Thread: Philosophia
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Old 08-10-2006, 09:17 AM   #52
Deviant Kitten
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 503
Originally Posted by Godslayer Jillian
Kitten!! I missed you. *hugs n' kisses*

The problem with the should is that it's all relative. Not being submitted to our creator would be heavily disputed by a Catholic for example (who would also speak in favor of the creature nevertheless). Plus, there will be some cynics that won't think being sentient gives an automatic right to life.
*Is very flattered to have been missed* Heya Jill, I missed you too! *smooches you back* Usually this place gives a headache (for obvious reasons which I'm not gonna start on...), but I was lurking around out of curiosity to see what had become of the place lately and your thread tempted me back in

Yes, I suppose there are plenty of people out there who'd deny that sentience in a being gives it certain rights. This is pretty much the root of the whole pro/anti abortion rights debate too, as far as I can tell. I'm not sure if we should open that can of worms in here though... *hides the can-opener quickly* Eep!
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