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Old 08-20-2006, 10:21 AM   #22
bunnicula's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 142
I have been a vegetarian for quite a while, but I gradually phased out the meat from my diet. 6 years ago, I quit eating beef and pork. Then after my body had adjusted to that, I stopped eating chicken/ poultry. Up until very recently (about 2 months) I have continued to eat seafood but due to the overfishing problem, as well as my desire to be a true vegetarian for various reasons, I am cutting seafood out of my diet as well.
I did not lose weight when beginning a vegetarian diet, and do not feel weak. I feel very healthy and clean most of the time, and rarely get sick. I have not had the flu at all since I quit eating red meat 6 years ago. I have only had a cold 2 or 3 times in the past 5 years. I did get very sick once (pleurisy) but that was probably due to my work environment which was a very smoky poorly ventilated bar. Compared to most (non-vegetarian) people I know, who constantly have problems with allergies, colds, digestive problems, insomnia, etc., I am generally much healthier than them and I attribute this to my vegetarian, low-calorie diet.
I have known people to be omnivorous, but only eat meat that has been hunted in the wild as this is the more natural way for humans to eat meat. Unfortunatley there is very little wild game left in most areas of the world, and the populations of these animals are often diseased and even less healthy to eat than farm raised game animals.
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