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Old 06-15-2006, 03:42 PM   #137
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: south, south of London
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Head-spinny moment! Apparently the youth 'street theatre' piece is being workshopped tomorrow (news to me!). This is ahead of the actual performance in a week's time. Also got asked tonight (at a stage fighting workshop - ace!) to take part in a rehearsed reading of someone's new play, which is going to be only 5 days before the play we're putting on at the Guilfest. In amongst all this is a couple of production meetings for this film project I've written. Thankfully the play I'm helping on with draping the set isn't until the end of next month... Oish!

Anyone know a good genetic scientist? I could do with a few clones a la "Multiplicity"! Or if anyone has any tips on staying sane during a short concentrated burst of extreeeeeme multi-tasking? This is worse than when I was teaching!

It's like buses...
Nay then, I have an eye of you. - If you love me, hold not off.

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