Thread: Iraq Revisited
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Old 10-18-2006, 10:55 AM   #169
TSW|Abaddon's Avatar
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Originally Posted by CptSternn
I have never spoke on the behalf of any american soldiers.
Really? Because at the top of this thread you did that.

Good job there. Judging by the news reports you lads got 'em all.
I think its interesting how you skipped over the fact that I helped save innocent lives and went into a snide remark about the insurgency. Also I should have mentioned that my unit alone removed over 40 million tonnes of enemy ammo. That made a HUGE difference in the insurgency.

Once again, the news now shows 3.4 yanks are getting killed a day, over 30 are getting shot. Yeah, the Iraqis support you alright.
Yes actually many of them do. I'm not saying that everyone loves us, that would be foolish. However ignoring the fact that Iraqis do support us and only looking at what you want to see is foolish. I accept that there are opposing sides to the issue in Iraq. That's because war is complex. Your guilty of oversimplifying it.

Except the thousands that have gone AWOL, written reports to the contrary, or the pictures we see on the news. Other than that you mean?
Have any proof that they went AWOL because of the war? Do you have a report to back up your claim? BTW wouldn't that be speaking on behalf of soldiers? What Generals said the war is pointless or lost? How are their opinions any more valid that say Gen Abizaid the CENTCOM Commander? The news? I thought the media was Bush controlled? How on earth did negativly toned reports get in there?? I will agree that the media spends to much time looking at the nagatives and not the good things going on in Iraq.

I say you should go back. If you feel so strongly - don't waste your time posting on a Gothic message board - you should get in uniform and hop the first plane back. One less yank the world has to worry about.
Well actually when I'm done with college I very well might go back. How am I wasting my time posting on a gothic message board? You have roughly 100 times the number of posts that I do. How am I wasting my time again? That is unless you were implying that I'm not gothic. I doubt that though because a goth "pissing contest" is a rediculous idea. Plus this is the political section I have every right to voice my opinion in here. As for that last remark you truly are a cold unforgiving jerk. I respect you for working with refugees maybe you could respect me for putting my life on the line to protect people I had never even met before.

You actually think that america will WIN? The best they can hope for is to pull out now and hide their shame. I mean, america has lost. Ol' gw even has removed his cheery views from his speeches, from a turning it into a 'democracy' to now 'sorting out some area where there won't be chaos.
Well it depends on your definition of win. I have every confidence that we will be able to rebuild their infastructure to a sutable point as well as train their Military and police forces to control the violence in Iraq. We were the ones that went into their country, we have an obligation to hold our word.

It doesn't bother me either way. I'm not in the states, and not an american, so my tax dollars are being pissed away while you lose this war. I am however working with refugees who lost their homes, families, and lives to american soldiers - and to the opposite of what you say, they have no good will towards ANY americans.
I never said all Iraqis support America. Hell who do you think I was fighting. Good friends don't shoot at each other. However you fail to account for the Iraqis that do like Americans. You also ignore Iraqis killed by means other than the Americans. I admit that there are civilian casualties and it is very very terrible. Unlike the insurgents we try to limit civilian casualties as much as possible. What is more terrible though is someone who ignores sectarian violence when it doesn't suit him.

The best way to show how weak the us military has gotten due to their losses is N. Korea. They were able to aquire a nuclear weapon. The us did nothing to stop them. Even now, after they have begun the second nuke test, the best defense bush can come up with is 'let china handle it or something'.

Ok so we should invade them because of WMD's? Oh wait you oppose the Iraq war. You can't have it both ways. Diplomacy is always the first solution. I know your thinking "That doesn't apply to Iraq" but your not thinking of the decade between the first Gulf war and this one. I might also add that out of 1.5 million troops only 180,000 are overseas. America still has bite my friend. Nice paraphrasing of Bush, you clearly have no concept of foreign policy. NK and China are strong allies and we also have economic and political ties with China. We can't ignore China and only look at NK.
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