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Old 06-07-2006, 11:01 AM   #1740
Somber Illusions
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 142
Originally Posted by TStone
Since opinion is comprised mostly of perception, and Loy has demonstrated superior ideas and opinions; you could at least accredit him some sense of noble concession on those points, though you might not agree with, you were proven wrong on.

I’ve ever loathed the words, agree to disagree, arranged together in the aforementioned manner. It’s the non-confrontational self-serving copout where one party agrees to disagree, but comes back later in the dead of night and beats the other party soundly, and very dead, with a heavy, pointy, blunty object.

Quit being so goddamn pusillanimous and keep at it, I was enjoying the dialog.
It was a well-founded debate, but obviously I was not going to prevail his mind, nor was he going to mine. He had very clever ideas, which left me partially dumb. He also has a more complex mind when it comes to movies, I on the other hand have a very dense knowledge on the matter.

But, cut me some slack, I've only been around for sixteen years. He has something I lack, experience.
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