I was here I thanked God I had them. As to food well Katrina should've been a wake up call to everyone to take potential emergencies serious. If they tell you evacuate then do it. If they dont but you think there is the remotest chance that something bad might .... nah just be prepared allways. Everyone ought to have 5-10 days back up food and water its just the responsible thing to do.

Now as to your inviting people over we've done that with those we get along with and have already invited some to a bbq when we move.

As to draping myself in the Mexican flag are you nutz. I am not Mexican. I do not live in Mexico. And I do not support open boarders and no enforcement of the law.
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