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Old 05-08-2006, 09:45 AM   #26
angel_dark_demon_bright's Avatar
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Originally Posted by edible_eye
i'm quite familiar with the operation of a supermax facility. perhaps you would benefit from reading material outside the realm of mainstream media in terms of understanding how prisoners are rather notorious for circumventing protocol.

and how do you come to the conclusion that he will "inevitably" become sick of reading the koran?
I was only stating how things are supposed to work in this facility. I have no desire to read more material on this facility, as ive learned to my hearts content and have no plans to experience this first hand. No matter how much you enjoy something eventully its going to get dull and repetetive. For example, sex with hot model would be great for the first few times, but after the same thing day in and day out eventully, its not gonna hold the same thrills for you as it did the first time. (i couldnt think of a better example)

we're soft in their eyes, angel specifically because of this. we're weak. we have not the backbone to kill our declared enemy. this is the weak-willed argument i've heard again and again, coming from people who have no basis for the words they spew. HOW does leniency in the face of a people who thrive on the destruction of their enemy equate to a learning experience for them?
This isnt leniency. Have you ever had life in prison? This guy would rather die then spend the rest of his life in our prison system sitting in a cell with nothing to do. We brought war to them. We fought them on their ground and defeated them in their backyard. Granted we only won the battle and have yet to win the war. These people are not going to learn, we cannot force them to learn, they will not stop until america is in ruins and every american is dead. Man, woman and child. They cannot win this fight, but neither can we. The best they can hope for is to force the U.S. to retreat. America can win but the chance of that is next to nil. Its difficult to defeat an enemy that means not to be found.

no. we enforce the laws we have and rid our country of a walking cancer.

he already is a martyr. don't delude yourself. he was nothing but a tool before he was caught and he will be replaced. fanatical muslims don't need him to declare their hatred against us, they don't need him as a justification for their battle cries.
For the average joe muslim they arent going to quickly convert to being fanatical. But if they see the U.S. as a butish evil race that slaughters anyone suspected of being her enemies, killing this guy could foment the average muslim into joining the fanatics when they normally would not do so.

instead of looking to the rest of the world in terms of our capacity to enforce our laws and protect our people, let's look right here at home. we had a chance to relieve some of our own rage against those who perpetrated a massive attack against our people. when those planes went into the towers, how many people across the country wanted to have a chance to take their rage out on just one of the hijackers?

we had our chance with this trial and we, as a people represented by that jury, pussied out - and THAT'S what those fanatics in the middle east see. they see a weak-willed adversary and that's exactly what they look for in order to operate more efficiently.
But we didnt have a chance to take our rage out on them. One of the bonuses of using suicide bombers is that they cannot be apprehended to face prosecution. They can go down in a blaze of glory dying for their cause without being put through our court system. Facing jail and execution. In their minds they are rebeling against 'a great evil'. Everyone loves a good rebel story, its infectious.

Moussoui will be put in a cell. Die an old and broken man. His cause ages old, his comrades long since killed. He will linger on until his life expires long after this great 'jihad' has lost any meaning. Wallowing in misery and failure for the rest of his life. Knowing there is nothing that can be done to for this war of ages past. That is more punishment than executing in his early years when it would have its greatest influence.
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