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Old 05-11-2006, 06:40 PM   #4
An Eccentric Cellist
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: South of the Unseelie Court
Posts: 415
Please cite where you got that article or where you got the information and some description of how you know it to be totally and completely true.

So you know, nobody's (politicians) going to do anything about global warming because it'll tell the voters something they don't want to hear, and it will take longer than the time they could be in office. The people are going to have to be educated about what's happening and then push for change.

One good thing about Bush: he's predictable and he tells you what he thinks and doesn't flip-flop with people's opinion *coughKerrycough*
Some people are alive simply
because it is illegal to kill them.
~ A wise old bumpersticker
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