Thread: Iraq Revisited
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Old 09-27-2006, 07:32 AM   #154
CptSternn's Avatar
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Gothic.Net is blocking news dot yahoo dot com - replace that in the starred out text to view the links. Dunno why yahoo dot com is blocked out.

Try posting a link yerself and see that its on ban from Gothic.Net. I thought one of the mods did it just to kill my links so ye could bitch about it, but I dunno. It just started doing that a week ago.

Also, here is a link for you Binkie... (NOT a Yahoo site so it should work)

Intel Report Says Iraq A Terrorist 'Cause Celebre'

(AP) WASHINGTON By offering the public a glimpse of a once-secret analysis on global terror trends, the White House gave an election-year gift to both parties: the document bolsters President Bush's argument that the only choice is to stay in Iraq and win. But, perhaps even more, it helps his critics who argue the war was a mistake almost from the start.

In the bleak report, released Tuesday on Bush's orders, the nation's most veteran analysts conclude that despite serious damage to the leadership of al-Qaida, the threat from Islamic extremists has spread both in numbers and in geographic reach.

RELEASED TUESDAY! Thats YESTERDAY! So how did you 'find' a CIA classfied report that wasn't available to the public until YESTERDAY and READ it a WEEK before it was made PUBLIC? Oh yeah, you made it all up. Again.

Also for reference they HAVE the de-classified part of the report there and you can read it yourself, for real this time. It once again BACKS everything I posted.
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