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Old 10-25-2006, 06:06 PM   #9
X-Rose-Of-Your-Promise-X's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: south west england
Posts: 31
When I was 11 I went to my first proper gig that wasn't glastonbury festival or anything else similar seeing as ive been going to festivals like that my whole life. Anyway, I went to see The Subways with my sisters boyfriend in Exeter in the lemon grove...its a tiny venue and i got seperated from my sisters boyfriend so i went closer to the front, by the time the main act came on, I had found some 18/19 year olds who put me on their shoulders, one of them had me on his shoulders, pushed his way through to the front for me and couldnt go any further and got me to crowd surf the rest of the way to the front (about 12 feet) I got passed over the barrier and put right next to the fucking massive speakers at the side of the stage in front of the barrier, right next to the bassist, Charlotte. The sound was so loud i nearly passed out, i couldn't move much...But it was an awesome night and a great first gig. Hehe, I went to see Wednesday 13 in Bristol last month, that was the last gig I went to...Im not allowed to go to any more this side of christmas unless i scoop out the train fare and the ticket money myself.
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