Thread: Iraq Revisited
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Old 10-20-2006, 03:28 AM   #174
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Had Saddam stayed in power how many would he have killed? I supose you have never heard of the Al-Anfal campaign? At least 50,000 were killed in that alone. But I guess Saddam wasn't that bad of a guy. You really are a loving caring leader when you torture, ****, amputate, brand, and kill you citizens in the thousands.
Yada, yada, yawn. Your simply copying and pasting binkies worthless posts from before. Lets not forget who has more people on trial for r-ape. I haven't seen r-ape listed in the charges against Sadaam, even though the neocons like yourself list that in arguments constantly when trying to justify the pre-emptive strike against a sovern nation.

I have seen the news where 11 american soldiers r-aped, then set afire to a little girl. Bet your proud of yer mates there, eh? True american patriots in your eyes, no matter what?

As far as trying to claim israel won that battle is feckin hilarious. They didn't even get the two soldiers back, they didn't stop Hezzbullah, and they ran away with mounting causalties - top generals were fired. But hey, if thats what you equate to a win, then I see how you think we are winning in Iraq.

If you were egven slightly correct about all the atrocities Sadaam was to have committed, your not, then the people wouldn't be fighting so hard against the yanks. To say they are grateful and love america when on average 4 american troops a day are sent to hell, is just laughable. Thats also not including the 40+ who are shot or blown up, just not killed, on a daily basis as well. Yeah, don't think they like ye at all and dont' think its going well for ye either.

As I said before - sit back and try and justify whatever lets you sleep better at night. While you do that, think of this - a dozen more yanks were sent home in boxes yesterday, and for what?

I laught at the thought some idiot died for bush's oil war - and their wives will be banging some other dude in a couple of months, and their kids will grow up calling some other, non-military guy, daddy.

Whos the real winner? Or more importantly - whos the real loser?
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