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Old 06-05-2006, 04:48 PM   #1728
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Somber-Promotes child sexuality? not if the child in question is (according to the story) supposed to be a 40 year old. Which is why the argument about "Birth" (and "The Tin Drum") promoting paedophilia is about as silly as the argument that "Trainspotting" promotes heroin use.

Now, I'm not going to say that we don't have a large amount of sexual predators in this society. However, attacking films (and other works of art/entertainment) just because they MIGHT provoke sexual predators isn't the best way of stopping someone of this prediliction. In fact, the best way of stopping someone from becoming a predator is by going after them directly. Attack a work of art/entertainment and all you do is make said work verboten, and thus looked for more by the curious. (You wanna go into the history of art censorship in the U.S.? Right there, we have a LONG list of works that MIGHT provoke a predator, from "Naked Lunch" to "Tropic Of Cancer" to the works of the Marquis De Sade to certain works by J.G. Ballard to "Ullyses" to "Lady Chatterlys Lover" to some of the passages of "Leaves Of Grass" etc etc etc). You also do the most anti-american thing possible-you limit free speech. Sorry, but it doesn't fly.

Not only to mention that if we were gonna start messing with things that provoke sexual stimulation...hate to point out the obvious, but ANYTHING can provoke sexual stimulation. Why? We're humans, and we have both sexual anatomy and sexual urges. You ever ride the bus, and your pants are a bit tight, and the way the bus rocks back and forth causes your pants to rub ever so slightly against your penis, and all of a sudden "Holy shit, I got an erection!!!" Are you gonna argue that we should ban public transportation?

As far as images that provoke/promote paedophilia, why don't you bitch about the sexualisation of preeteens (Lindsey Lohan, the Olson twins, every other young "hot" actress)? But then again, you'll have to start pointing the blame on the average person and the society they live in rather than a select few, and I'm guessing you don't really wanna rock the boat THAT much.

As far as judging a work of art/entertainment by it's possible offensiveness.....sorry, but a work of art/entertainment that tries to stay within the border of "tasteful" is not a work of art/entertainment, but propaganda. Why? Because it's simplistic and moralistic and doesn't provoke any but the basest of thoughts. But I don't wanna argue about that right now. What I wanna do is point out that this simplification of what we should expect from art/entertainment points towards a laziness of thought. And it's this laziness of thought that's more dangerous than any sexual predator out there. Why? Because whilst sexual predators fuck with a small percentage of the population, stupid people make EVERYBODYS lives worse for the wear.
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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