Thread: Rant Thread
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Old 10-08-2004, 04:24 PM   #141
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Nowhere interesting (i.e the Bible Belt)
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I'm having a great weekend. This morning my best friend since 6th grade had a seizure for the third time this week. It was right between 1st and 2nd period. It was in the courtyard... everyone was grouped around her. She was twitching like someone had took a butcherknife to her poor little head and chopped it off and left blood to spurt out. It was horrible. I wasn't too freaked out, though. I don't understand why she's having seizures at even more frequent intervals... and she takes medicine...

In second hour, what do you know, my other best friend starts having something akin to an asthma attack! She was shaking, she couldn't breathe, barely talk, and she could hardly stand. I had to accompany her to the main office, in which we waited ten minutes for the school district nurse to get there. Her friggin' step-father refused to pick her up, the frickin' asshole! She had another asthma attack thingy during lunch, and her step-father threatened to kill her boyfriend for just having his arm around her to comfort her.

Everything is just WONDERFUL! With these circumstances, I'll be surprised if my boyfriend's father isn't beating the living shit out of him. His father is such a frickin' bastard.... He fucking yells at him for being depressed. And sometimes I wonder if his father is doing a little more than insulting him and battering him like a rag doll....

Why does everything happen to everyone I cherish?
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