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Old 05-22-2006, 06:22 AM   #41
Morrigan_Dubh's Avatar
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...Well, yeah, like any food that hasn't been cooked or handled properly...

My first night in Japan was spent at a Sashimi restaurant, guzzling beer and politely nibbling slices of raw tuna... I was jet-lagged and the heatof the Japanese summer was too much for me... this combination led to me spending my second day running from bed to toilet...

But I ADORE sushi and sashimi now. There are only three or four restaurants in my town (possibly country) that do sushi or sashimi, though One is a conveyor belt type - they have an "all you can eat" dealio which is good value, but actually a lot of the food that comes out on it is not actually sushi or sashimi...

I have tried making my own with the rolling mat and all, but I messed it up because the knife just wasn't sharp enough. I have all the ingredients (except the fillings) in my kitchen waiting for me to try again, though... *Must be brave*

I eat any kind of sushi except fish eggs. Even jellyfish sashimi is not bad - Surprisingly crunchy in texture. Oh, and beef sashimi is just something I don't think I could stomach.
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