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Old 04-29-2006, 10:52 PM   #15
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 204
Originally Posted by Godslayer Jillian
I'm actually curious about what are the Mexicans in America going to do all day.
As for me, I'm going to go to the mall all day
(I'm not a mall goth. That's just the social life of everyone in here: mall, movies in the mall, and dances)
You are a cool person and for such a young person to be blessed with such a well rounded and grounded head is unique. So dont take this wrong but you do know that it is a boycott and that your not supposed to spend money. Having said that you dont have to spend money to go to a mall and many dont. In fact what you may want to do is similar to what I would love to do and that is to witness an historic event. This would be the one day when I wouldnt mind going to a mall just to see what the reaction to the event is. I would like to walk around and go to different places and see whats happening. I feel this could be one of the biggest days historically in my life and I want to see it. But I also want to be safe so I looking at feeling it out to see how it goes. In my neighborhood and city its going to be big.

Going to be interesting no-matter what. If this is truely a non-event that would be interesting too in that even with so much support nothing really happens. Just dont see that happening though. If nothing else at the very least the streets will be dead and business will grind to a coma.

Interesting times.
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