Thread: Idiocy
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Old 12-10-2004, 08:08 PM   #33
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Bermuda
Posts: 77
People choose not to grasp, because what you have said, Centurion, is a scary thing. To have no purpose other then to just exist? To have no god or higher power to call to and guide us? Well, that is just a scary thing. To have a god provides hope (and an excuse to do great and crappy crap things to reality and other humans without attaching pride or guilt to it).

I personally believe that we exist on top of four elephants, which exist on top of a giant turtle, which exists on top of the highest mountain, which exists in the eye of a leviathan, which swims in a huge ocean, that exists within a giant gourd, that exists in a vast void, that exists in the mouth of a giant ... and so on and so forth ... (they're just invisible to the naked eye because a mere human can not comprehend their greatness. The take on the appearance of space ...)

**I've been reading too much folklore as you can tell**
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