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Old 05-31-2006, 01:04 PM   #37's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 271
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Originally Posted by TStone
I DO NOT speak negatively about ANY merchant of which I am a patron of; I will, however, be patronizing toward an idea proffered from the patron saint, St. Stupidity of the Half Baked Brain Fart.

You wanted to interject the idea that you receive zero complaints about banners that receive little or no activity, and receive piles of complaints about banners that receive numerous activity, but fucked the whole statement up with poor word choices, contradictory innuendo, and stereotypical abstracts.

Bah. *Goes back to enjoying his statue*
If you own a Wolverine statue, you did not buy it via a banner on You didn't complain about the banner, but you also did nothing to support, which you get to enjoy for free.

News bulletin: this site is expensive to run. It would be nice to be able to afford more fiction, but good writers deserve to be paid for their efforts. The current management of pays writers in a timely fashion, so the money has to come from somewhere.

If you have suggestions of what should be advertising here, feel free to suggest good advertisers. If you have something you want to support and want to run a different banner anywhere on, feel free to email and put your money where your mouth is.

If you just want to complain, congratulations, that is very gothtastic of you.
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