Thread: You're right
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Old 05-15-2006, 09:38 PM   #22
Crom Crauch
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Originally Posted by Corpsey
but i didnt see you guys rushing to invade russia back in the day just because there was a dictator and no freedom of speech. why? because you guys would have a fucking challenge kicking out Stalin!
yeah... good idea, but back in the day, the U.S.S.R. had Nuclear weapons, and probably more then the U.S. ever had... oh yeah, I do believe that Gen. George S. Patton was all for continuing World War 2 against the U.S.S.R., but he was overruled by Truman. And, for the record, Stalin only lasted until the early 1950s, after that came Krushchev, who wasn't quite so hard-line as Stalin... oh yeah, for the record, under the Soviet Communsit structure, more people died then during World Wars 1 and 2 combined... matter of fact, more have died under totalitarianist regimes then during war, so there goes that argument out the window.

Get the fucking facts straight before you sound off. I may be for the current situation in Iraq, or at least, supporting the idea that since we invaded Iraq (why doesn't matter, only that we did), we at least have an obligation to stay there until the job is finished, and not one second more. Another thing is, why worry about the social side of things? First, you have to worry about the political and economic problems, of which there are fewer (economically speaking) then the U.S. media likes to report. Furthermore, Corpsey, if you sound off, use correct grammer and spelling, since this is theoretically a literate forum.

Oh, and another thing? Southwestern U.S. is ours by conquest and treaty... see the little brush-war known as the Mexican-American war (between Texas and Mexico, with U.S. help).
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